Urgent help needed - EX720 or ST30D ?! (Mumbai)

i guess it happens to me only!:lol: cant sit for more than an hour in front of a led/lcd tv! i guess it affects me bcoz of the screen size! i sit about 2feet from a 40inch screen(only when playing games). happens only in the night when all the ligts are off!

sorry if i generalized it!:sad:

People sit for hrs together in front of their lcd monitors or laptop.
A lcd tv can be set as dim as a plasma if the need arises and can also go 3x to 4x more bright more if the need arises,defeating any glare from natural light source.

A 2 feet distance from a screen size like a 42" plasma you can actually start spotting the dithering in plasma.
so guys what do you suggest ?! i just got an offer of ~73k from hypercity for the 50VT20, with a week's wait. any good ? also, waiting for the phone call from croma.......
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@ madhav - thanks for suggesting this ! i have read many good things about this set.....but i like to play in a well-lit and bright surroundings.....IMO feels more lively :D and i have read reflection is a considerable issue with this set. nevertheless, will check out this set too in the samsung showroom today :)

With any sansung plasma, I can assure you that you can see 'yourself' playing in the screen too. :D :ohyeah:
Checkout my B450 TV's photos in bright room. You can see myself taking the foto too.

I think you should go with Ex720 or the D6000 LEDs given the preferences above.
The reflection issues are blown out of proportion by panasonic fanboys in this forum, all reflection issues are pointed out by just 1 or 2 owners of the tv and everyone else is happy with it and it is only panasonic fanboys who haven't even seen d550 in proper home environmnent and only compare the showroom lighting which is too much light and make unfair comparison. Reflection is not so much of an issue. You just make sure directly too much sunlight does not fall on the tv, thats it. Trust me, there are a lot of people with 51D550 plasma and it is just excellent !!!!

Please refer to the below pics in full screen for yourself. I own both samsung and Panasonic plasmas.


B450_Light_Reflection | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

And think before you write about fanboism again. You own a TV which is good in your environment. That does not mean it will be good to everyone.
thanks again madhav & andre !

gonna try out the console on the TVs........my current TV has large windows on both the sides, and mom keeps them open till noon for the sunlight to enter in through.....and i find gaming in this time-slot, ie, 10/11-12/1 the most pleasing. i find gaming in dark gloomy. nevertheless, am sure it wont be much of a problem with plasmas with the curtains drawn a little bit.

What you need is a LCD/LED TV. Do not confuse with plasmas. Listen to adder.
bang-on blasto sire !! i was just thinking that LED would be better, when i saw your above post. actually i noticed some dithering and jarred pixels close-up in the ST30 y'day, but dismissed it off as just a one-off thing, but adder tells otherwise.

but feeling a bit sad when now some good offers for 50VT20D have started pouring in from hypercity and croma......gonna have to sacrifice some beastly screen-space to make way for the LED......nevertheless, though the 50VT20D is nowhere available for display, i would anyhow get another audition of the plasma vs LED with a console esp......

and blasto, i have seen your pics of the VT20........i must say its really bright (and the surrounding light dim) with some great PQ :D

IMPORTANT UPDATE -- i have been able to simplify my problem.......since effectively there are only two TVs in competition for me, what i will do is - ask the seller if he would be able to give me a quote for ~73-75k for the 46" EX720.........if not, i will simply buy the VT20.......will play with light conditions in my room and be happy ever after. khatam kissa :D ! i guess am now in a more balanced position.

and yes, the VT30 has been launched in 65" size only in india. enquire from panasonic brand shop. thought of telling since there was buzz about this model on the forum. sorry if it was known beforehand :o
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oh ok......yeah i think i would be getting a bigger size if i go the LED way....40" seemed bit small........and this plasma thing has kept me on my toes....to go for it or not......gaming would be a major thing which i would be using the TV for, though can wait for the 1st few hundred hours or so........and the room, though bright in the day, can be well darkened since the windows have got thick curtains.......very very confused right now :S

hi, i am EXACTLY in the same situation...but in my case btw....42st30d and 42 lg lw6500.....

i want to decide which one to go after...
same point i want to discuss...brightness is low in st30d...(not many people have agreed to me so far)....but i feel it is..dont know in my house with decent brightness(not high though) would be conducive for plasma...

Motion rate: meanwhile led ...42 inchs..lg....it motion is what i m looking at...i guess plasmas have better motion rate...for sports...action movies....gaming...

PQ of SD:also Standard definition PQ is what i am looking at lg led or pana plasma?
(since most of the channels are in SD..all HD both the tvs will be gr8)

3D: now this is tricky.......540 p 3d resolution in passive 3d of lg (with high brightness) or 1080p 3d of active 3d in panasonic (with low brightness)
Update to LG Cinema 3D TV review - FlatpanelsHD
according to the above update...lg has take step to make 3d in to 1080p dont know if its true or if the update will be available in india...the showroom guy in mumbai had no clue........

your views on this?

had PMed you, but nice to have you here........could you pls tell me your budget, and whether its flexible, and also where do you live at mumbai ? asking to know whether you would be interested for a 50VT20D. croma guy just told me over phone that he has the stock, and he was instantly ready to sell for 75k. he asked how many pieces i need, to which i said that may be 1-2 more person(s) would need this. i guess we bargain for still lower price if we buy together. pls let me know your view on this :)
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Please refer to the below pics in full screen for yourself. I own both samsung and Panasonic plasmas.

B450 vs VT20 Blacks | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

B450_Light_Reflection | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

And think before you write about fanboism again. You own a TV which is good in your environment. That does not mean it will be good to everyone.

B450 and D550 are not same dude. That is a 2 year old model. B450 having reflection does not mean D550 has the same kind of reflection. Please visit any hfv member having D550 and see for yourself.
B450 and D550 are not same dude. That is a 2 year old model. B450 having reflection does not mean D550 has the same kind of reflection. Please visit any hfv member having D550 and see for yourself.

No offense meant but even Panasonic X and U series plasmas have reflection more so than the samsung. These are the TVs which compete with 4 and 5 series samsung. All these are reflective. There is no fanboism required to say the fact.

Can you please visit any hfv member having VT20 and post your comments here?
i have an offer for ST30d 42inch for 52k ,Should i go for it ?or 50'VT20 around 75k ??

Btw i have two options to place tv,

1.for 42inch 11feet distance ,one side windows with curtains
2.for 50inch upto 20feet but opposite side same above window with curtain

For which should i go,
52k for 40ST30d?? i know its too good to be true ,confirmed around three time,they have only two pieces one in demo one sealed .

Hurry guys gotta decide before some one grabs that deal :)
i have an offer for ST30d 42inch for 52k ,Should i go for it ?or 50'VT20 around 75k ??

Btw i have two options to place tv,

1.for 42inch 11feet distance ,one side windows with curtains
2.for 50inch upto 20feet but opposite side same above window with curtain

For which should i go,
52k for 40ST30d?? i know its too good to be true ,confirmed around three time,they have only two pieces one in demo one sealed .

Hurry guys gotta decide before some one grabs that deal :)

Please share the source for 42ST30. That should be the fair price for that TV and around 65k for 50" (to be inline with international pricing).
Got the TV,its sealed one not demo piece..

i got it from sonovision (visakhapatnam),now they have demo piece left..

they said,they sold 9 pieces of 42st30 for 52k since diwali
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