Vinyl I am listening to...

Boney M. - Oceans Of Fantasy

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As a school goer, BoneyM along with Abba pulled me to Western Music. Then over the time so called "audio snobbery" set in and these LPs took backseat in listening priority. Very recently I'm again re-discovering BoneyM. It's like completing the cycle.
"Oceans of Fantasy" is one of their finest. The multi fold cover and inner fold poster art is mind blowing.

great collection of vintage western LPs, Shafic
I am sure you went through a lot of pains to collect these.
Thanks Reuben. With God's grace I have been lucky enough to get a small collection. I don't have many 'expensive' or rare ones. Whatever I have I am very happy with that.
As a school goer, BoneyM along with Abba pulled me to Western Music. Then over the time so called "audio snobbery" set in and these LPs took backseat in listening priority. Very recently I'm again re-discovering BoneyM. It's like completing the cycle.
"Oceans of Fantasy" is one of their finest. The multi fold cover and inner fold poster art is mind blowing.

oh yes, same with me. infact i used to laugh at those who listened to Boney M and Abba (this was the time when in India, western music meant Boney M and Abba). I have managed to obtain all Boney M records until Oceans of Fantasy and also he Christmas Album. Great stuff. I also managed to collect all the Abba albums released until Visitors. Abba was great, and only after watching a documentary of them on youtube that I realized how great they were. We usually write off Boney M as studio produced processed music. Guys like me into metal for example always talk about guitar solos and drum solos. The drumming on Night Flight to Venus for example is often ignored but is really great. The arrangements and melodies are also great and can be enjoyed even after all these years.
Thanks Reuben. With God's grace I have been lucky enough to get a small collection. I don't have many 'expensive' or rare ones. Whatever I have I am very happy with that.
Record collection isn't about collecting first presses or rare records. Its about collecting the music which you love. Its all very personal :)
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