Friends, welcome me to the analogue world for I have just bought a Project 2 Xperience TT from Sid Trehan recently. The TT is in Acrylic finish and came with a Ortofon Rondo Red MC cartridge which itself retails upwards of 450$ in the US. I'd like to thank members malvai, stevieboy, gvenu, gobble and saikat for their help in making this decision and also Sid to let me have the TT at a great price. Also members Shaizada, anilkumar, murali_n, soulforged anilva, hitensitapara, mahiruha, myriad and many others whose shard with us their love for passionate posts about the musicality of turntables and Vinyl motivated me to get into Vinyl. Some of you even patiently let me listen to their analog systems thus helping me making this decision.
Have I missed someone very important...? Ofcourse not ... Jitu (jitubisht) deserves a special mention. I would like to thank Jitu for painstakingly carrying the TT from Delhi to Bangalore (via Hyderabad). Given the size of the package and the way the TT reached me safely, it is easy to imagine the trouble he must have gone through to make this happen. Hats off to you Jitu for your efforts and camarderie. Much appreciated mate:cheers:. It was a pleasure having your and Preeti over last evening.
Ok folks, here are some pics. I will not brag that I shot these pics, most of you will not believe it as my photography skills(the lack of it rather

) are known to many of you:lol:. Credit for these lovely photographs go to Sid, many may know his love for photography as well.
Don't ask me how it sounds yet as I have just managed to carefully put the parts together (Sid sent the TT carefully dismantled in original packing). Looking forward to play some Vinyls after I return from work today:yahoo:.
ps: You may have come across this post on another forum(s) too. I am sharing my excitement everywhere
