Shaizada-ji :
In early '90s, I was running 4 sources :
1. TT setup (Linn LP12/Ittok/Troika-MC/Valhalla/Lingo) + EAR 834 Phono Pre
2. Digital - Proceed PCD as CDP, later as a Transport with Theta Pro-Gen III dac
3. Cassette - Nakamichi 1000 ZXL
4. Spool - Revox B77 MK2 at 3 ips on 7 & 10.5 inch reels
Got fedup of all this.... in the end, simplified to just digital!
All my 500-600 imported & mostly 180-200g vinyls have been gifted to friends with love. The spools were gifted to the purchaser of the Revox. Cassettes approx 800 all recorded thro' Nak remain now.
With CDs upwards of 3000+ now, its impossible, rather impractical to start another source!
hence - 'will live with the compromise' though not much via the Accuphase gear

at the cost of hassle-free digital playback for the rest of the years!