Topping TP20 tripath 2020 amplifier (versus NAD C320BEE)

Dayton ain't with a 2020 chip ....... it is with a 2050 ... which is termed more of a D class.

The music finesse is missing on it, though with clean 50 W it definitely sounds louder than 2020, but, with higher distortions. I had in mind going for it's Chinese counterparts, but was shared the optimum 'finesse' details from members of another forum.

2050 is definitely NOT a 2020 killer. For people on a strict budget, yet needing a top of the line music quality ..... 2020 takes the cake.
Dayton ain't with a 2020 chip ....... it is with a 2050 ... which is termed more of a D class.
Class T amplifiers are implementations of Class D amplifiers and as far as I know Tripath's implementation of these Class D amplifiers are called Class T amplifiers.

The music finesse is missing on it, though with clean 50 W it definitely sounds louder than 2020, but, with higher distortions. I had in mind going for it's Chinese counterparts, but was shared the optimum 'finesse' details from members of another forum.
Understand that, apart from the chipset used, it's the implementation that also matters a lot. The way Topping implements the 2020 and the way say Arjen Helder and the immeasurable others implement it are different. Not all 2020's will sound the same as the Topping just because they have the 2020's inside. The "finesse" that you are referring to may be present in the Topping but MAY be missing in Arjen's implementation. And who knows - maybe Arjen's 2020 implementation shows greater "finesse" than the Topping. The same holds good for the Dayton and other implementations too.

2050 is definitely NOT a 2020 killer. For people on a strict budget, yet needing a top of the line music quality ..... 2020 takes the cake.
No comment because I have not heard either. I try to follow a simple rule of thumb - "Not to diss it until I have tried it" :D
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Right you are, T class is an implementation of D class.

As far as Arjen Helder is concerned, he has tweaked the 2020 further and added maybe higher grade capacitors in his 'panel'. I have not heard it myself, so cannot comment on it. But yes, have read in other forums that his thing sounds better.

But ... but ... but, I do not have the means on hand to enclose his 'board' in a stylish housing and provide for the knobs and lights etc etc. A 'beautiful' box sitting on top of a wooden shelf also has its value .... aesthetic value, no?

Till then, let it be Topping or Hllyaudio ... but not the Lepai (bad outer finish).
Dayton 's build is very bad.

I was thinking o getting that one as it does not involve Semi- DIY work ( Am getting a tripath 2050 pre-assembled board )

But read some horrible issues with it, so opted out.
Tripath kit for Helder Hifi is well built with audiophiler caps as input coupling caps .
pcb is thick audio grade and will survive few mods . Electrolytes are unknown no exotic elna,nichicons.
There are terminal blocks for speakers , and just 2 wire sets one for i/p and one for 12 to 15V DC

The inductors are i think 2A types , troidals will do better people say.

Just connected the amp to diy speakers from USB dac [very basic PCM2704]
I have connected the kit to my modem power supply[linear] ,no grounding done.
Compared with Yamaha RXV361's stereo amp
- More Detailed sound in mid and high
- It has a much wide soundstage
- No hashness in highs
- Bass is tighter and clean
- no hum noise

Here are some tracks played, all are FLAC played via foobar WASAPI:
Norah jones- come away with me live
Neil Diamond -Home before dark
Susan wong - some one like you -- bass and mid
Allan taylor -color to the moon -- dramatically improved
Bryan Adams - Ona day like today -- slight better bass

It is pure stereo as compared to yam' which has many digital noise sources [
digital dsp ,display diver processing parts inside].
Amp is very fast and natural sounding ,recommend it for people who are looking for a decent amp
Dayton 's build is very bad.

I was thinking o getting that one as it does not involve Semi- DIY work ( Am getting a tripath 2050 pre-assembled board )

But read some horrible issues with it, so opted out.
Where did you read about that? Please share so that all are made aware.
It is pure stereo as compared to yam' which has many digital noise sources [
digital dsp ,display diver processing parts inside].
Amp is very fast and natural sounding ,recommend it for people who are looking for a decent amp

Is this the new Tp20 from Arjen you are talking about? Sorry of I have missed some of your posts.
Any specific reason why you chose the MKII and not the MKIII?
Difference is less..
MKIII is just having toroidal inductors that i get locally , felt it will not be worth paying for bigger board.. binding posts etc also i have.

Also bigger parcels may be held by customs so loss and hassle ,that i did nt want
Difference is less..
MKIII is just having toroidal inductors that i get locally , felt it will not be worth paying for bigger board.. binding posts etc also i have.

Also bigger parcels may be held by customs so loss and hassle ,that i did nt want
Doesn't the MKII use the 2024 as opposed to the 2020 used by the MKIII?
Where did you read about that? Please share so that all are made aware.

Hmm, here is the link

GO to the 4th page of comments there. it will read :
Allen [Moderator] 1 month ago
apparently dayton released a TK2050 based amp
Parts Express...

Mike [Moderator] 1 month ago
Thanks for sharing, Allen. It comes with a headphone jack too!

Allen [Moderator] 1 month ago in reply to Mike
Uh oh. Not good. Just received it. Build quality on the PCB is absolutely horrid and the volume pot causes a 4db channel imbalance. Left side of my HD650 is louder than right. :(

i came across it while reading about the original article. ( as i myself am buying it for a Headphone )
Tripath kit for Helder Hifi is well built with audiophiler caps as input coupling caps .
pcb is thick audio grade and will survive few mods . Electrolytes are unknown no exotic elna,nichicons.
There are terminal blocks for speakers , and just 2 wire sets one for i/p and one for 12 to 15V DC

The inductors are i think 2A types , troidals will do better people say.

Just connected the amp to diy speakers from USB dac [very basic PCM2704]
I have connected the kit to my modem power supply[linear] ,no grounding done.
Compared with Yamaha RXV361's stereo amp
- More Detailed sound in mid and high
- It has a much wide soundstage
- No hashness in highs
- Bass is tighter and clean
- no hum noise

Here are some tracks played, all are FLAC played via foobar WASAPI:
Norah jones- come away with me live
Neil Diamond -Home before dark
Susan wong - some one like you -- bass and mid
Allan taylor -color to the moon -- dramatically improved
Bryan Adams - Ona day like today -- slight better bass

It is pure stereo as compared to yam' which has many digital noise sources [
digital dsp ,display diver processing parts inside].
Amp is very fast and natural sounding ,recommend it for people who are looking for a decent amp

Source ? and Damages ?
Does someone in Pune owns this little amp? I am so eager to listen to this tiny amp, as all you guys are singing praises of it.
Is anyone game enough to invite me over for an audition?:licklips:
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Does someone in Pune owns this little amp? I am so eager to listen to this tiny amp, as all you guys are singing praises of it.
Is anyone game enough to invite me over for an audition?:licklips:

Your are most welcome to my home in Pune. My Tp20 runs with Usher S520 speakers and Oppo 981 as source.
Hmm, here is the link

GO to the 4th page of comments there. it will read :

i came across it while reading about the original article. ( as i myself am buying it for a Headphone )

Yes, apparently, there were issues before and those are mentioned in the tnt review and also that they were fixed in the latest iteration of the amp.
BTW, did you read the +ve comment after the -ve comment you are referring to which says:
The quality PCB on mine was very good and there was no channel imbalance with the ALPS blue pot.
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