I got the Dish Tru HD when it was the only one showing FIFA WC in HD. I would strongly advice against getting this. Here are a few negatives with the Dish HD Service that I can point out:
1. The STB does not have a proper HDMI implementation. Change the HDMI input on the TV from STB to something else, then change back and the display does not come up.
2. My STB has been acting up in less than 3 weeks since I have had it. It requires frequent restarts.
3. SD channels are resized to 16:9, i can change the aspect ratio from the tv, but it is a major PITA to do so.
4. STB does not remember the last channel after a soft power off!
5. The remote that came with the Zenega STB is quite bad when compared to the one I got with my Tata Sky.
6. The quality of the SD channels are worse than what I get on Tata Sky via a composite cable to my TV. When I use my AV receiver's upscaler, the component output from the TS box is as good as the upscaled HD channlels on Dish HD service.
The only real HD channels on the Dish HD service are ESPN HD (for FIFA), Star Sports HD (for Wimbledon), Discovery HD & Nat Geo HD.
The sports channels are only available during a match. Discovery and Nat Geo HD have good quality programming, but they repeat so often that you will catch a repeat if you watch any of those channels for a few hours.
I got my Dish HD STB to watch the world cup, and it is good only for watching that and wimbledon. Other than that the Discovery & Nat Geo HD channels are good, but I have stopped watching them after seeing mostly the same set of programs
I am not going to renew my Dish Subscription after the 2 month free period.
Personally, I will wait for Tata Sky HD DVR and till that comes thru, I would continue using my still active TS SD STB.
-- no1lives4ever