I think the topping has its power limitations, which are quite apparent in extended listening sessions. I'll post a detailed review in a while but just responding to the discussion on power:
I've listened to the TP20 with CA s30 speakers at a friend's desktop PC based setup. Earlier, he used to have a vintage Pioneer SX-650 ( an entry level model for that series) driving the s30s (90 db sensitivity). The Topping plays reasonably loud and has a good sound for 4K. However, compared to the 650 (35 watts), it clearly lacked the grip that the Pioneer had on the speakers. It was as if the tp20 sent music to the speakers and allowed them to do what they wanted. The SX caught hold of the speakers and literally orchestrated the sound. For want of a better description, it was like riding a horse gingerly, lightly holding on to the reins (topping) vrs. catching hold of its flowing mane and riding it steadily and with authority (sx-650). The topping sounds decent for the price but I am convinced that it will struggle with demanding speakers. The body, heft, and slam of the pioneer was just not there with the topping, even though the bass was more detailed. I would describe the topping as being 'leaner' overall in sound, the sx being more full-bodied.
So, in conclusion, the topping is excellent value for a desktop system or a very small bedroom system. However, it is not the best choice for floorstanders, large rooms or even as the amp for your main system. At the end of the day, 7 watts is 7 watts.