Topping TP20 tripath 2020 amplifier (versus NAD C320BEE)

I finally replaced my TataSky adapter with a Meanwell 12V 5A power supply. I didn't notice any improvement in the audio quality (mids and bass) but I am currently running it with a really small pair of fullrangers (non-branded).

Plan to replace it with the Usher S520.

Any other speaker recommendations for the Topping TP20?
Any other speaker recommendations for the Topping TP20?

Just helped my friend swap out his CA S30 with a pair of Wharfedale Diamond 8.1s. The amp is driving these speakers loud at the volume just a little more from the "min" position. It used to need more to drive the S30s.

The 8.1s tone down the slightly sharp sound signature of the Topping, and makes it even more listenable (for me). The base is more rounded but still weighty and discernable. My friend is still undecided which combination he prefers, since it's been less than a day since we swapped.

However, as far as impedance matching is concerned, the Topping seems to have no problem with the 8.1s. Someone on this forum had tried 9.2s but never got them to work for some reason. I feel that the 9.1s or the newer 10.1s will match the Topping well, assuming they have similar impedance curves and sound signature as the 8 series.

I do not know why more members haven't tried the 9.1+T-amp combination yet?
A scare .....

The Topping stopped running .... no blue light along the knob. Feared the worst. So, dismantled the whole wiring and took the Topping (with the adaptor) to my electronics repair guy, Kalam.

On checking the adaptor, he found no output. Sigh of relief! He opened out the thing and checked the entire circuitry for a good 15 minutes. A small resistor (270 ohms) had gone kaput. Since he did not possess that value resistor, combined a 150 and a 120 ohm resistor in series and soldered the contraption on to the circuit board. The Topping started giving off the blue light after connection at his place.

Rushed back home to connect the Topping to the speakers ..... sweet music came gushing out from them .... a relief.

Was a bit conerned, I was pushing the Topping a bit too much. The time I spend in the living room, this guy faithfully has to render service .... so ....
My adapter has also given up. The Topping was dropping output frequently and I did a lot of things before finding out that the adapter was at fault. Running fine with the new adapter.
Hehe good to come back to HFV after a while and see that this thread is still active. Hurrah for the Tripath chip and the joys it is providing to many an audio-nut on a budget!
Will it kill them to add a remote control or even just a receiver for the universal remotes?? :D
Thats the only think thats keeping me away.
Just to help those who are still in two minds about the Tripath and Wharfedale combination, now I can totally vouch for the combo. I have been listening to the Tripath TA2024 amp and the Wharfedale Diamond 8.2 speakers and I must say, I am loving it!!
There is something to the sound for which I am hooked to the setup. The loudness level of the combo is just right for a decent level listening. It will surely not shatter your window panes but will surely engulf you in pure music (atleast it does for me in my 23x13 sqft hall).
The soundstage and separation is just amazing! Whoever complains about the lack of bass may be doing something really wrong with the speaker selection or may be expecting disco level bass from their amp+BS setup. For me it is just right. Never felt the lack of it.
I am sailing in the same boat. I have procured the Topping tp20 amp which is currently paired with an old set of sony hi-fi speakers. given the modest quality of these speakers, I am still able to make out the difference in clarity the Topping is able to bring about.

I also have a Wharfedale moviestar 70+ speaker system which is driven by an Onkyo TX-SR 503 receiver. Just to check out how this amp fares with the Wharfedales, I tested the the front satelites of the Moviestar 70+ (nominal impedance 4 ohms) with the Topping tp20 amp and was pleasantly surprised that it was able to drive them comfortably. The highs and midrange were very enjoyable while the bass was on the lower side. the volume was high enough by having the Topping volume conrtol at about 10 O clock position.

Now I am seriously considering how the topping TP 20 would sound with a pair of Wharfedale 10.2 Bookshelves , any inputs on this combo will be highly appreciated !
hi, will the TP20 be able to drive Wharf's 9.5. Am planning to buy the TP20 mkII. Experts kindly share your views. Also if anyone has tested this combo, would request their views as well.

hi, will the TP20 be able to drive Wharf's 9.5. Am planning to buy the TP20 mkII. Experts kindly share your views. Also if anyone has tested this combo, would request their views as well.


9.5 ...too much expectation from tiny TP20.
Though I am not expert, I am also using tripath TA2022 based amp with WF 9.2. I must say the combination rocks.
Only problem comes if you are using AM/FM radio too. These amp produce some noise on weaker stations.
Well, we have had comparisons of the Topping with the older NAD 320 in great depth ... thanks to Psycho.

Could anybody do similar apple-to-apple with some other amp ... with a common set of speakers? Amps in the league of Marantz, lets say.

Time permitting, I would try to do so with the Tannoy 15" full range speaker currently matched to Leben 300 integrated amp (with hrtk, who resides in my neighbourhood). Maybe, I am expecting a bit too much from the Liliput ... upwards of 150 K versus a teeny weeny 4 K amp.

Anyway, would like to see and feel hrtk's dismay just in case ..... :p
I am probably the lone voice here in this post but I was thoroughly not impressed with Topping TP-21. I used it to drive my Paradigm studio 20 bookshelves and I didn't really like the sound. Paradigms are 89 dB sensitive with 8 Ohm load, so not really a difficult load to drive. I compared with the TP-21 with same configuration with CA-640A and NAD-7250 PE and both were lot better. This is in a complete contradiction with my previous experience with the Sonic Impact Amp when Tripath was still in business. I had to reluctantly send my amp back to Parts-express for refund. It may be possible I received a bad amp. But an amp that puts out 7W with 0.1% distortion is not the greatest design.
But if you have a 91 dB, 4 Ohm load speaker, I believe you can probably get a lot better result.
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