Turntables, Phono Stages and Cartridge Owners Roll Call

Friends, welcome me to the analogue world for I have just bought a Project 2 Xperience TT from Sid Trehan recently. The TT is in Acrylic finish and came with a Ortofon Rondo Red MC cartridge which itself retails upwards of 450$ in the US. I'd like to thank members malvai, stevieboy, gvenu, gobble and saikat for their help in making this decision and also Sid to let me have the TT at a great price. Also members Shaizada, anilkumar, murali_n, soulforged anilva, hitensitapara, mahiruha, myriad and many others whose shard with us their love for passionate posts about the musicality of turntables and Vinyl motivated me to get into Vinyl. Some of you even patiently let me listen to their analog systems thus helping me making this decision.

Have I missed someone very important...? Ofcourse not ... Jitu (jitubisht) deserves a special mention. I would like to thank Jitu for painstakingly carrying the TT from Delhi to Bangalore (via Hyderabad). Given the size of the package and the way the TT reached me safely, it is easy to imagine the trouble he must have gone through to make this happen. Hats off to you Jitu for your efforts and camarderie. Much appreciated mate:cheers:. It was a pleasure having your and Preeti over last evening.

Ok folks, here are some pics. I will not brag that I shot these pics, most of you will not believe it as my photography skills(the lack of it rather:)) are known to many of you:lol:. Credit for these lovely photographs go to Sid, many may know his love for photography as well.
cartridge - ortofon Rondo Red - Copy.jpg

Don't ask me how it sounds yet as I have just managed to carefully put the parts together (Sid sent the TT carefully dismantled in original packing). Looking forward to play some Vinyls after I return from work today:yahoo:.

ps: You may have come across this post on another forum(s) too. I am sharing my excitement everywhere:).
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Congrats mate!
What all i did was worth the smile on ur face. Thanks for having us over and for the lovely food :)
to all those who havent been to santhosh's ht.. i encourage you to do that.. the photos dont do justice to the ht.. just awesome!
enjoy the analogue journey mate :)
Enjoy the vinyl setup santhol. That Turntable looks superb. And dont worry about sourcing vinyl, Searching for your favorite music on vinyl is a fun in itself. :)
Placing vinyl on platter and putting stylus on it to play music involves you in listening to music. Whereas putting in audio cd is pretty much mechanical & emotion less process. ;)

welcome to the wonderful world of analogue! just stack up those LP's, keep the beer chilled and the volume cranked UP!
Enjoy the vinyl setup santhol. That Turntable looks superb. And dont worry about sourcing vinyl, Searching for your favorite music on vinyl is a fun in itself. :)
Placing vinyl on platter and putting stylus on it to play music involves you in listening to music. Whereas putting in audio cd is pretty much mechanical & emotion less process. ;)

+1*10 to the power 100 to that
Hai santhol,

Congrats on your acquisition. Pl try to source vinyls of your choice. Best of luck.

Try to get quality vinyls even if used, because the damage to Stylus due to bad Vinyl and vice versa are complimentary.

Dust is the No.1 enemy for the Vinyls. If you can overcome it then it is pure bliss to listen to Vinyl.

Also thanks for mentioning my name in your post, for I have not contributed in any way for your acquisition.

Vinyl sound is more human and natural than CD.

Wishing you many many hours of musical bliss.

Hope to meet you when I touch Bengaluru.

Hai santhol,

Congrats on your acquisition. Pl try to source vinyls of your choice. Best of luck.

Try to get quality vinyls even if used, because the damage to Stylus due to bad Vinyl and vice versa are complimentary.

Dust is the No.1 enemy for the Vinyls. If you can overcome it then it is pure bliss to listen to Vinyl.

Also thanks for mentioning my name in your post, for I have not contributed in any way for your acquisition.

Vinyl sound is more human and natural than CD.

Wishing you many many hours of musical bliss.

Hope to meet you when I touch Bengaluru.


Thanks Murali, through your writing on this forum, you have influenced my acquisition, hence a mention of your name along with others who have done the same.

Yes, the sound is more real and natural. I am loving it:).

Like Hiten has mentioned, the search and subsequent finding of Vinyl of your favourite albums is a joy by itself. I am used to this kind of quest when it comes to automobiles, so am looking forward to this chapter in my as well.

As of Wednesday last week, I had only one LP that I picked up from Reliance Timeout for 1.5K - Nana Mouskouri in New York.

And on Saturday I had some fantastic records in my collection. Fortunately for me, member and buddy Saikat gave me his entire Vinyl collection:yahoo:. He had some real gems in German, Austrian, Dutch etc pressings that he had picked up when he had been to Germany. These include records:
  • Dire Straits - Brothers in Arms
  • Dire Straits - Private Investigations
  • Sade - Promise
  • Elvis (2 x 2LP record sets)
  • Nat King Cole
  • KISS - (2 x 2LP record sets)
  • Ella Fitzgerald
  • ABBA (2 x 2LP record sets)
  • many others:licklips:
You are one helluva lucky dude! Wish I get some LP 'donations'. The only guy who ever donated any LP's to me was my pater....

Anyhow, enjoy! This is a trip that will last and last and last!
Lucky you Santhosh.
Which album of nat king cole do you have ? Does it have "Unforgettable" and "Route 66" (Probably the most cover versioned song) I like his voice.
Lucky you Santhosh.
Which album of nat king cole do you have ? Does it have "Unforgettable" and "Route 66" (Probably the most cover versioned song) I like his voice.

i ve got 2 albums ,one of which has Unforgettable.
The record is called Best of Nat King Kole, it has Route 66:clapping:, but not unforgettable.
@ Santhosh ~ Great enjoy the groovy song. Other one to look out for is "those lazy-hazy-crazy days of summer".
@ Hemanth ~ Thanks !

Sorry for being off topic, but couldn't help it. :o

This is my first post here.

I am from Bombay and wish to build my hi-fi system (a sort of best of breed subject to budgetary constraints).

The first item on my list will be a turntable. Currently I am simply surfing and researching - Rega, Pro-Ject and Michell brands seem to be very very good. I would like inputs from the experts here on the turntable system re. pre-amp, phono, speakers and so on.

I would also require help to purchase LPs/singles in Hindustani Classical music-any inputs on places where I can hunt, especially in Bombay?

All inputs welcome!


You'll be able to find Indian classical LPs at Chor Bazar - ask for Salim Recordwala on Saifee Jubilee Street. There are a couple more dealers on Mutton street (parallel to S.J).

There's also Razakbhai near the VT end of DN Road, just before the Excelsior cinema lane. His mobile is 9820933365.

A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.