Suggestions for headphone system

I was about to order for Audio-gd NFB-12 when I found out that Pristine Note stocks the Audinst HUD MX-1. This cute little DAC was being mentioned favorably in almost every review and comparisons. The Audio-gd was more powerful and an array of digital inputs and outputs to boast of. Specification-wise it was better and bigger than the Audinst in almost every aspects-not to mention that NFB-12 was almost future-proof-. But then Audio-gd was also pricier- will be more still since I have to import it (from ebay Singapore). Points that made me go for the Audinst- proven DAC, cheaper (VFM), available in India, 1yr warranty. Being a bit disappointed on the price of M50s (I still think it should be around 5K), I was once bitten, twice shy- what if the NFB-12 disappoints? I went ahead with the purchase of the Audinst from Pristine Note. Lol, the DAC was in my hand before they can notify me about its dispatch and the tracking number. I am sure, Mr Gautam that we will be again dealing soon.
Packing and initial Impression: I was initially surprised about the size of the packing- the DAC cant be this small. The packing was very good- it would have protected fragile glassware. Ripping off the layers and layers of packing, I was kind of disappointed that I have paid much more for a wallet-size DAC. But then, does size matter?
An interesting point- the unit was manufactured in April10 but was imported in April11. Will have ask Mr. Gautam . Not that it mattered.
Apart from the main DAC, you get to get power adapter (with an European-click on adapter), RCA cable, USB cable (one end is like what you see in printer or scanners dont know its technical term-A to B type?) and four little cute rubber pads (you have to stick them to the underbody of the DAC).oh yeah, the manual and the warranty card too.
Installation: Hardware and software aside, the installation of the DAC itself is quite simple and fast. Once you plug the USB cable in, the laptop by default makes the DAC its sound card. Since it can be powered by the USB itself, you may or may not plug the power cord. There is no separate power switch however.
Much has been said and written about its hardware and so I wont go forth here.
Sound/Music: Well to be honest, I have not experience any other portable stand-alone DAC. So I cant really compare the Audinst against other DACs. Same goes for my M50s (I am not counting the Nakamichi headphones found at listening pods/docks in audio stores). The only comparison I can make is with and without (though my laptop sound card) the DAC.
I have used the song Spanish Harlem by Rebecca Pidgeon as a reference file. Also because I love the song and listened to it millions of time. I did not used any output- plug in and kept the equalizer flat.
Without DAC: The M50s did a commendable job of making the music a bit lively with the onboard sound card. I was happy till I plugged the DAC. I listened to the song a couple of times and then went back using the sound card. Now I know what was missing. It was like looking through a hazy glass- I know what seems to be there but did not see with clarity and boundaries. The treble was un-uniformed-peaks were felt to the point of being painful sometimes. The mids were sort of hollow and unguided. The bass was bloated and without purpose. The music seems metallic and inanimate-.There was little or no soundstage. The background instruments were lurking around- like the murmurs in a big hall- you know that everyone is talking but cant make out what they are talking. Come to think that I was enjoying this kind of presentation.
With DAC: First impression was wow!! I mean I didnt know that there were so many activities in that song. After the first wave of satisfaction died down- I listened harder. The treble was crispy and enjoyable. My hair behind my neck stood up when I first heard Rebeccas voice- her presence is felt behind my ears as if shes whispering. You can hear the sound of her lips parting and also her taking breath through her mouth. The mids is very well defined. The bass is controlled and doesnt smother other instruments. Instrument separation was spectacular. I was able to realize the size of the soundstage- not very wide and open. Maybe thats because the closed-back M50s rather than the DAC itself. However transparency was great.
There was no difference- I couldnt make out any- when I listened through 6.5mm headphone jack
Wonder how this DAC stands up against others. For now I am quite happy. I am unable to test the DAC through its line out since I dont have dedicated amp.
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Expanding my portable audio system, I went ahead and bought the Nationite N2 and the Hifiman HM-601 with RE-ZERO.
The little N2 is fun to listen to. More so with BBE effects and battery life is wonderful. Buttons aren't that tactile and the display screen is too small for my liking. Navigation isn't accurate-i mean pushinga button a split second here and there will make go to unintended menu. Charging through USB cable (only way to charge it) is fast which surprises me but let down is you can't listen to it while charging.

HM-601 however impresses me so much with its sound quality that i am willing to overlook its flaws most of the time. It's huge for a portable player- i mean you need to have huge pockets too. And it's heavy on top of that. if the weight is because of the battery then they need to change it-its mileage isn't praiseworthy either.The back side is metallic and sounds hollow on tapping. Space management inside the player is poor I believe. The buttons provided aren't of any use except for the power button.
The unit shines with the RE-ZERO earphones. Lossless files are a treat to hear. More of it later. Got to run now
i have been away away from headphones all my life.. before IEM's the other phones were never comfortable to me.

i dived into it....

after going through a lot of reviews wanted to go for a good but VFM IEM.

spoke to gautam and ordered the Brainwavz M2 and AT- cks50 ( for friend)

delivery was quick and well informed. they did an awsome job by keeping me posted via email for every update.packing was real good. as stated can actually be used for something better and fragile. thanks again to gautam.

so i have both the IEM's in hand on monday morning. we tried the AT first with office PC onboard sound card and what a disappointment. AT were completely based on specs as new model in the market it was a complete gamble. very low sound and boomy bass.
can this be AUDIO TECHNICA ?

thought of trying something else as the source. next was my BB. a huge improvement over sound quality. my friend finally smiled however they need to be burnt-in. just done with 10 hours of burn in with them by today. however i still felt they were not running on their full capacity. moved from BB to my IPOD and here we go. they are really bass heavy as the packing states.. goes real deep however not controlled bit boomy and spreads all acroos the mid range. they sound better now and gettin better after every hour of playback. they sound warm.. mids are bit laid back but the sound stage is decent. the boominess is reduced and sounds good..

now i say this sounds good coz by now i have already tested the M2 else the AT's wud have been excellent.lolz...

my friend was quite happy till he heard my M2's ..

ath- cks50 ( 2100 ) including shipping
m2 ( 2690 ) includding shipping.


build quality is real good. the driver enclouse is Metal and feels solid.

got extra set of silicon and foam tips. certainly a bonus no need to
run later on for exra set.

braided cable. feels and looks good. and solid too. first time i took
the M2's out of the box they felt very delicate but that fear is now fading away.

sound :

this is best part after hearing the ATH ( extra bass ) IEM's
M2's dont need a burn-in. they are ready out of the box
and they slammed hard.. i forgot AT... i dont think i will remember them again.

past three days i have been using them like crazy. this is from a guy who was never
into any kind of head audio gear.

lows : very good. tight and punchy bass. and easily driven. not power hungry like AT's

mids : crisp and clean, decent soundstage. i dont more than this from them.

high : were a bit bright initially. sound good now after 30 hours of playback
not hurting at high volume. sounds warm now.

overall both the IEM's are good and VFM however brainwavz yeah.. they need an applause for giving this quality at a very affordable price.

for AT's they are bass heavy goes very low where M2's cant reach. they will sound
better as days pass i am sure however that missed the wow factor.

hope the other AT's that i ordered keep me happy.

my M-50's are on the way...

and yes these are my first.. but not my last.. upgrade bug will bite soon.

sansa clip 4gb and M50 are about to be delivered next week.

probably next wud be a headphone amp....
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I had listened to M3 briefly and wasn't impressed. But then it was only for 10 mins.If you are loving the M2, you will fall in love with M50 too. They are fun listening to and sort of laid back.
I believe you should go for a DAC rather than an amp. I bought the Audinst DAC from Pristine Note (wonderful buying experience) and the M50 started to shine. You don't need amp for the m50 or the m2.
M3 are said to be more analytical and detailed headphone.. so they really shine if the specific music can be used ..

yes M2's are fun listening to.. they are not as clean and transparent as M3 but over all they can be used for any kind of music. M3's are bit bass shy..

now my craving of m50's have increased..
If you are into "detailed & analytic" IEM, you might want to try out the RE-ZERO or the RE-0 from head-direct. RE-0 almost cost as much as the M3 and is supposed to be better (that's what i'd gathered form various forums).
M3 is detailed and analytical? Not at all. It is a step up from M2 in all directions, except in bass quantity.

I prefer RE0 over all Brainwavz, but then I also prefer RE-ZERO, XCape v1, Etymotic HF2 and Phonak PFE over RE0. Those are detailed IEMs. M3 due to thickness of note is not great at conveying micro-details. It's a bit slow as well compared to the rest.
RE-ZERO has this balanced headphone plug for which you have to use a special adapter. Not very appealing but can be overlooked.
@esanthosh: where do you get these IEMs from? I believe they aren't available in india for purchase, are they?Again, are they worth the effort and the extra cost if you import them?
I source all IEMs from all around the world (US, UK, Russia, Japan and some used stuff from the rest of Europe).

I had about 46 of them till about 2 weeks back, but I am selling some of them right now. Of that 46, only Brainwavz M1, M2, RE0, Hippo Pearl, JVC "Marshmallow" and the infamous EP-630 were sourced locally. Personally, I am as comfortable buying from all those international places as sourcing it locally. But that's just me. I don't think many would go out of the way to get even some discontinued models (Playaz N1, N3) for satisfying the curiosity like I do.

Is it worth it? For me, definitely because I definitely have 'tasted' a good sample of what's on offer in universal IEMs. I'd rather have the freedom to choose the brands and the sound I like than restrict myself to local availability. Not to mention, I sometimes get a better deal than local prices ;)

On RE-ZERO, mine has a TRS termination just like every other. This was one of those bundled with HM-601 players and I found it on head-fi.
What about customs when you order from overseas sites?Do they bother much?
I too got the RE-ZERO bundled with the HM-601. But it was sourced locally. What a scary experience that was.
By the way, which IEMs are you selling off, if i may ask?
Yes! Customs is an issue I'd have to deal with each and every time. Fortunately, most of them pass through without duty (contrary to every headphone or DAC/Amp I sourced which were always levied duty :(). I've had a fair share of good as well as bad/scary experiences with respect to customs. But overall, I'd say the experience is more good than bad.

My sale thread is on TE. A few more need to be sold, but I want to clear out at least some of the current bunch before listing them.
I think I need to list in Hifivision as well. Taking fresh photos + updating the first post for new listings as well as removing those which are sold would be a pain though.

You can take a look at my blog post, remove all the loaners and sold ones and ask me about those you are interested in. That is a better way :)

PS: I will try to post a thread in HFV with same photos later on if it's ok with the moderators. I've cleaned and packed everything I listed, so taking fresh photos is a big hassle :(
I think you should present a list here too. I believe your chances of getting them sold will get doubled. As for my interests, I have PMed you.
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