The Bargain Hunter's subwoofer ...

  • Thread starter Thread starter mpw
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small mercies..

the box is made:)
front baffle 1.5 inch thick
sides 1 inch thick

internal dimensions are 22.5 x 19.15 x 21 inches

so approx 147 liters internal volume..

lets see if i can get this done by new years !

and then hope i dont open the proverbial pandora's box..

Hariji, I have been trying read threads about H-frame SW placement closer to the walls but not many have favorable opinions. How close can you place H-frame SW to the front wall? I would love to hear your experience.
My current H-frame sub is 4.5 feet away from the front wall and 1.5feet away from one side wall.

@mpw and I had exactly the same discussion a couple of weeks ago. And about box size. a large box is likely to be highly overdamped, plus a really lean sound. (though this is the sound I prefer, especially with Room gain to eq things out)

A simple thing would be be to undersize and then eq. that would add "springiness" (for the lack of a better word) to the bass. but the outstanding character of this woofer is its clean sound
Imo, this particular woofer is very low on compliance and may not provide the sprigness so to speak. Larger box will be better as they will also offer high compliance e to the woofer..
I don't see much point/effect in bracing the edges. 2/3 large surface areas remain unbraced. I think you should jam a length between the brace cutouts and the larger unbraced areas.

Thank you

Can you elaborate please..

Do I need more braces then ?
Looks well braced , awesome build. It would have been better if you used 18+18mm all sides or 18+12mm MDF.

front baffle 1.5 inch thick
sides 1 inch thick

Ideally they should have been braced like this:
View attachment 42032

Thank you for the pause button here Keith.

Yesterday i was in a hurry to make as much progress as i can.

But i need to get the basics correct...

I will improve the bracings even if it takes more time.

Awesome build , please use pollyfill , glass wool , rock wool for stuffing the inside the acoustic foam will not do much.
I went by recommendations from online and have completed it..

Used 1 layer stickable bitumen sheet and acoustic foam over that.

Hi Keith

I am satisfied with the bracing and damping.

The gent from Humblehifi Did not recommend any stuffing at all..

Maybe some work on placement and tweaking the volume and crossover pots.. but that will happen in due course.

It's a big sub so moving it isn't easy..

Maybe the biggest subwoofer in aamchi Mumbai for home stereo


How does the big boy sound?


Yesterday it was playing for a few hours

Mondays are travel days for me so I look forward to returning home to see how the driver loosens up

Faitalpro recommends a few times of 3-4 hours of music to free up the driver

Let's see how it pans out..

Come for coffee someday jls..
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