Suggestions for a Home Theater setup at +/- 3 lakh INR.


New Member
Dec 31, 2023
Mumbai, India
Hey guys. I'm new to all of this (speakers and so on).

I plan on getting a home theater for myself, after years and years. My budget is right now at +/- 3 lakh INR.
To give you an idea, I live in a 2.5 BHK. Will be attaching pics, but my hall is of the size 10.6 *17.3 sq. feet. I'm inclined towards to the Bose Lifestyle 650 HT system, as I've heard a lot about it and it's been a dream to get it. Had been looking at the Nakamichi Dragon too. However, I've just realized that there are many more options, so I'm open to suggestions. I plan to get something that is bang for buck and worth it in the long run. Is it ideal to proceed with the Bose, as I see that a lot of people here suggest going for something else. Or is it better to get the Sound bar 900, Bass Module 700 etc. separately ?

I plan to use it for listening to music and for watching movies.

In the attached pic below, you'll find the layout of my house, to give an idea of where I can place stuff. As it is not shown, I also have two holes with wires specifically for speakers on the same side as the sofa.

TL;DR - I plan on getting a home theater for my self at a budget of around 3 lakh INR, and the layout of my house is attached below.
I'm looking for suggestions as to what product to buy and what not to, and am leaning towards the Bose Lifestyle 650.


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Go with Marantz 5015 or Yamaha 7.2 Avr with good doeaker packages like Klipsch or QAciustics is best.
Hey guys. I'm new to all of this (speakers and so on).

I plan on getting a home theater for myself, after years and years. My budget is right now at +/- 3 lakh INR.
To give you an idea, I live in a 2.5 BHK. Will be attaching pics, but my hall is of the size 10.6 *17.3 sq. feet. I'm inclined towards to the Bose Lifestyle 650 HT system, as I've heard a lot about it and it's been a dream to get it. Had been looking at the Nakamichi Dragon too. However, I've just realized that there are many more options, so I'm open to suggestions. I plan to get something that is bang for buck and worth it in the long run. Is it ideal to proceed with the Bose, as I see that a lot of people here suggest going for something else. Or is it better to get the Sound bar 900, Bass Module 700 etc. separately ?

I plan to use it for listening to music and for watching movies.

In the attached pic below, you'll find the layout of my house, to give an idea of where I can place stuff. As it is not shown, I also have two holes with wires specifically for speakers on the same side as the sofa.

TL;DR - I plan on getting a home theater for my self at a budget of around 3 lakh INR, and the layout of my house is attached below.
I'm looking for suggestions as to what product to buy and what not to, and am leaning towards the Bose Lifestyle 650.
Bose, Nakamichi, etc are essentially lifestyle systems and not high quality products.
Marantz/Denon/Yamaha are the commonly recommended AVRs. Get something around 1L. Keep atleast 50K for sub-woofer. 1.5L for 5 speakers.
Also factor in 16G or 14G copper cables. And plan how to conceal wirings.
Placement is paramount to get optimal sound. If not a dual purpose room, then get serious with sound treatment.
3L budget can be consumed in a jiffy. Don't compromise on components to fit everything in one go in the planned budget. Go step by step. AVR and LCR speakers cannot be compromised, go for best you can afford. May add other components down the line.
If you are a novice, take help of professional installers, with the risk that they may try to push products where they have high margin. A good Samaritan with experience and knowledge is a good bet.
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To give you an idea of the components you need to buy :

- AV Receiver (ie the amp)
- Speakers (Front L+R, Centre, and Surrounds)
- Subwwofer
- Cables

Something like this will give you an idea of what to look for :

Bose, Nakamichi, etc are essentially lifestyle systems and not high quality products.
Marantz/Denon/Yamaha are the commonly recommended AVRs. Get something around 1L. Keep atleast 50K for sub-woofer. 1.5L for 5 speakers.
Also factor in 16G or 14G copper cables. And plan how to conceal wirings.
Placement is paramount to get optimal sound. If not a dual purpose room, then get serious with sound treatment.
3L budget can be consumed in a jiffy. Don't compromise on components to fit everything in one go in the planned budget. Go step by step. AVR and LCR speakers cannot be compromised, go for best you can afford. May add other components down the line.
If you are a novice, take help of professional installers, with the risk that they may try to push products where they have high margin. A good Samaritan with experience and knowledge is a good bet.
Thanks a lot for this detailed response! Explained it to my Dad; he wanted a Bose from 10 to 15 years, but he's fine with this now.
So the best bang for buck option would be AVR, Subwoofer and speakers, right ?
What brands would you suggest for the same ? I'm in Mumbai and am totally blank, so could I get references to places where I can find legit products ?
To give you an idea of the components you need to buy :

- AV Receiver (ie the amp)
- Speakers (Front L+R, Centre, and Surrounds)
- Subwwofer
- Cables

Something like this will give you an idea of what to look for :

Hmm. Haven't heard of Q Acoustics. Do you know any places in Mumbai, where I could source these ? Also, what are my options ?
Hey guys. I'm new to all of this (speakers and so on).

I plan on getting a home theater for myself, after years and years. My budget is right now at +/- 3 lakh INR.
To give you an idea, I live in a 2.5 BHK. Will be attaching pics, but my hall is of the size 10.6 *17.3 sq. feet. I'm inclined towards to the Bose Lifestyle 650 HT system, as I've heard a lot about it and it's been a dream to get it. Had been looking at the Nakamichi Dragon too. However, I've just realized that there are many more options, so I'm open to suggestions. I plan to get something that is bang for buck and worth it in the long run. Is it ideal to proceed with the Bose, as I see that a lot of people here suggest going for something else. Or is it better to get the Sound bar 900, Bass Module 700 etc. separately ?

I plan to use it for listening to music and for watching movies.

In the attached pic below, you'll find the layout of my house, to give an idea of where I can place stuff. As it is not shown, I also have two holes with wires specifically for speakers on the same side as the sofa.

TL;DR - I plan on getting a home theater for my self at a budget of around 3 lakh INR, and the layout of my house is attached below.
I'm looking for suggestions as to what product to buy and what not to, and am leaning towards the Bose Lifestyle 650.
Hello, welcome to the mad world! :D

The first things I notice is are as follows:
1. You want something for the living room,
2. Owning a Bose has been a dream, and
3. mixed use.

If you insist on Bose and want something simple and casual, go with the 900 + 700 combo.
And even if you choose some other brand like the Nakamichi or Sony HT series, or Klipsch Cinema series, don't spend more than 1.5 lakh on a lifestyle/casual system like a sound bar + sub. Beyond that price, they stop making any sense.

Alternatively, like what LK and Argho have suggested, you could indeed slowly build a system that will be surely better than a Soundbar + Sub.
But your's being a living room, I wonder how much you will be able to play around with placement, wiring, etc. So, do give that a good thought before taking the plunge.

If you go down this route, 3 lakh might disappear very fast :D
Try and aim for an AV receiver with the pre-outs for around 1 lakh.
Front three speakers under 1 lakh, and
Subwoofer under 1 lakh.

You might not be able to do much in terms of acoustic treatment in a living room, so I'd suggest you let the room correction software in the AVR do it for you.

There are many places in Bombay for you to go and audition gear.
MZ in Kurla Q Acoustics and a few other brands, Cinebels in Khar for Klipsch and Jamo, The Den in Worli for Dali, Martin Logan and PSB Audio, besides a few more brands, and AV Store in Pune for an even wider range. Of course, HiFi Mart.
All of the proprietors are pretty friendly and will offer decent discounts, too.

All the best.
Thanks a lot for this detailed response! Explained it to my Dad; he wanted a Bose from 10 to 15 years, but he's fine with this now.
So the best bang for buck option would be AVR, Subwoofer and speakers, right ?
What brands would you suggest for the same ? I'm in Mumbai and am totally blank, so could I get references to places where I can find legit products ?
Argho has given very good suggestion. Denon 2700 will see you through for many years.
You may choose a 3030i instead of the 3010i as L/R speakers.
Your room will not yield to very high quality surround. Also being half open, will be difficult to build up adequate SPL with a sub-woofer. That said, if you are not watching hi-action movies or have sensitive family members/neighbors, any L/R speakers with 6.5" drivers will suffice 80% of the times. Focus mainly on them and the center. Speakers last for many many years, get the best you can. Along with QA (personal choice) also try out Elac. If willing to spend more, try Wharfedale Evo.
Go to Hifimart shop at Colaba. Owner Anil Chugani is reputed as the most honest and helpful in the business. I have 10+ years of association with him, and never been let down. Talk to him first and fix a demo appointment. Only thing is his demo room is somewhat small.
In Bombay, you are spoilt for choice. Go to other showrooms and audition. Don't buy unless you have heard several combinations. Take someone who has good experience, as to a novice everything sounds awesome and then you can't make out the difference.
While audiophile community is largely helpful and friendly (as long as you are not discussing long held contentious beliefs), hi-fi dealers tend to be snooty and arrogant. Don't cow down, it's your money, you call the shots.
Welcome to a lifetime of enjoyment and upgradation.
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