Turntables, Phono Stages and Cartridge Owners Roll Call

Thanks Malvai. I hada premonition of this reply coming.

Now, wud it possible to guide me further as rqstd? Also if u know of any pre owned high end TT on sale and whats there to lose in them and how much wud it take to refurbish.

Wont want a white elephant that cant up keep with a free mind, if u know what i mean.

Much appreciate the guidance.


Have PM'd you...
Am about to be getting this maybe by next week:


Is it possible to order the NightHawk over net?

Adding my name to the list:
Turntable: Denon DP-29F with built-in pre-amp

Cartridge: Not "sure" but mostly "SHURE"

Connected to my Sony DVD Player thru Audio-in.

Will soon be upgrading amp and speakers. Will keep you posted.

Hi zervinb,

Can you please describe the sound quality of DP-29F. I am planning to buy it in a couple of weeks. Also my amplifier doesn't have any provision for accommodating the earth wire provided in the TT. How to fix this. Thanks in advance.
Shaizada-ji :

In early '90s, I was running 4 sources :

1. TT setup (Linn LP12/Ittok/Troika-MC/Valhalla/Lingo) + EAR 834 Phono Pre
2. Digital - Proceed PCD as CDP, later as a Transport with Theta Pro-Gen III dac
3. Cassette - Nakamichi 1000 ZXL
4. Spool - Revox B77 MK2 at 3 ips on 7 & 10.5 inch reels

Got fedup of all this.... in the end, simplified to just digital!

All my 500-600 imported & mostly 180-200g vinyls have been gifted to friends with love. The spools were gifted to the purchaser of the Revox. Cassettes approx 800 all recorded thro' Nak remain now.

With CDs upwards of 3000+ now, its impossible, rather impractical to start another source!

hence - 'will live with the compromise' though not much via the Accuphase gear ;) at the cost of hassle-free digital playback for the rest of the years!

regards! :)

Respected Sir,

Please adopt me as a friend...where was I when you are giving away all this vinyl!!!! :p

For digital convenience, it's best to setup a computer server based system. You can still use the DAC in the Accuphase right? In my world, if I have to get up and change the CD, I might as well change a record ;) Sure, can't skip songs, but I love listening to album sides to see what the artist intended. Plus, the sound man! Digital can get you close, but it just doesn't nail it. The day digital is even 85% of vinyl (according to my personal listening standards that is), I'll just sell all the analog gear and enjoy the convenience of digital. For now, I've just split it into two....digital for convenience and analog for a true wholesome listening experience.

By the way, I loved the EAR 834...sweet phono stage! You even had Nakamichi and Revox stuff! You were definitely THE MAN :) Very impressive.

Is it possible to order the NightHawk over net?


Sid, I'll tell you where you can buy it...but then you're going to label me "Divorce Bringer"....and I'd have to kill you :) :clapping: :ohyeah:

Here you go...just get in touch with him via email and figure it out. This will probably be the last phono stage you purchase as you're just not going to need anything more.

Contact - Ray Samuels Audio

Let me him know I sent you and he'll take care of you. I absolutely love his products as he really understands what good sound is. Still, I always compare his stuff with things that are in completely higher/insane price quadrants and he still is at par if not better sounding.


Names from the past.The Ferrograph RTR's were lovely machines built like tanks

I have been offered a working and good condition Ferrograph Series 7 RTR for free on the condition that I will maintain it and not junk it.Seriously tempted,but worried about the reaction of my wife when I bring another piece of equipment home.

Neal made some good cassette decks.Solidy built .Transports were I think by Nakamichi.

Nakamichi was OEM suplier to Neal,Advent and a few other companies.

Hi all,

Just added a used Technics SL-QL 15 TT connected to Lyrita Phono stage


Congrats Venu bhai. Bring about your feelers.
..come on come on get out with them! eagerly waiting.

And pls keep a Saturday slot free for me ..much due!
*shall discuss the menu on fone :D

Looking for recommendations for cartridges, was planning to get the Orotofon 2M Red but my system is a bit bright so am looking for something a bit warm and relaxed. Any suggestions people ? Budget around $100-$150
Looking for recommendations for cartridges, was planning to get the Orotofon 2M Red but my system is a bit bright so am looking for something a bit warm and relaxed. Any suggestions people ? Budget around $100-$150

Could you tell us a bit about the system? What TT, what arm? What amplification? What speakers? and most important: What budget do you have?
@ bottle, missed your signature.
what's wrong with the 2m?
Most Ortofons aren't that bright. Break the cartrigne in. It will sound fine after about 10-15 hours od break in. If you're still not happy then upgrade.
Also, you might need a better phono stage. What phono are you using?
Well I came across a review of the 2M where they compared it to the MP11 and they said that the 2M was more clinical while the MP11 was more warm sounding so it got me wondering.

The PM4001 comes with a phono stage so I hooked up the TT to that
Well I came across a review of the 2M where they compared it to the MP11 and they said that the 2M was more clinical while the MP11 was more warm sounding so it got me wondering.

The PM4001 comes with a phono stage so I hooked up the TT to that

See the stock carts that come with the Project TT will optimse the performance at a decent price. That's why they get bundled in, in the first place.
My sincere suggestion (as I myself have been a Project TT user) is that use it with the 2M for a while. If you're still not satisfied after a few months, the upgrade path will still be open!!! Take a more informed call then!
@ Bottle, i find Malvai's suggestion as very valid and coming with a practical point of view.
He has been a good guidance for me as well.

And you better settle your mind, before our other TT admierer & fellow member - 'SHAIZADA' addresses your concern ..trust me my friend, if he suggests you a Cart ..you shall be looking for banks to rob around ;) (who also happens to be a dear friend now).

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@ Bottle, i find Malvai's suggestion as very valid and coming with a practical point of view.
He has been a good guidance for me as well.

And you better settle your mind, before our other TT admierer & fellow member - 'SHAIZADA' addresses your concern ..trust me my friend, if he suggests you a Cart ..you shall be looking for banks to rob around ;)


but seriously, one should do this step by step and buy as the listening preferenec becomes more and more fine tuned.
Hey Bottli wala!! :) (Sorry couldn't resist hehe)

First off, I have NOT heard the Ortofon 2M Red. However, if you already have a somewhat forward/bright system, you definitely DON'T want something that is even neutral sounding, let alone "clinical". Even if setup perfectly, a "clinical" sounding cartridge will just allow the sound qualities of your system to remain the same or heaven forbid, become even MORE forward sounding.

Now my suggestion.... {{Drum Roll}} (Stop laughing Sid, tera bhi number lagney walla hai! :) )

Increase your budget another $100 and get a Denon DL-103. Now there are various models in the DL-103 so you're going to have to figure out which is the best one to get with respect to compliance and suitability of the cartridge. I have some important things to tend to, otherwise I'd go research that information and can tell you which Denon DL-103 to get. But if you can, please figure it out yourself. Report back and I can try and confirm if you made the right choice.

Hope that helps a bit. One thing is for sure....you're going to be one happy vinylophile ;)

See, I don't want your very first vinyl experience to scare you away or turn you off. If you take care in your equipment selection, you're opening the door to the promised land of audio.
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A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.