Hi Anil,
Have you given any thoughts to the Jelco 750 or the Terminator tonearms as possible replacements? Thanks.
Thanks for to all for the interest.
Firstly I am doing much better with SME 3009 now, as I swapped the cartridges from SL-1210 and now I have a Shure M97 on SP-10/SME3009. Because of better compliance of Shure as compared to AT440MLa, the combination sounds better. I also have done few alignments using HiFi News Analogue test disc. I will still need to go through the break in of the cart.
Fundamentally, I am fixated now in my view that SME 3009 (particularly Series II, Improved, Fixed Headshell) is not a tonearm that one should run after, there are many better modern designs including SME M2 and ofcourse SME V. The 3009 looks definitely sexy.
My understanding is that Jelco 750 is not a great tonearm again from a whole lot of opinions I read on the net. I do not know about Terminator. I will check.
Right now I have backed off from any further changes and will let things settle and listen to music for a change.
