The Movies I Liked

Simple superb I don't malayalam language but I enjoy the movie, background music & songs


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The BATMAN 2022. A great take on the Batman - a brooding, emotional batman. Though if you are a regular reader of graphic novels, not an unfamiliar Batman. Great cinematography, great background score. Very clear atmos effects!
Very nice making movie superb camera work, very nice sounding movie,


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If I may break this chain of lovely movies, could I drop my opinion of a movie that I totally disliked?

Yes, you all say? Thank you.

It's Michael Bay's latest - Ambulance.

All over the world, I see reviewers who have dissed all his movies, including the Transwhatever movies, say that this is his best movie till date - THIS was supposed to be the best movie HE has ever made.

If that is so, I want to see what dirt he has on Hollywood moguls. Those would probably be his best movies, IMHO. Like what incriminating evidence does this person have on Hollywood for Hollywood to keep greenlighting his movies?!

Like it's gotta be worse than sex tapes. It's gotta be something far worse.
It’s a documentary about grumpy old men and their dogs. But scratch beneath the surface and you find …. truffles.
The Truffle Hunters is highly recommended. It documents an enigmatic underground delicacy that only the uncanny nose of a trained dog can detect.
Sometimes the camera is a fly on the wall catching the quotidian conversations of these frazzled men with their terriers and their labs, at other times it shows you the pov of the dog as it leaps from the truck and scurries through the beautiful North Italian undergrowth to frenetically paw for some lumps of the subterranean fungus.
Some forage for their own table others to sell. The market is lucrative and comes with its own ecosystem of middle men , appraisers , sellers and consumers.
And this unleashes the dark forces that cause dogs to be poisoned with strychnine , suspicion and hostility amongst old acquaintances , turf wars and temptations.
It reminded me of another documentary I watched earlier — Taming The Garden. This one is darker as it documents a vanity project of a billionaire to populate his garden with the most stately of trees from all over his country (Georgia).
So contractors scout, stalk , dig , scaffold , uproot , raise and transfer them one by one.
The telling visual of this movie is when they show a beautiful tree in all its arboreal glory rising above what looks like an ocean. Actually it’s a lake and the tree is being transported on a flatbed shipping container to its new home in the crazy billionaire’s own private forest.
Have you watched Pig (2021)? I got to know about the very competitive (and lucrative) activity of truffle hunting through this movie. It's also among the best movies I've watched last year, and arguably the best performance Nicholas Cage has given.
Have you watched Pig (2021)? I got to know about the very competitive (and lucrative) activity of truffle hunting through this movie. It's also among the best movies I've watched last year, and arguably the best performance Nicholas Cage has given.

True. Subtle and restrained performance from Cage. I often wonder why Hollywood doesn't use Cage well. Loved him in Con Air and Face Off. Also the super dad in Kick Ass.
True. Subtle and restrained performance from Cage. I often wonder why Hollywood doesn't use Cage well. Loved him in Con Air and Face Off. Also the super dad in Kick Ass.
He is pretty good in Lord of War and Snake Eyes too. Choe Moretz stole the show from him in Kick-Ass!
Cage has made quite a few lesser known but brilliant films. Spike Jonz’s Adaptation is one example
Mandy was recommended to me as another one of his lesser known movies. I'm not sure what I thought of the movie and Nic Cage in it. It was... an experience. I wasn't bored, and I was even strangely rooted to my seat too, but I felt a little uncomfortable after watching it. (I'm not the squeamish kind at all!)
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