Want to spend my savings - pls help

Two of my nieces went in for the Sony RV222 inspite of my protests.During the warranty period ,both had to get the lens assembly replaced.
One year down the line, after the expiry of the warranty, they are stuck with faulty lens Assy again, with Sony asking for 1500 bucks for the part + labour.
On one, the cassettes dont play, on the other, it keeps tripping off .
One niece has gifted her system to her mother & married & gone off to Australia( my sister just uses it to listen to FM now) & the other has bought a LG DVD player and hooked it up to the Sony.
Sorry Ranjeet, not good advice to the youngster!
And musik_manz,its not a Qn of geeks, most of us speak from hard experience, no one is making wild, unaffordable recommendations to Anjali, just better options than Sony Boomboxes, given her budget.
Anjali, keep away from these minicombos-at that price what else can they use but the cheapest of parts?
Sorry Ranjeet, not good advice to the youngster!

Kamal, appreciate your advice. But considering that Anjali is a student right now, it would be cruel (or cynical) to push her into buying more expensive gear.

She seems to be a college goer and I do not think she would be using the CD player or Tape deck *that* much. Most youngsters are mostly hooked to the FM. And they need something that goes loud, looks good and carries a label. In the situation, that gonna be a perfect buy. Be in Anjali's shoes and you will know.
Ranjeet, she's received heaps of advice abt better options in her budget.
Does'nt the experience with the RV 222 I wrote read like a horror story/
And youngsters drive their Eqpmt mercilessly, they blow it up at parties.I did too, when I was at that age.
Ranjeet, she's received heaps of advice abt better options in her budget.
Does'nt the experience with the RV 222 I wrote read like a horror story/
And youngsters drive their Eqpmt mercilessly, they blow it up at parties.I did too, when I was at that age.

Kamal, I don't want to get into an argument over this. But I'd just let you know that I went back to read what you suggested, so that I could second that if that was a good advice. But sorry mate your advice was way off the mark.

Altec Lansing speakers are very poor value for money. I have heard nearly every AL PC speaker and I have to say you can beat them at any price point. One of the AL speakers I heard (costing 11k for those who are curious), bass was loose and mid-range was missing. A Logitech/Intex/Creative costing much less could sound much better than that. Considering that Anjali is currently using a Harman Kardon speaker and wants to move up, sorry mate, an Altec Lansing is not the answer.

About Your second option, well another person *could* have considered it, but a college goer, no she won't take that advice. Youngsters need something with an X factor, which that system won't offer.

Btw Kamal, can you give me the phone number of the person who is selling that combination? I just want to find out more on that?
Ranjeet, her budget is the determining factor.
Ok, you don't like the Altecs, so plz recommend Logitech/Creative what have you.
But to recommend Boom Boxes with the so called X-factor ??!!!
Plz rethink,my friend...
Virens phone no. is 011-41401143 but he's out of Delhi at the moment, will return at the weekend.
Kamal, I appreciate your concern and contribution. The idea behind such forums is to gather advices. Surely, if there are 10 ideas, one will be better than other 9. Lets say that idea is yours. Cheers.
Ha Ha so much confusion?
Kamal,I am also from geeky grp. I also advised similar to your lines.

Any day component systems are VFM.You can upgrade each of them later.

Sony and Philips are mass market equipment with some flash stickers and 500000 PMPO(which don't have any meaning) and meant to people who will seee 50000 watts....WOW lemme buy it.

And the money they spend on ad is taken from your pocket.

It sounds good at first because the speakers and amp are tuned to elevate some frequency which makes you feel good.But later when you wanna upgrade you are in soup.
You have 2 throw away the system.

What Kamal suggest make more sense to me.

Having said that if person is happy,just go ahead.But you have to make sure what you are doing.
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