The Giveaway Thread

@hydrovac I suggest that the PCs be donated to a school for underprivileged children. I know of one organisation which collects clothes of children which it passes on to such kids.
And, kindly reserve 4 Nos. 6SN7 or 12SN7 tubes for me. I'd like to use it for tube rolling on the Aikido Octal preamp that I'm going to make.

Donating the PCs as suggested by Rajesh would be great.

Initially i was contemplating to donate the systems directly to a local school or charity. However, keeping in mind that most organizations have very specific technology needs... thought a donated computer might not be a good fit.

@captrajesh, if you can point or guide me to any such organizations you know, or if you can take up the delivery part, will be thankful.

@captrajesh, if you can point or guide me to any such organizations you know, or if you can take up the delivery part, will be thankful.
I've almost convinced my wifey to let go of the clothes of my children which they outgrew that she was holding onto dearly.

That's how I got to know of this organization. Will touch base with them and contact you.
Long back, planned a DIY system for my weekend villa, not executed... so, cabinets for giveaway.
Loudspeaker enclosures designed for small bookshelves, with 4" to 5 1/4" woofer and 1" tweeter.

These were the drivers intended to be used.
View attachment 43506 View attachment 43509View attachment 43513

3/4" MDF enclosure, black laminated with extra teak baffle.
1 Dim: 280 height x 155 width x 140 depth (4 Nos.)
2 Dim: 270 height x 155 width x 205 depth (6 Nos.)

View attachment 43514

View attachment 43515

3 Dim: 280 height x 145 width x 220 depth (2 Nos.)
View attachment 43516

Sub woofer enclosure of same finish 425 mm cube

View attachment 43519

Extra baffle and grill for the sub.
View attachment 43524

Few desktop computers with monitors:

System 1
There is a thin green vertical line on the left side of the screen.
View attachment 43535
View attachment 43536

System 2
View attachment 43538
View attachment 43539

System 3
View attachment 43541
View attachment 43542

System 4 (Big screen)
View attachment 43544
View attachment 43545

DUNE HD MAX (SMPS module OK, but not powering up)

View attachment 43546
View attachment 43547
View attachment 43548

Can i have system 3 or 4 pls
Can't attach more than 20 images, so posting more items here.

Sub woofer amp 60+60 watts, same circuit as what i posted earlier (Pre-Power combo) only this has a filter, don't recollect the roll off (60, 80 or 100 Hz)
Doesn't have phase control... the filter can be disconnected and used as a two channel power amp.
View attachment 43550
View attachment 43551View attachment 43554View attachment 43555

Sherwood remotes:
View attachment 43557
View attachment 43559

Cambridge Audio remotes:
View attachment 43561

Various assorted Tubes: box full... haven't catalogued.
View attachment 43562

View attachment 43563


Hi krishna reddy,

Am interested in ecc88/e88cc pair and 6sn7 pair
Please let me know if there are any

Hi Krishna,
Any chance that you can road transport the sub cabinet enclosure to me please?
I think you will find that I have ordered a 12 inch driver which should be delivered this week. Your cabinet would be perfect timing.
Vinod R
I do not know the details of the tubes lying in the box, all requests have to wait till i sort them.

Would love to have a monitor, if possible, preferred system 2/4 for monitor
Thanks in advance.

Would like to have system 4. Hope it can run java

Can u give any one monitor alone.I have a system but my monitor is spoiled

Can i have system 3 or 4 pls

Keeping all the computers on hold, till i get an update from captrajesh.


I'd like to pick up a pair of the speaker cabinets sized 270 height x 155 width x 205 depth. Please provide details for local pick-up.

Yes pl, check your PM.

Hi Krishna,
Any chance that you can road transport the sub cabinet enclosure to me please?
I think you will find that I have ordered a 12 inch driver which should be delivered this week. Your cabinet would be perfect timing.
Vinod R

Sorry Vinod, can you pl ask any of your local friends to organize it for you?


Have sent you pm. Please ook in to it when time permits

Haven't recd any PM, can you pl resend.

Can i have a Cambridge audio remote which is in good condition if possible.
There are two different models... i have checked them by the camera method, all seems to be functional.



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Hi Krishna,
I wish I had local friends in Hyderabad. I don't.
My subwoofers have arrived just now.
Please can you do something about the sub cabinet.
Any FMs would be able to help me here?
Thanks in advance.
Vinod R
Hi Krishna,
I wish I had local friends in Hyderabad. I don't.
My subwoofers have arrived just now.
Please can you do something about the sub cabinet.
Any FMs would be able to help me here?
Thanks in advance.
Vinod R
Hello! any one from Hyderabad?

The amp/cd remote is the model i require.
Thank you.
Pl share your address for shipping.

Keeping all the computers on hold, till i get an update from captrajesh.
Visited the place today morning. Actually it's an Orphanage by name "Sishumangal Orphanage" It has 40 children. I met the caretaker who said they have a Hall upstairs which can be converted to Computer Lab sort of thing. I'll speak to the management later today and will update this thread.
It seems there is a problem for couriering subwoofer cabinets. Hence this request any Hyderabad FM can help, this will kick start my sub project faster.
You may contact Gati or Professional courier n arrange for packaging n pickup. They will ship it by road transport.
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