Tripath or Class-T amps?

the seller seems to have converted the rating to the standard sales spiel of PMPO. I'd emailed him to check on the actual chip used as well as the other components before buying.

I've generally found ebay to be safe. Their feedback system is excellent.

Did you receive this amp from Chennai? Looks very interesting.
My question about the chip used and a request for an audition (on ebay) resulted in this response:

"I am really sorry I cannot disclose anything before you buy and regarding audition, it cannot be done. But you can be sure of one thing it is an audiophile quality amplifier. You can buy if you want otherwise no problem.


On my responding saying that in that case would he accept returns, because I really can't buy it blind, this is his response:


I think in the best interest of an audiophile listener like you, you can go for any branded products like marantz, sony or anything. They will surely disclose what's inside and you can even return item after a week of using it. This is just a assembled one. Yes, you are right those who bought earlier from me are just blind. They really do not know the meaning of the word audiophile. They just bought because they are rich.


So a grade A a**hole right there. I wonder where all the angst comes from. I suspect he doesn't have any friends, and he's definitely not getting any 'action'....that could be why he's so glum.

But yes, I am still curious about his product. The listings have ended. So either one of you chappies has bought it, or someone else has bought it, or he's pulled it off ebay. Let's see if he puts up more stuff. And if any of you have bought please!
None of these are available in INdia. although Sonic Impact is out. you can look at Trend audio, Kingrex and POpPUlse (just google)

Tripath Class-d amps are being made by so many smaller companies mostly in Taiwan,hongkong and some in USA. The reason being very easy to make with Tripath IC board which is very small and cheap and reasonably good sounding.
But as ARJ correctly said not very reliable. They have an initial vow factor.
The best class T- high quality amps are from Red Wine Audio, USA which are in range of 2 to 3K US$.
Class-T technology was developed by one Mr.Tripathi must be an Indian American.
The main drawback of Tripath amps is their Low output wattage so they can drive only High sensivity ,high Iimpedance speakers.
Red Wine Audio is really good and has been reviewed favourably by many and got few awards also. But then it becomes rather expensive. there is no reason for this high cost as there is nothing inside the amplifier box except tripath IC board Very very( say 2"X 3") small and 2 capacitors and 2 batteries and volume control in case of integrated amp. But as we all know american products are expensive and they charge for sound quality rather then cost of production based.
Ease of making and cheap cost of Tripath technology and giving a decent sound upto 30 watts at 8 ohms has drawn many people in making these amps.
Red wine uses best parts and paper in oil capacitors plus a DACT high quality volume control and gives best sound among all class-T amps.
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