Turntables, Phono Stages and Cartridge Owners Roll Call

Hmmmm.... more research need then.... You know I really don't want to go above the $700 budget yet... dunno what to buy, The Benz Micro ACE seems like a good 'un...

Thats easy!

Get a Shelter 501 MKII and a 5g head shell weight. And you won't look back ;) You'll be at around a 11hz resonant frequency which is in the range.


Or just research the other DL 103 models. You'll find versions that match.
Wow quite a lot of advice ,

Even if setup perfectly, a "clinical" sounding cartridge will just allow the sound qualities of your system to remain the same or heaven forbid, become even MORE forward sounding.

Yeah this was something I was looking to avoid.

Anyway a friend of mine coming from the States has already got me the 2M Red while I was deciding around, so will use it for a while and see how it does and upgrade again if needed.

Thanks a lot everyone!
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Hey Guys,

Here are some internal shots of the Ray Samuels Audio F117 Nighthawk that just landed in my house today. Honestly, I can't believe Ray was able to manage this amount of sound quality from this phono stage at this ridiculous price.

I've mounted the Ortofon Kontrapunkt B to my new JMW 12.5 Armwand (2nd armwand) and playing through this new phono stage. Sonny Rollins is smoking on Saxophone Collosus (Analogue Productions 180g Reissue vinyl). By the way, the Ortofon Kontrapunkt B is an absolutely FABULOUS sounding cartridge!! I'm on the verge of adding it as a second cartridge in my system. Gotta give it a run in first and understand it a bit before I do that.

Here are the guts of the offender:



Here is the new armwand with an absolutely nifty custom wood base to hold it while not in use:



Hi Sahizada,
those are some nice looking equipments. I am sure they are producing great sound. The wooden base of the arm looks very nice.do post a pciture of the arm with ortofon cartridge attached. Tell me one thing are these SS phono stages absolutely quiet.I am happy with my tube phono stage the only problem is it becomes a bit noisy at higher volumes.
Hi Sahizada,
those are some nice looking equipments. I am sure they are producing great sound. The wooden base of the arm looks very nice.do post a pciture of the arm with ortofon cartridge attached. Tell me one thing are these SS phono stages absolutely quiet.I am happy with my tube phono stage the only problem is it becomes a bit noisy at higher volumes.

I'll do that for you. The Ortofon is turning out to be quite awesome. Not in the league of the Clearaudio Accurate (as it shouldn't be...$5k compared to $1.5k) but it is damn good and offers a different perspective of the sound. For one, it is more laid back and I was looking for that for times I just want to push the music and soundstage a bit further back.

Next, I can't say this about ALL phonostages, but the the Nighthawk is DEAD SILENT even at the highest gain settings. There is nothing but the blackness. In fact, all the things I have owned by Ray Samuels have always been stellar regarding the noise floor. It seems nonexistent. That is a hall mark of a well designed piece of equipment. My Einstein phono stage does this as well and that is also solid state.

Having said that, a well designed tube phonostage should also be very quiet, but I feel the solid state devices have an upper hand here. See, phono signals are so small that noise floors HAVE to be quiet or it comes through and detracts from the listening experience.

Seriously, hats off to Ray for the sound quality of this phono stage. He is a boutique manufacturer so this phono stage won't get the wide audience it deserves. But if I am amazed by a piece of equipment, I'm going to voice that!

Guys, if you can afford it, please buy this. I feel it will be the last phono stage anyone buys for years and years to come. Plus here is a secret, it sounds better than his $4,500 XR-10B. What more can one ask for at $750 ($650 intro price)?
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I'll do that for you. The Ortofon is turning out to be quite awesome. Not in the league of the Clearaudio Accurate (as it shouldn't be...$5k compared to $1.5k) but it is damn good and offers a different perspective of the sound. For one, it is more laid back and I was looking for that for times I just want to push the music and soundstage a bit further back.

Next, I can't say this about ALL phonostages, but the the Nighthawk is DEAD SILENT even at the highest gain settings. There is nothing but the blackness. In fact, all the things I have owned by Ray Samuels have always been stellar regarding the noise floor. It seems nonexistent. That is a hall mark of a well designed piece of equipment. My Einstein phono stage does this as well and that is also solid state.

Having said that, a well designed tube phonostage should also be very quiet, but I feel the solid state devices have an upper hand here. See, phono signals are so small that noise floors HAVE to be quiet or it comes through and detracts from the listening experience.

Seriously, hats off to Ray for the sound quality of this phono stage. He is a boutique manufacturer so this phono stage won't get the wide audience it deserves. But if I am amazed by a piece of equipment, I'm going to voice that!

Guys, if you can afford it, please buy this. I feel it will be the last phono stage anyone buys for years and years to come. Plus here is a secret, it sounds better than his $4,500 XR-10B. What more can one ask for at $750 ($650 intro price)?

How does one get him to ship it at the intro price to India????
Well the price seems very attractive. Also the good thing about this phono stage is it has gain control options. Lets see how the VPI mates with my existing phone stage if the results are not satisfactory I will have look for something.:)
How does one get him to ship it at the intro price to India????


Just contact him through his website and start communications with him. He ships all over the world and is very punctual and particular. He'll take care of you.

In fact, you can give him a phone call during his business hours. Just order over the phone and all will be taken care of. The phono stage is so good, you can be rest assured that it will scale up with the best of the best sources.

The gain and impedance loading is all adjustable from the front mounted knobs. Easy as pie!
Hi Sahizada,
those are some nice looking equipments. I am sure they are producing great sound. The wooden base of the arm looks very nice.do post a pciture of the arm with ortofon cartridge attached. Tell me one thing are these SS phono stages absolutely quiet.I am happy with my tube phono stage the only problem is it becomes a bit noisy at higher volumes.

Pictures as promised!



Wooden holder for armwand for storage/display


Both arms


Clearaudio Accurate pic

Hi shaizada,
thanks for posting those pictures. They look really nice and am sure it sounds brilliant too. I can see you have mounted your old clearaudio cartridge in the new tone arm. So how much difference did you find. The colour of vinyl is really bautiful makes a nice contrast with the blue colour of Kontrapunkt. :)Hopefully with 99.9% probability MY VPI will arrive next sunday. This week I will be only listening to CDS so that I will be completely overwhelmed when I will play some vinyls in VPI Classic.;)

P.S: Do you know if I ship this Nighthawk to UK do I need to pay any duty? Is there any good choice of british made solid state phono stages available?
Gaurav - Just WoW...WoW !! Great going buddy! happy for ya... :)

Thank you sir!

Hi shaizada,
thanks for posting those pictures. They look really nice and am sure it sounds brilliant too. I can see you have mounted your old clearaudio cartridge in the new tone arm. So how much difference did you find. The colour of vinyl is really bautiful makes a nice contrast with the blue colour of Kontrapunkt. :)Hopefully with 99.9% probability MY VPI will arrive next sunday. This week I will be only listening to CDS so that I will be completely overwhelmed when I will play some vinyls in VPI Classic.;)

P.S: Do you know if I ship this Nighthawk to UK do I need to pay any duty? Is there any good choice of british made solid state phono stages available?

Actually, I never needed to mount the Clearaudio Accurate again because I already have it setup in the original armwand. It is setup almost perfectly and I don't want to change that :) The Kontrapunkt B is setup in the new armwand and and singing like the most beautiful Nightingale at a starry night overlooking the ocean waves on a mountain top.

The Kontrapunkt B is sounding so good that I wouldn't miss listening to the Clearaudio Accurate. The sound is extremely refined, laid back and flows with ease. All the details are there, but presented with this naturalness and flow that lets you sink into the most beautiful female singers arms ;)

The Clearaudio Accurate is just a super dynamic monster that digs EVERY SINGLE DETAIL from the groove and presents it vividly for your ears to hear. Both sides of the spectrum are extended further and it demands to be heard. The vividness and strong german gestalt is very obvious with the Clearaudio. It will not mask any flaws of the analog equipment, the recording or your system setup. It will take it all and multiply it by a factor of 100 so that you can really see.

The Accurate is a fine single malt scotch on the rocks while the Kontrapunkt B is a velvety smooth tasting exquisite red wine sipped slowly and enjoyed. A perfect contrast to the Accurate and a joy to have around.

I was leaning towards getting a Shelter 501 MKII, but now that the Kontrapunkt B is already mounted and playing happily, I have no desire to look at other cartridges even if they might be superior in a way or two. Some other day and some other time. For now, I'll "settle" for the German engineering perfection and the Danish finesse.

Finally, I have NO clue if duty will be charged on the Nighthawk. Request Ray Samuels to mark the package as a gift. Even if you have to pay some duty, just do it. I mean, if the item was not worth the trouble sure....but the Nighthawk is probably going to be your last piece for YEARS to come. The cost of the duty will get lost in the pleasure you consume from its use. Just pay it... since when did we start rationalizing music related purchases. God knows where I would be in my journey if I started to really rationalize the expenditure. I just let my heart lead the way and you know what.... I'm a happier and better person for it. Even my wife agrees with that!

In general, as long as you're not sacrificing food for your baby or compromising the needs of your family, go ahead and indulge! You could be spending money on much worse things in life!! :p :o

:thumbsup: Very nice and more importantly, it matches the arm's color! :ohyeah:

Thanks! That was just a lucky happening. It looks like the Kontrapunkt B is just an extension of the tonearm, the way the color matched up. Almost meant to be.
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Sorry Sid...can't help you :)

You're gonna need a bigger monitor! hehe

Honestly, my bad....I forget the perspective of these pictures as I use a 30" Apple display. Everything looks small on that! 2560x1600.
Want me to post a simple link saab ji?

By the way, edit the post and delete the picture link in the quote! Already it's kinda big and then everyone get's to see it twice! Don't want to be Tooooo annoying ;)
Just a little bit.
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Sorry Sid...can't help you :)

You're gonna need a bigger monitor! hehe

Honestly, my bad....I forget the perspective of these pictures as I use a 30" Apple display. Everything looks small on that! 2560x1600.
Want me to post a simple link saab ji?

download it, resize it, save it as a jpeg, upload it to hfv and share it for the pleasure of all :D
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