I had almost placed the order for the Bronze 5 set of 5.1 but after looking at the size of the Bronze FX surrounds My Mom didnt want it :indifferent14:
She thinks its will look too odd in our living room as its too big and right at the eye level, unfortunately this eye level is also the ear level. I had specifically told my electrician to maintain 4 feet from ground which is lil above ear level considering it to be ideal position for surrounds
Now even I think such big FX surround may not look good at eye level. If the speakers were placed high up it wouldnt have mattered much.
The only solution seems to be Satellite speakers for rear.
Please guide, is it all right to use Satellite for surrounds of some other brand as I dont think Monitor Audio is having any Satellites.
Which brand should i consider for Surround Satellite spkrs which will match MA Bronze 5
I had almost placed the order for the Bronze 5 set of 5.1 but after looking at the size of the Bronze FX surrounds My Mom didnt want it :indifferent14:
She thinks its will look too odd in our living room as its too big and right at the eye level, unfortunately this eye level is also the ear level. I had specifically told my electrician to maintain 4 feet from ground which is lil above ear level considering it to be ideal position for surrounds
Now even I think such big FX surround may not look good at eye level. If the speakers were placed high up it wouldnt have mattered much.
The only solution seems to be Satellite speakers for rear.
Please guide, is it all right to use Satellite for surrounds of some other brand as I dont think Monitor Audio is having any Satellites.
Which brand should i consider for Surround Satellite spkrs which will match MA Bronze 5