Suggestions for headphone system

If i get the Senn 598, I won't be going for 125i but rather MS1i. But that will be in the 2nd phase.

Well, good luck and look forward to see your thoughts once you get it.
While surfing the net for orthos, I came across the Fostex T50-RP costing around Rs. 3.5K. IS the price real? I saw in it, I believe.
Edit: 150$ US including shipping
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The other day I came across a Fostex T50 in ebay and i don't know what happened but i bought it on impulse on 30th March. The seller is from USA and the ad was in I tried to contact the seller through email but he isn't responding. Also he's yet to ship the item (at least not shown in ebay). There's no way AFAIK in canceling the order or automatic refund in case of non shipping within a specific time. Learnt my lesson and won't be buying any stuff from global sites.
Anyway, My friend was coming down from mumbai and he brought AT M50 from pristine note. Will a while before i lay my hands on it.
At last M50 has rested on its final destination- on my head. At first a bit disappointed with the strength of the packaging for a 7k worth of headphone. Anyway, build quality of the headphone is better than most but not confidence-inspiring, particular the cable-got myself the coiled one (most prefer the straight one- unable to find the reason for it). The jack adapter is of screw type- again sturdy. The headband seems solid enough but i'd not subjected much force. Initially the clamp tight enough to be uncomfortable; l'm getting accustomed to it to the point of forgetting the presence of the headphone. There's no creaking sound from the headphone (not from the speakers that is).Overall I'm quite happy with the build quality.For now. I'll let time be the final judge.
Comfortability: The pad are soft enough but the initial clamping force may give you a mild headache as i'd found out. It disappears though after some time so I guess the clamping force will decay after couple of week of usage or so,
The main thing: The first thing that hit me was the's everywhere- as if it's trying to smother the other frequencies. I am trying to figure out its behavior to different genres. This headphone is definitely not for symphony or open space music- it's like you are being locked up with some musicians in a small room. I think these headphones will be great for movies and anyone who loves bass.Overall the sound is pleasing but I feel the presentation is inaccurate. However I must add that I am listening to flac files through a laptop- now that's another source of inaccuracy. Let's see how the sound signature changes after a couple of weeks of usage.
Final words- good pair of headphones but not worth 7k, more like 5K. From what I've read from forums, most won't be agreeing with me.
Next target- Senn 598.
Do i need to have DAC and an amp? If so, please suggest a few.
Thanks to the members for their help and suggestions.

Final words- good pair of headphones but not worth 7k, more like 5K. From what I've read from forums, most won't be agreeing with me.

I got it for around 5k from US,still I say it can be better if for Rs.3.5K.Thats why I gave less points.:)
Now that you have said it, yeah it would have been a VFM had it been in the region you have mentioned. This raises doubt in my mind- is Senn 598 worth 10k or is it more like 6-8K? Any suggestions for amp/dac?
take care

Yes, it was my first choice and had my eyes on it from the beginning but now in a dilemma whether to go for it or the 125i. Searching the net for a detailed comparison. As compared to the Senn 598, MSi or the 125i seems to be more no-nonsense h/p. 125i can be bought Pristine Note too- that's a big help.
If you disliked the closed in soundstage with the m50s, I am not sure you would like the entry level grados or the ms1 either.
But the grado and MSi are open back headphone!! I thought there will be huge difference between the grado and M50 as far as soundstage is concerned. What about the 125i and 225i?
I have not heard the 125i and 225i. The MS1 is open back hp but its still got a narrow soundstage. The AD700 sound feels much less claustrophobic.
Where can i find headphone extension cable in India? Found a Sony cable for about 9$ in but apprehensive of oversea dealings.
Any change in the SQ of your headphones? I'm interested to know why you're finding the bass so overpowering. These are my everyday HPs and I've not found this problem and I also listen to FLACs off my laptop.
I believe so. I think there is bit more separation in the response. The bass is still pretty much there but less (maybe getting used to it). Initially, which i forgot to jot down earlier was in some songs there was a shrilling effect to the high frequencies which are sometimes painful. Now that has toned down to pleasurable level. Though the soundstage remains the same.
BTW, any particular player to play flac? Have foobar2000, mediamonkey, winamp.
I'm on Win7 so I use Foobar with WASAPI but you can try ASIO. I'm glad that the SQ is improving. Have you tried any other sources to eliminate all possibilities?
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