Turntables, Phono Stages and Cartridge Owners Roll Call

Hey did your turntable and stuff come in yet? Waiting to see a post on that and some pics!

Also, is the cartridge coming pre-mounted? Does the table come with some sort of alignment jig at all? I know there is going to be a baarish of questions from you once you get all in, so actually I KNOW the table hasn't arrived yet. hehe
Hey did your turntable and stuff come in yet? Waiting to see a post on that and some pics!

Also, is the cartridge coming pre-mounted? Does the table come with some sort of alignment jig at all? I know there is going to be a baarish of questions from you once you get all in, so actually I KNOW the table hasn't arrived yet. hehe

jhess pls :D yooo are so right
My rpm TT lets you replace the stock interconnect. Are there any recommendations for a replacement interconnect ? i tried using another i/c but looks like its picking up interferances since there was a loud hum inspite the ground wire being hooked up
Hi Kamal,
are you a member of headfi. It seems nonmembers can't see the picture. That's indeed an audiophile quality expression.:)
My rpm TT lets you replace the stock interconnect. Are there any recommendations for a replacement interconnect ? i tried using another i/c but looks like its picking up interferances since there was a loud hum inspite the ground wire being hooked up

bump for my question anyone ?
bump for my question anyone ?

i use viren's interconnects no hum issues. surprising you have hum issues... try borrowing an interconnect and checking. generally you ought to use shielded interconnects and there are all sorts of cable measurements capacitance inductance whatnot. but generally i meter interconnects ought to be decent no issues.

My rpm TT lets you replace the stock interconnect. Are there any recommendations for a replacement interconnect ? i tried using another i/c but looks like its picking up interferances since there was a loud hum inspite the ground wire being hooked up

This is a VERY easy fix. Your RPM 1.3 has an earth plug. First, you can either buy a phono cable that has an earth wire running to both ends. That will eliminate your hum.

OR, the next best thing is to simply get any normal piece of wire, put on spades that allow you to attach to the earth connection on the table at one end and the OTHER side spade to the ground lug on the phono amp.

Hum should disappear.

I KNOW you have the ground connection on the Project. Also, if there is no ground connection on the phono stage (which I will be surprised about as they all should), just connect the spade going to the phono amp end directly to the chassis of the phono stage.

Try and let us know. You should be able to use ANY RCA interconnects without any hum issues.

Also, try and minimize the distance between the turntable and phono amp by using the shortest possible cable there (less than a meter if possible). Cable from phono stage to preamp can be much longer.
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This is a VERY easy fix. Your RPM 1.3 has an earth plug. First, you can either buy a phono cable that has an earth wire running to both ends. That will eliminate your hum.

shaizada, he mentions inspite of ground wire being hooked up so am assuming he already has the ground wire in place... despite this he's getting a hum.

Bottle, can you confirm that the ground wire is hooked up properly on both sides of the ground wire? Table and phono?

Also, what cable are you using exactly for the interconnect? A phono cable between turntable and phono should be extremely well shielded in general and as short as possible. Should also have very low capacitance and very low impedance for signal integrity.

Might be a best bet to get a short run from Viren. There are many brands of cables that you can experiment with, but I'm sure Viren's solution sounds very good AND is reasonably priced.

If you tell me your price range, I can try and give some good suggestions that I feel would work well for you.

Also, are you looking for more warmth or more detail from your setup right now? The choice of cable can easily influence this factor. I almost always prefer to use extremely high purity copper. It does best to my ears :)
Hi Guys,
I found that I have some mono records in my collection. Is it a good idea to play them in stereo setups. I have read somewhere that a mono cartridge is needed to play them. What will be the harm if I play them with stereo cartridge?
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