Venkat, believe me, there would have been a lot of takers for your Jawa - even without any papers!
I actually sold it twice. Both times the new owners just came back and returned it to me. The second guy did nit even take the money back from me. Dealing with the police then was too tiresome.
Hi Vortex,
Any updates on the ride?
Appreciate your enthusiasm, mate! The rains have just about let up and we are now able to see the sun god - barely. Touch wood!
Lets give this a week and see if this lasts. In the meanwhile I will also take the time to get my Bullet serviced and ready. Then we can plan a ride without fail.
someone sed RD350 on this thread. WOW!!!
had a friend who'd soup'd it up, mondo. i can still hear it in my head. went on one wheel on fergy road, pune with me pillion. this is a BUSY road!! though i feel very sorry for it today, but, at the time, a couple was in front of us and, seeing the hideous underside of the bike, the lady jumped off the Bajaj M80.
LOL! Man, that's some bike! One of the most visceral bikes I've ever tried...
I am getting a good deal on Thunderbird 2004 model at 50K. What you guys say?...
someone sed RD350 on this thread. WOW!!!
had a friend who'd soup'd it up, mondo. i can still hear it in my head. went on one wheel on fergy road, pune with me pillion. this is a BUSY road!! though i feel very sorry for it today, but, at the time, a couple was in front of us and, seeing the hideous underside of the bike, the lady jumped off the Bajaj M80.
LOL! Man, that's some bike! One of the most visceral bikes I've ever tried...
drawing an inane simile here, but most bikes go vroooom, vroooooom (loose bass in our lingo). this one went wupp, wwuppp (tight as tight can be) ;-)
Venkatesh, I suggest you buy a 'real' bullet and not a T-Bird. Look for a pre-owned Enfield Bullet with a cast iron Engine. Yes, with the LHS brake and RHS gearshift. The RE has english lineage and should continue to be that way. The gears and brakes will take some time to get used to. is difficult to ride and you will get used to it. Remember, the RE is not for everyone, just for a select fewHi,
I am getting a good deal on Thunderbird 2004 model at 50K. What you guys say? I was advised that Thunderbird has had a huge number of issues.
Venkatesh, I suggest you buy a 'real' bullet and not a T-Bird. Look for a pre-owned Enfield Bullet with a cast iron Engine. Yes, with the LHS brake and RHS gearshift. The RE has english lineage and should continue to be that way. The gears and brakes will take some time to get used to. is difficult to ride and you will get used to it. Remember, the RE is not for everyone, just for a select few
I got a chance last week to do a A-B test. I first rode the new Bullet 500 and the 350 back to back. The 500 is a fantastic modern beast with all the refinements. It has been engineered very well and I would love to own one myself. The 350 (classic) is an all together different beast and should not be compared. The thump (both sound and feel) and feedback that I got from the 350 was just amazing and was totally missing in the 500. Having said this, I would still pick the 500 and I would have booked one if it had not been for my heavy A\V spend in recent times.
ps: These are just my views and I do not mean any disrespect to T-Bird owners.