Topping TP20 tripath 2020 amplifier (versus NAD C320BEE)

thanks for the replies!
psychotropic, extra thanks for pointing out the nuforce icon, seems to be just the solution for my setup, good to hear it works well with the other components. will look into the best source to deliver to the EU (nobody seems to sell it in Hungary).
Another Topping TP20 MK-II user here

Hi All,

I received my Topping TP-20 Mark-2 amp today :yahoo:

11-Jan : Ordered it eBay from indeed-hifi ($78 ~ Rs 3650)
13-Jan : Shipped by seller
15-Jan : Item leaves Hongkong
19-Jan : Item arrives in India (Kolkata) & clears customs same day
20-Jan : I go and get myself a pair of JBL Control Ones (Rs 7,000)
22-Jan : Item delivered to me (no customs duty :D)

All-in-all rather quick, I wasn't expecting to receive it till another week. Beginner's luck I guess.

I've been listening to the setup for over 2 hours now. I am completely satisfied.

- Thanks to psychotropic for discovering this gem and informing the forum.
- Thanks to avidyarthy for his exhaustive research of suitable budget-priced speakers, and his review of the JBL Control Ones.
- Thanks to madbullram for seconding the TP-20 and clearing some doubts I has regarding its capabilities.
- Thanks to HFV for providing a place to meet all these excellent people.

I am going back to enjoying some music, and try to fully break-in the speakers and amp before the weekend is up.

Re: Another Topping TP20 MK-II user here

Hey Psycho,

I have one basic doubt. We know Topping goes well with high sensitivity speakers. JBL control1 is at 88db, PSB Alpha B1 is at 90db, but your preferred Usher S-520 is only at 86db. But still S520 goes so well with topping. So, am I missing something?

A Very Satisfied Topping TP20 MK-II user here

Hi All,

I received my Topping TP-20 Mark-2 amp today :yahoo:
I am going back to enjoying some music, and try to fully break-in the speakers and amp before the weekend is up.


So I'm just quoting this message because I have to echo it almost exactly. Ordered on 9th Jan and received on 18th. Control ones came in yesterday.

Been listening to the set up for almost a day now and I must say, this set up mimics my earphones of choice (earsonics SM3) perfectly. The combination has incredible soundstaging, a liquid midrange and an overall ambience that makes it sound like the singer is sitting in front of you giving you a private concert.

Other points
- I found the bass a bit low when I first set it up as a wall mount but on the table top, its much better as avidyarthy said. If you like a bit more bass output, just bump up the EQ for the 31hz and 63hz frequencies a little bit and the speakers hit what is my idea of perfection.
- 89dB sensitivity is quite loud for my room (about 25x10). I haven't pushed it past the 12 o'clock position because it gets very loud and I don't want my neighbours breaking my door down.
- In a nearfield situation (I'm using this as a desktop setup), I have it around 9 o'clock and I feel completely enveloped by the music.

Again, thanks everyone for their inputs. Special hat tip to psychotropic for letting us all know about this little amp and avidyarthy for his speaker research and final recommendation of the Control 1. Someone needs to buy you both a beer.

Now back to some audio nirvana.
Re: A Very Satisfied Topping TP20 MK-II user here

Someone needs to buy you both a beer.

ehehe .... so, why don't you take an effort and do so!

Good to see many of you are adopting this combination and makes me feel happy that the legwork put in is paying handsome dividends.

Yes, operate the Topping at 9-12 Oclock in a 250 sq. ft room with the superb results. Don't need to go any further on the volume knob.

For vocals and instumentals, it definitely feels as if the performance is happening right in front of you. What more one can ask for? It is as if you are getting the performance live.

The music is right 'on your face', with no fatigue. :yahoo:
Re: A Very Satisfied Topping TP20 MK-II user here

Which source and cables are you using?
So far the only source I have used is a Sandisk Sansa Fuze MP3 player with a wide range of music - Telugu & Sanskrit Devotional Hymns / Indian Movie Songs / Western / Classical. I will test it with a CD in my Norcent (Lite-On) DVD player today.

For connecting the MP3 to the TP-20, I use a standard Y-cable with a stereo plug on one end and two RCA plugs for R & L on the other end. This is a no-name run-of-the mill cable I had with me. Plan to buy or make a better quality cable soon.

For connecting to the speakers, I used Finolex 1.5mm electric wire. Excellent quality copper for a very reasonable price. Plus I had several half-used rolls lying around after some work done in my office last year. I don't plan to change these for a "proper" speaker cables as, IMO, there is no perceptible difference between the so-called speaker-wire and regular copper wire.

The combination has incredible soundstaging, a liquid midrange and an overall ambience that makes it sound like the singer is sitting in front of you giving you a private concert.

Other points
- I found the bass a bit low when I first set it up as a wall mount but on the table top, its much better as avidyarthy said.
- 89dB sensitivity is quite loud for my room (about 25x10).
- In a nearfield situation (I'm using this as a desktop setup), I have it around 9 o'clock and I feel completely enveloped by the music.
I don't fancy myself an audiophile - I am just a guy who wants to listen to some clean music for a budget price. So I don't know the terminology but what you said matches what I felt as I listened to the system
- that the singer was sitting in front of me
- that I could make out the location of the various instruments from left to right and could listen to each instrument clearly and precisely along side with the others - there was no muffling or mixing of sounds.
- with the speakers about 6 feet apart and me sitting about 4 feet from the speakers, I felt completely enveloped by the sound
- I felt the bass a tad weak when I started, but it opened up after a couple of hours of listening. Now I feel that it is ample. However, I plan to wall-mount the speakers, so have to see if removing them from the table top makes a diff.
- the amp & speaker can go loud-enough for a room party. For me loudness seemed to wary with some songs - maybe has something to do with the MP3 gain during encoding, but at the same volume level (12-O'clock) some songs played quite loud, while others were not so. But in any case, I don't see ever going beyond the 2-O'clock position. For most of my listening, I had it around 10-12 clock position.

...with no fatigue.
That is an excellent word - "fatigue". Yes, I felt no fatigue after the 3-hour session. Usually, with the earphones, an hour is the max I can go before I feel that my ears need to rest.

Overall, a very nice system for a very nice price. After seeing the huge Norge, Marantz & other amps at Vector, the TP-20 does seem only large enough to be a power supply brick and not a full-fledged amp. It is amazing that this small palm-sized box packs such a punch. :clapping:

Re: Another Topping TP20 MK-II user here

Hey Psycho,

I have one basic doubt. We know Topping goes well with high sensitivity speakers. JBL control1 is at 88db, PSB Alpha B1 is at 90db, but your preferred Usher S-520 is only at 86db. But still S520 goes so well with topping. So, am I missing something?


Hi Sups,
The fact you may be missing is that having 86 dB doesn't necessarily mean a speaker is difficult to be driven by a small amp. In fact a 88 dB speaker can be more difficult to drive than 86dB speaker. For this, you may find some very useful explanation here >>

(See the explanations from Odyssey and arj in response to my query)

Hi there,

This is an interesting thread........ and yes I've received my Topping TP-20 Mark-2 amp too!

16-Jan : Ordered on eBay/ Indeed @ US$79
27-Jan : Delivered at home (no other expense)

Hope to power it up this weekend. Keep you posted.

Thanks psychotropic. When do we get to see your blog update ?

Re: Another Topping TP20 MK-II user here

Hi Sups,
The fact you may be missing is that having 86 dB doesn't necessarily mean a speaker is difficult to be driven by a small amp. In fact a 88 dB speaker can be more difficult to drive than 86dB speaker. For this, you may find some very useful explanation here >>

(See the explanations from Odyssey and arj in response to my query)


I would like to put it this way.
I recently upgraded from Mission M32i to Mordaunt-Short Mezzo 2 bookshelf speakers. The Missions are rated at 8ohms, 90dB sensitivity. The Mezzo's at 4-8 ohms with 89dB sensitivity.
With Missions the amp hood used to gets very warm (not very hot but I used to feel its quite high) after about 1 hour of continuous play and I feel like switching it off for 15 mins every 2 hours.
The Mezzo's on the other hand though the spec doesn't look that impressive as Missions the amp's hood never got heated up to the level as it used to with Missions.

I can say the Mezzo's were easy on the amp and the amp struggled a bit to drive the Missions. Almost all premium speakers have sensitivity around 86/87dB. Linear impedance is the key for a speaker to be easy on the amp.
Hi there !

The Tripath-2020 has been ON for most of yesterday/today with my Polk-RT5 & Marantz-CD48. I am mighty pleased with this gem and that its' pairing well with my current speakers.

Thanks once again to Psy and the forum for such a wonderful discovery.

Btw... I get a bit of a "buzz" from the body. The adapter has come with one of those Euro type plugs which has a earth plate/clip but not a pin. Need to try changing to a regular 3-pin plug. Any of you had this buzz?

@Knockout, yes I do. Mine also came with a 2 pin plug. I am also planning to check with a 3-pin plug. Please post if your issue got resolved.

I am running it with Usher S-520 and an old (1994 vintage) Philips CD player.
Btw... I get a bit of a "buzz" from the body. The adapter has come with one of those Euro type plugs which has a earth plate/clip but not a pin. Need to try changing to a regular 3-pin plug. Any of you had this buzz?
Buzz or static noise in audio systems is a classic symptom of PS not being grounded properly. The Topping power supply must be grounded. Do not use the 2-pin euro pin-type plug that came with the unit. Go to any local computer parts store and get a good quality PC power cable. There is a wide range available from Rs 25 onwards. I got one that was reasonably thick, well-shielded and the plugs on both ends were of good quality plastic molding. It cost me Rs 75/.

Buzz or static noise in audio systems is a classic symptom of PS not being grounded properly. The Topping power supply must be grounded. Do not use the 2-pin euro pin-type plug that came with the unit. Go to any local computer parts store and get a good quality PC power cable. There is a wide range available from Rs 25 onwards. I got one that was reasonably thick, well-shielded and the plugs on both ends were of good quality plastic molding. It cost me Rs 75/.


I am using a TataSky STB power adapter, since my Topping did not come with a power adapter. I too feel a buzz when I touch the amp body, and the adapter is a 2-pin plug variety. Any suggestions on where/how I can purchase a better adapter that will also take care of the earthing problem? I checked in Croma in Pune and they do not stock AC-DC adapters.

One more question: What amperage should I look for? My current adapter is 12V 1.5A and I am not sure if my amp is under performing because of the low amperage of the power adapter. Should I aim for a 12V 3A instead?

P.S. I am running the Topping with a Squeezebox and a pair of small speakers that I recycled from an old Worldspace Diva2 box. The combo runs surprisingly well considering how low budget it is.
I am using a TataSky STB power adapter, since my Topping did not come with a power adapter. I too feel a buzz when I touch the amp body, and the adapter is a 2-pin plug variety. Any suggestions on where/how I can purchase a better adapter that will also take care of the earthing problem? I checked in Croma in Pune and they do not stock AC-DC adapters.

One more question: What amperage should I look for? My current adapter is 12V 1.5A and I am not sure if my amp is under performing because of the low amperage of the power adapter. Should I aim for a 12V 3A instead?

Both my MK-II TP-20s came with 2-pin-plug Topping power adapters which are rated at 14V, 4A. My TP-21 came with a 3-pin-plug Samsung AP04214-UV adapter rated at 12V, 3.5A.

I've noticed no buzz at all, from any of them - and I'm using them in a triamping setup.

Maybe it's your TataSky adapter after all...
Well, there is no buzzing on mine.

However, I have felt a very minute vibration from the Topping's body, which you may refer to as buzzing (without noise) ..... this creates no noise of any sort, neither does it make any difference to SQ.
Well, there is no buzzing on mine.

However, I have felt a very minute vibration from the Topping's body, which you may refer to as buzzing (without noise) ..... this creates no noise of any sort, neither does it make any difference to SQ.

Yes, by "buzz", I too meant buzzing without noise. Now that I think about it, it might have actually been a mechanical buzz that I wrongly interpreted to be a mild electric current.

The buzz does not affect the sound quality in any way for me as well.

It does look like I should be using a higher current capacity adapter.

I have zeroed in on the Meanwell GS60A12-P1J rated at 12V 5A (spec sheet). I'm trying to find out where in Pune I can buy. Electrical shops don't stock this normally, neither do big electronic chains.
Well, there is no buzzing on mine.

However, I have felt a very minute vibration from the Topping's body, which you may refer to as buzzing (without noise) ..... this creates no noise of any sort, neither does it make any difference to SQ.

Absolutely no buzzing or vibration in my case also. I am using the two pin plug provided by them with an universal adapter.
Suggest, not to play around with this box.

I know, nothing out of the world exists inside, but even then, a component blow-out would unnecessarily create heart-burns. Let it be, as long as the SQ is fabulous .....
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