Ok friends, here’s an update from my end.
It was established through the discussion and experiments listed in this thread that it was the source that I needed to work upon/upgrade, especially the CD transport. So I was on a lookout for options to my CXC.
Most of the newer CDT and CDPs that could ace the CXC would have costed me above a lac, and I wouldn’t have been able to test them out in my system. Sony vintage players was an option, and I might even try it out sometime in future.
But as luck would have it, a friend had a second-hand Primare CD31 CD player lying idle whose DAC section had issues. And I needed a transport and not the DAC, so it suited. The CD31 is a well-reviewed player from about 7-8 years ago (was priced above $2000 back then). We decided to try it in the place of CXC, still using my CXN’s DAC.
Immediately we could see some improvements. The sound from the Primare transport was decidedly more musical , with better timing. It was also sweeter and more soothing than the CXC which now sounded sharper and shouty in comparison. Also the tonality seemed truer. A flicker of hope! But then I wasn’t entirely convinced. Because the sound through the Primare lacked openness in comparison and didn’t really add any more details than the CXC. The soundstage seemed lower and the background not quite as black as the CXC. I also sensed some clarity missing in the bass. So I wasn’t sure if it would prove to be a satisfactory substitute/upgrade to the Cambridge CXC transport.
But today we decided to use the balanced out of the Primare CD31 instead of the coaxial out we used earlier. Now, remember the CXN doesn’t have a balanced digital in. So we retained the Nordost Silver Shadow coaxial cable I was using all along and just add a XLR adapter to the end that went into the Primare’s balanced out. The other end went into the CXN’s unbalanced coaxial in as usual.
And I am very glad to report the significant improvement this yielded. While largely retaining all the improvements above reported above, the sound was now also a lot more open (a tad more than even my CXC) and the soundstage came back up. The missing fun factor had returned. The bass was also now clearer which helped the vocals to shine further. Also the foreground and background sounds were better balanced/in harmony now.
So, overall a significant upgrade to the sound from the system at hardly any cost. And interestingly from a DVD laser pickup in the Primare (DVD-ROM DVS DSL-710A). How can that be? How can a DVD laser pickup be better than that of a dedicated transport (I couldn’t find which laser pickup the CXC uses). But then, I’d enjoy the mangoes without counting the stones.
We are going to try connecting the Primare with the CXN through a balanced cable (with adapter at CXN coaxial end) and see if that further improves the sound. But even otherwise, I am happy with the improvement in sound already obtained. Will I still go for a vintage Sony etc? I don’t know, let time decide that.