Hello! It was a nice show, would 've loved it if there could've been a few more exhibitors.
Comparing with the last show in Mumbai the nos of visitors were at least double or so i'm told. But what's with people taking selfies with the gear even while some one is auditioning , that one seems to be new irritant in the offing

The rooms that i liked were
1) Harbeth's shl5 + Conrad Johnson + Esoteric: It really shone on well recorded stuff esp vocals & small bands. It didn't play my rock cd's well not sure as to why?
2) Sonus Faber Amati's + McIntosh: It was the best sounding room IMHO if you consider a full range speaker. Also heard the Venere Floor stander connected to same amp & CDP,quite liked it seem like great value.
3) Morel + Marantz: Good sound, but could 've been better placed. Didn't like the Stand mounts but think the Floor standers are super value.
4) PMC + Belcanto: The best install by far & no surprises as these guys know their craft, these guys are the best in the business hands down.
5) Invention audio: Deserves recognition for being a local brand & above all having decent sound . Although besides the amp( Don't know what is the design) not sure if the pricing is competitive? The speakers need much better finishing & not sure if i heard it correctly but the dac was 1.4L???
6) Dynaudio + Belcanto: Heard the 1.4's , was warming up to them & all of a sudden another two demo's started all at the same time in the same room!!! A home theatre & a Big Bluetooth speaker!!! Hope they understand not to shove too many things in one room.
7) KEF Blade+ Electrocompaient + Chord: They had set it up on sat eve for a few hours & i was fortunate to be there. But the rooms was a chaos !! Too many people running around the place. It sounded quite mediocre , the problem IMHO was the electrocompaient amps.
Too many thing in room was a phenomenon in most rooms wonder why? it was really screwing up the placement & sound of the gear. Hope it's a lesson learnt .
The best part of the show for me was meeting up a few of you guys. Nikhil with whom we had a great evening out, interactions with Square Wave & quick hello with soul forged is what i recollect. Ran into the a few more but didn't get hear their names in all the noise.
Last but not the least you bangy guys have some brilliant weather. Hope i could take some
