Oh just to add a little bit of info. I recently had the opportunity to listen to the Topping TP20 (my own) paired with Usher Mini Dancers (at ARN Systems, Bangalore). The mini dancers are sizable floorstanders and are rightly reputed to require some serious amplification heft to perform at their best.
In spite of this I thought the Topping acquitted itself admirably. There was a good amount of detail and the soundstaging and imaging were very good. Of course then we swapped it out and compared it to a hefty pre-power and the difference was marked, with palpably greater control and finesse and better imaging and all of that, but the pre-power combo (Leben-Usher) was worth in the region of a couple of lakhs(?) or more and this thing cost 4000.
Considering the Topping is 1/50th the price of the other setup, I thought its performance was stellar.
Again, I agree that in audio, these comparisons are odious, because of diminishing marginal utility and all that but what I'm trying to say is that even with the Mini Dancers the Toppings put up a really good show and put out a foot-tapping, enjoyable sound with lots of detail and a great soundstage. It's a serious overperformer for the price that you pay for it (just in case any of you still had any doubts about that fact).