Topping TP20 tripath 2020 amplifier (versus NAD C320BEE)


As i mentioned, i have never had the occasion to listen to the T-amp prior to this, anywhere. That didnt stop me from doing my research :indifferent14:.

This just "happened", the amp and speakers do not belong to me. In fact, the owner used it in a different setup prior to this. And it sounded very different then!!

I just "happened" to have the few components necessary to complete the chain ;), and now sounds the way it does (YMMV).

@hiten, youre right about the time frame, circa 2005?
The amp in that im using, as mentioned previously, is this: (T-Amp - Class T integrated amplifier - [English])
Have not heard them but these are lovely amps and if I am right are PWM based so should not be called digital amps. But not sure. Trends audio made pretty good high quality tripath amps. I don't have technical knowledge but good air core inductors are preferred in these amps. Also for DIY arjen helder amps are well known on ebay.
Sorry for the previous Query. Learned about the availability of this mini beauty.
Can I go for TP30 (with built in DAC) or TP20 ? Please enlighten me.
Dear All,

Kindly help me with the links to buy this Topping TP20 Mark 2 Amp. I am not a audiophile and confused with the models available on net. (ebay, dinodirect)

Prhythm, i bought Topping TP20 mkII from ebay. I have ordered many items from ebay (China), this item was caught in customs and had to get that cleared by paying 27% duty.

MINI TOPPING TP20 MK2 TP-20MKII TA2020 STEREO Amplifier | eBay

Also there are many vendors who manufacture these amps with TP2020 chips. So each one will have their own build quality and also the components used. I found that the shenzhen store stock these beauties with good quality components.

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Hello Guys,

A great thread and thanks to everyone. I am very new to the audio world and so much to learn :) Since I have a very low budget (12 - 15K) for my audio setup, I thought TP 20 would be affordable for me. The room size is 12 * 12 and this setup will be 100% for music. I have a WD Live which I am planning to use as source. But I am confused about a few things.

1. Should I go for the original TP20 MK11 or the modified one? ( I saw someone suggested the modified / upgraded version of TP20 )
2. Speakers. I am not sure whether I should be going for S30 or JBL C1 or something else. Can you guys, please help me with this?

This thread is expected to cross 1,00,000 views in the next 24 hours .... :clapping: for Psychotropic ..... from one of its ardent user.
Thank you iaudio,

I found these two links from indeed hifi - ebay :

2010 New Model TOPPING TP20 MK2 TA2020 T Amp + Adapter | eBay

NEW 2011 Tripath Class T Amp TA2020 Amplifier +12V PSU | eBay

The 2011 Model's Price is low when compared to 2010 Model. Which one you audio experts recommending ?

I Would appreciate your help, please.

PRhythm, the 2011 model you have idicated is an SMSL amp, it's apparently not as good as the Topping (2010 model you have linked to).
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