Vinyl I am listening to...

Wings - Wings at the Speed of Sound

Today evening it was two great albums by Mohd Rafi. 'Ghazals' and "An Evening with Mohd Rafi" The cover has the Maestro standing in his porch with a Chevrolet Impala in the background. This LP was introduced by Prithviraj Kapoor. Songs like "Chalaye Jaam" and " Kaun hai jo sapnon mein aaya " stand out.
The records were played on my 1978 Philips GA242. The original ceramic Cartridge ,GP390 , lost a channel recently and was replaced with another classic, the Philips EG 1400(aka Nagaoka BE 321). Somehow these carts with conical styli, possibly .7mil, do sound better on old Bollywood.
Well, today took out an old LP, 'Instrumentale Welterfolge'. This double album has a choice of nostalgic instrumental music including hits like " My Way", "Flashdance", "Eleanor Rigby" and many others. A very good German pressing.
Wharfedale Linton Heritage Speakers in Red Mahogany finish at a Special Offer Price. BUY now before the price increase.