Vinyl I am listening to...

Dear friends,

Just wanted to clear an ask by a fellow member through PM, LP photos that I share are mobile clicks, NOT scanned photos albeit edited to some extent through snapseed. EP covers are scanned.

One of my hobbies is to collate album art for hindi film music vinyl. Even I have photographed a few expensive Non RDB vinyls during my visit to friend's places.
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I am always intrigued , seeing the posts here. Where do u get these gems from ? Are these a part of your age old personal collection, or is there somewhere we can actually purchase old records ? I wanted to get into the world of TT , hence asking !
Thanks !!

I have been into collecting bollywood oldies since 2003. These are all my personal procurement, I did not inherit. There are many sellers across cities. However with the price of bollywood vinyls surging like anything, I do not encourage people to move to vinyls if they have a fetish for bollywood LPs only
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