Topping TP20 tripath 2020 amplifier (versus NAD C320BEE)

I would echo what others have already said many times in this forum. This little is exceeds all the expectations. But ofcourse, the electronics and the mechanics/acoustics have to match.
I liked the amp so much that I brought this little amp with me to the US. Now I am thinking about setting up a temporary system comprising of the tripath amp and a used speaker from audiogon. :clapping:
@ Vivek ....
Try procuring a pair of full range speakers ... umpteen available in the US-used circuit too. The very high sensitivity @ >98 dB and 8 ohm impedance could work wonders with the Topping.
I really don't want to upset anyone with this post. I had tested the Topping (donno which version it was) owned by a HFV buddy with Norge Millenium speakers just before it was sold. These speakers are of 4 ohm and 91.5 db sensitivity. When compared to Norge 1000 amp, this little champ ate the dust. At full volume, the amp just managed to throw some output on the speakers. The power was barely enough to move the cones, so there's no bass 'felt'. The highs were ok but a bit muffled. The soundstage with Norge amp was much bigger and detailed than Topping. However, the vocals were quite impressive with the topping. Tested only for few min, so may be my perceptions are talking more than experience. My room is 20x 15 ft which could be another reason. Or may be once again it is a wrong combination, I certainly don't know. I can only conclude that it is an unfair comparison given the power, size and cost of these amps. For a smaller room, if it is the first setup, if used for listening to soft music, then these tiny toppings coupled with right speakers are of incredible VFM..
TP20 does beat expectations formed due to small size and lower power consumption rating. However it does _not_ beat musical expectations for someone used to a lot of thump. Here is why:

Class D amplifiers are at par with class AB amplifiers at rated load in terms of frequency response and distortion figures. They work well with bookshelves with cut-off around 100Hz. When it comes to a thumpy bass, you really need floorstanders, whose impedence drops significantly at low frequencies. Good quality class AB amplifiers are designed to handle these - their specifications will show much higher power outputs at lower than rated speaker impedence.

While there is no technical reason why class D amplifiers can't drive lower impedences, they are almost never designed to do that for business reasons. Such a design would beat the purpose of selling an amplifier with power consumption close to output speaker power.
having read posts after posts on this forum, i took the bait and ordered the much raved TP-20. since this is my second purchase into the hifi universe, i patiently went through each and every single post detailing what to expect and pair with this little wonder.

little background.
have been an avid music listener for as long as i can remember. this fondness prompted me to buy the squeezebox as i have most of my collection hosted as flacs and 320kbps mp3s on a home server and now the squeezebox server. listen to everything under the sun right from minimal ambient to lush ghazals. preference lies in the electronica genre though.

so now that the topping is on its way and me land locked in Lucknow, will have to take and follow opinion from you fellow tp20 users.

1. sqbx classic v3 > tp-20 > speakers. does this link miss/need a dedicated dac over the one present in the sqbx?
2. i like bass, not boomy but tight and adequate, at times a little punchy too; smooth highs and mellow mids.

spks paired with tp-20 (in no particular order)
- ushers s-520
- jbl control 1s
- CA s30
- MS Carnival 6 or 8
- Wharfedale 8.1
and more i seem to be missing.

i have not been able to locate a good price on ushers and reading about them, i feel, they could suit my palette better. i even read AV adding a focal cub 2 SW to tp-20 with CA s30s and getting the bass lift instantly. so would any active sub do in this case? valued insights needed to push me over the edge and initiate me.

thanks in advance to psycho for leading this pack of followers !
Monitor Audio BR2... how is this as a companion for the TP-20 ? the specifications match best with those for the amp as identified here !!
Have you 'really' gone through each and every post in this thread?
The Amp costs a paltry 4K. Practically speaking, any buyer should match up low costing, yet effective speakers for this. MA BR2s could be upwards of 25K ....... and might belt out equivalent output of something costing one-third its price ... :indifferent14:
thanks avidyarthi.

yes i have been though this entire thread and almost all threads related to the topping. i am leaning towards pre-owned set of br2. if the pairing is good then it all snugly fits in my budget. moreover, the next upgrade would be a nad amp when that happens. and there are good reviews of BR2 and NAD together... your thoughts ?

Vinay, must say, this thread is quite old and yet being followed with much enthusiasm!!

Having followed the thead from its inception, i have only been able to imagine the what/how's/if's of the Chip amp. With all the research that followed, i felt that there was tremendous merit in the little thing. Caveat being of course, learning how to harness its dynamic abilities within that small window of the chips limitations.

That said, the agreed upon requisite links in the chain were a good source+ chip amp (TA 2020 based)+ efficient speakers (90db and above).

I have since the last 2 days been able to cobble together a setup which has nothing but startled me with its sound quality.

People who know me, are aware of the setup i run at home, but being in Blore the past year, i have had to rely on my portable setups ( Cowon J3; Apple Ipod Touch; Radius DDM; Audio Technica M50; TF10 (now sold)). These are all no slouch in the sonics and ablities department.

The amp in question was loaned to me by a friend (who has 3 of them!, but currently runs a Foobar+ Lyrita audio tube (EL86 based)+ Lyrita Sequel Bass reflex floorstanders. These floorstandanders were made by Viren prior to him starting out with his love for Full rangers). This friend, he has even gotten a separate PSU built (13.5V constant voltage, 1 amp: costs as much as the amp, if not more :lol:)!! What love!!

I have always believed that a good PSU is what gives an amp its baseline dynamic character, with the rest being implementations of the myriad audio circuits, IMHO. Specifically for the T-amp, its a different beast (pun intended) with a good power supply, something drummed into me by an Italian DIY-er friend.

I am (after myriad experimentation) running the following setup here:

Cowon J3 (FLAC)/ Apple Ipod Touch (ALAC, Linearossa line-out)+ T-amp (with separate PSU)+ Sharp 3-way speakers (circa 1985, 25W RMS, Bass reflex, no other specs :indifferent14:).

I am still in awe of what i have been hearing since i set it up, truly mindblowingly exquisite. The overall macro and microdynamics, the tone on strings, the mids, the extension to the treble, the very taut and impactful bass, a surprisingly wide soundtage; all nothing short of EXQUISITE. Of course, remember the limitations, and in one range you will find miraculous purity in sonic nuance. Brilliant.

The amp and its review: (T-Amp - Class T integrated amplifier - [English])

Cowon J3: ([ Digital Pride COWON ])

Speakers: ( No image/specs available :o,)

The verdict:
Use a good source and file, this little wonder, and some "undemanding" speakers by way sensitivity and size, you have a cracker of a budget setup. Remember, a floor stander requires some drive which the amp may fail to give provide (limitations remember?). If you are aware if those limitations of the chip/ amp, you will not go wrong in setting something up that will surely be, " neighbours envy, onwers pride". :ohyeah:

Have been listening to Diana Krall, various generic stuff, Indian Classical (Ustad Sultan Khan and Zakir Hussain, Pt. Viswa Mohan Bhatt), Western Classical (Vivaldi: Four seasons, Mozart), Steely Dan (Gaucho, Live in America), Full-on Hardcore Psy Trance, Hindi, etc). And wow. Without fail, each and every time.
Some more testing :D, to be done

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Hey Kieth, Long time !!:D

The only specs i have for the PSU is that it is has an output voltage of 13.5V/ 1 amp which is connected to the DC in of the T-amp. The PSU runs 2 parallel circuits of the same so that another T-amp can be added, point being (i suppose) for the purposes of Bi-amping. Weighs about 2 kg, custom made.

BTW, the speakers are Sharp CP-L600A, 3 way, 25W, Bass reflex ( no images/ other details :mad:!!)

Hey Kieth, Long time !!:D

The only specs i have for the PSU is that it is has an output voltage of 13.5V/ 1 amp which is connected to the DC in of the T-amp. The PSU runs 2 parallel circuits of the same so that another T-amp can be added, point being (i suppose) for the purposes of Bi-amping. Weighs about 2 kg, custom made.

BTW, the speakers are Sharp CP-L600A, 3 way, 25W, Bass reflex ( no images/ other details :mad:!!)


Hey Doc! Long time indeed. So, any details of who built the PSU for you? What are the differences in SQ when using the stock PSU [wallwart] and the one that you are using?
Rallynut, aha, so that s what you have been upto! As you know I was floored by the tp20s capabilities a while back itself when I heard it paired it with the vortex 's lyrita harmony ones.
@Keith, no idea who built it and haven't been able to try the stock supplied wal-wart only because it has been misplaced :rolleyes:. For the best i suppose, might not have felt the same way :lol:!!!

You are right, this little chip is phenomenal. Drive, beyond a certain level is, umm :indifferent14:. I think you know what i mean. On the setup here, not bad at all.
BTW, this "just" happened, out of the blue, no planning or the like. Talk about luck :lol:

You guys are 'just' starting with 'it', eh?

Some of us have already put in more than 365 days with 'it' ... and still wondering WHY 'it' did not become famous and sought after in the last decade. This has been around since quite a while!

Possibly, the 'very' low price factor. Many people with deep pockets would lose out on the exclusivity thing that they can garner whence settling for 'heavy' equipment ........
Hi Avidyarthy,

The low price may not be the only disincentive to buyers with deep pockets. Many may have chosen or are about to choose power hungry speakers which may not be exactly the Topping's cup of tea. Just a stray thought. By the way, for how long exactly has this amp been around?

T class amps (not the Topping) should have been around for the last 15 years, if I recollect correctly .... Before opting for one after going through Psycho's initial info, I had done an extensive 'read' on it.
Tripath amps are known for audiophile quality if designed well. I have one in use since Jun 2005 though it is not the same discussed here. And yes, it rocks.
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