Topping TP20 tested with MA RS1 silver speakers
I have been looking for a good strereo system for some time. But could not afford one that I liked. Suddenly came across this thread, and plunged into topping TP20. Already got it delivered in good condition, cost ~4K with adapter and shipping.
Yesterday, I went to a local shop here and listened for some time to Marantz CDP + NAD 326BEE + MA BR1. Its really a good setup, enjoyed the music, though I am not an audiophile, but just love to listen to music. Next I asked them to replace NAD 326BEE with my MA BR1 in the above setup. They were very reluctant to do that as they have not seen any amp so small. I had to lie them that I tested it earlier with wharfedel speakers, so it does emit some sound. After some persuation they agreed. The result ...
TP20 sounded little more "open" (dont know if this is exact word) and was driving the speakers very nicely. The sound is enough to fill a reasonable size room without any distortion. I could not notice much difference in the vocal, but instruments sounded slightly better in NAD. Overall, its a little wonder at 4K. I am very satisfied indeed. My friend accompanying me could not believe the sound from this small amp. Thanks psycho for this wonderful thread.
Now which speakers for this? Budget is 20K. Do you recommend psycho to pickup your ushers for sale? Personally I want to check with wharfedel and lithos noa1. Both within my budget. ALso, planning to get CA DVD99 as a source. Comments are welcome.