What HiFi Show Bangalore

The best part of the show for me was meeting up a few of you guys. Nikhil with whom we had a great evening out, interactions with Square Wave & quick hello with soul forged is what i recollect. Ran into the a few more but didn't get hear their names in all the noise.

Neo - We meet in the PMC room. This is us the same evening at ARN. Thanks Sridhar for a lovely demo and it was great to meet up with some forum members whom i have interacted many times on PM. Sorry for the one ? :( bad memory :(

From left to right standing - Anil, <?>, Sarin (rudedawg), Sridhar, Sidvee,SriniSundar,Sajjad4joy, s_sachin
Sitting - Santhosh, Rajiv

Having traveled from Hyderabad , must say it was still worth it. The other picture is from the Mcintosh,Sonus Faber room - one of the top rooms in the show . Another one was PMC room, was thrilled to hear my speaker (albiet a newer model) with different amplification at the show. Sounded really good, and thanks to Khusrau for a warm reception. Hope to check out the bigger siblings soon. i also liked was invention audio setup, looks really promising.

Photo courtesy - Sarin. He has some really nice shots of the show, which he has promised to upload soon.


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One heck of a good show.

One suggestion to What Hi Fi folks, please keep stereo on one side and HT on the other. If there was one thing that killed the stereo listening experience, it was the loud bangs from the neighbor HT rooms.

I started my journey with DNI with all their Focal gear. Heard those Focal monstrosities for a short while and left. I guess DNI had the entire Focal range on display. Very nice.

Next was Pro Fx. As I walked in, the LS50's were playing and it is a sound I liked. Looked like they were being driven by Electrocompaniet electronics.

I was lucky to see the side firing low frequency drivers move on the Kef blades and that was about it. Was not particularly keen on listening to electronic music on it, which is what they played when I was there.

Beautiful finish on the KEF R series.

I did not spend too much time with any HT gear except for the Sonodyne SRT set up which was superb. Not pretty looking equipment but a sound that nails it. 6lacs for all that HT gear, provided you have the space, is a steal. They took care of the display side too with a huge LG Tv playing quality high res video. It was an experience to see the Gravity trailer on that big screen.

What impressed me even more was their Avant T1 floor stander. I've never heard a Sonodyne home stereo speaker sound this good.

Stepped in to Cinebels which was all about their Klipsch Atmos speaker system. It was poorly set up and the end result was a normal 5 channel experience. That monster sub was hopeless too. Tried to listen to the Jamo C103 stand mounts but the racket in the room was ruining it. The folks from Cinebels were welcoming.

Went over to Lakozy. The PSB Imagine T3 was really kicking it, paired with NAD electronics. Very helpful gentlemen who was also more than willing to crank up the gain as much as I liked. Heard Deep Purple in full blast. One heck of a good speaker, if you are into rock.

Moved over to the Dynaudio room. I think they were playing the Contour stand mounts. I did not feel very welcome here so decided to move on.

Next up was Absolute Phase. Esoteric source, Conrad Johnson Pre and Tube Power driving a pair of Harbeth HL5 mid tower speakers on stand mounts. Very run off the mill looking speaker stands. I don't believe I have the hearing ability to judge a set up like this, besides, they were playing music that was not a genre of particular interest to me. More so, the rig was being demonstrated to a prospective customer who was already seated at the sweet spot. Hung around for a couple of tracks and left. It was also the first time I saw and heard a Harbeth speaker

Next up was the Q Acoustics HT set up paired with Marantz amplification. I did see Exposure stereo gear sitting on the floor. For all the praises I have read for Q Acoustics, the sound was rubbish.

The room where I spent the most time was the Elac+Hegel set up. I spent the most of my time in this room cause I loved the sound and because the gentleman running it was in no hurry to kick me out. Heck, he even gave me the remote and told me to shred it if I wanted. This room had the sound I liked the most though it may not necessarily fit the bill for audiophile grade sound.

Next was Philips. I thought these guys were dead. They had their Fidelio sound bar on demonstration. It had two speakers you could take off from the ends of the sound bar and place them as surrounds. The surrounds were also true wireless with their inbuilt battery packs. Very impressive for the size of the product. If you have a serious space constraint or want good quality bedroom surround set up minus the wires, the Fidelio is one of the best solutions out there.

Next up was a room that had very little interest. Probably because it was the corner room. The equipment in there was Mcintosh and Sonus Faber. Listened to Rebecca Pidgeon. It was nice.

Next up was Invention Audio. They really need a better name. Stand mounts perched on top of crude looking stands. The result was very limited bottom end. The owner was super confident and demonstrated the finer attributes of the speaker and I have no doubts on what the speaker can do. I will admit it is an excellent speaker as a first attempt. A little more work and a better stand mount should take it to another level.

Stepped in to Onkyo and was pleasantly surprised to find the CP-1050 on display. Really well made and finished turntable. I was expecting only HT but they had a good selection of stereo gear paired with very nice sounding Energy speakers. The HT room had the Cerwin Vega beasts. Did not listen to them.

Rega is back courtesy Audio Planet. Sadly their pricing is stupid. Not a well set up room so did not spend much time here.

I skipped some rooms in between and headed to a room that had PMC speakers. It was the DB1 stand mount paired with Bel Canto electronics. My jaw dropped the moment they hit the play button. These little fells have a huge sound stage. God knows how they managed it.

This ends my trip to the What Hi Fi show. While all was not perfect, to me, this was a show that will get more and more interesting. The concept of listening rooms are very much in line with Hi Fi shows in the western world. Adoption of quality stereo remains low when compared to HT. The good thing is, we have access to some excellent gear and are no longer really starved from top notch equipment.
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Sorry I may have confused. The pic on the left is from ARN showroom , not from the show

This is 'great' indeed.
I was at this room on Thursday.
I guess all you folks went there on Friday or Saturday.
What did you think of the 3 set ups that were playing.
OB / Cleopatra & Ukranian Speaker.
Comments by you & others that visited would be much apppreciated.

This is just an Amp that was in use with the Spatial Design Speaker [I think] !! :licklips:
One heck of a good show.
The room where I spent the most time was the Elac+Hegel set up. I spent the most of my time in this room cause I loved the sound and because the gentleman running it was in no hurry to kick me out. Heck, he even gave me the remote and told me to shred it if I wanted. This room had the sound I liked the most though it may not necessarily fit the bill for audiophile grade sound.
That is good to learn, the person offering you the demo was Mr. Sandeep Chawla from KEI [Importer for Elac]
Small Floor Stander in 2 channel with a 'sub' & the sound stage was deep & wide. 100 % Speaker had disappeared...
the person offering you the demo was Mr. Sandeep Chawla from KEI .Small Floor Stander in 2 channel with a 'sub' & the sound stage was deep & wide.

Yes; that is correct. I did introduce myself to him saying we share the same name:-)

I did ask for the sub to be powered off briefly even though Sandeep said it is barely intruding and he was right.
I did ask for the sub to be powered off briefly even though Sandeep said it is barely intruding and he was right.


This was a super example of a sub integration.
It has 100 % disappeared.
No Localization.

Besides the sound stage was rather deep - playing from out side the room.

The Sub has a lovely app & works via blue tooth & one can adjust it from ones listening position without moving. SPL / Phase / Cut Off etc.
It is one of the most versatile subs I have ever had the pleasure of installing - works like a song. :clapping:
Agreed! Bhagwan was the star of the show for me, full entertainment:ohyeah:

Well Thank You Sir;
It would not be possible without you...

I wish I had a few pics of us guys out @ beer & dinner & then clubbin....
This is a pic @ Ritz Carlton - Friday Afternoon - before the mad drive to The Listening Room...

This was a Red Wine I had with a Green Mountain Audio Speaker owner..
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This was a super example of a sub integration.
It has 100 % disappeared.
No Localization.

Besides the sound stage was rather deep - playing from out side the room.

The Sub has a lovely app & works via blue tooth & one can adjust it from ones listening position without moving. SPL / Phase / Cut Off etc.
It is one of the most versatile subs I have ever had the pleasure of installing - works like a song. :clapping:

Any idea what is the cost of the sub?
I had also spent time in this room and liked the setup.

The sub control app was really interesting to see on your phone.
Initially I asked for the sub to be turned off and then back on later.
With the sub turned on the sub gave a nice foundation for the overall sound.

Very nice room and yes, very hospitable D&D who was generous with his time.
Any idea what is the cost of the sub?
I had also spent time in this room and liked the setup.

The sub control app was really interesting to see on your phone.
Initially I asked for the sub to be turned off and then back on later.
With the sub turned on the sub gave a nice foundation for the overall sound.

Very nice room and yes, very hospitable D&D who was generous with his time.

The is the Elac 2050 Sub.
Indian Retail is 119500/- I think - not sure.
[E=1550/- Is Retail in Germany - Rs. 120/- K]

Sandeep Chawla is a nice fellow - I get along well with him.

Yes, the sub works via any phone app & it is controlled via blue tooth.
Not only is it convenient but also works effortlessly.
Besides tuning it is a breeze.
I truly like this sub a lot.

It also won an award this year for the best sub @ Eisa.

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Hi Everyone,

Here are some pics that I've clicked on 29th. Sidvee and others had enlightened me saying 'since the rooms are not acoustically planned for the audio demo there's very little you can gauge about the equipment' and so decided to enjoy and save the moments as much as I can and so took some pics and as Sachin has said.. here there are... :ohyeah:

What Hi-Fi Benguluru Story by Rud3dawg | Photobucket

Hope they are accessible, Some might be repetitive, please bear with me.... :rolleyes: will try and name the equipment as much as possible..Hope you all can pitch in. :rolleyes:
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I don't have many pictures of the show but I did manage to take one good picture of the KEF Room with the White Blades connected.
FM square_wave was with me while I was in the room and we had to listen to some guy's electronic music on these speakers.

After checking my notes I don't think I can add much to what others have already mentioned on the other rooms. Of the remaining rooms that I visited in the West Wing here are my comments:

Dynaudio Room was very decent actually but the D&D's general disinterest was a little strange. They did accommodate my request for an audition but that was it - no info was offered on the setup or gear that was in play. I offered my thanks and left. I am quite familiar with the Dynaudio drivers having spent almost a year looking around for my own speakers but Dynaudio speaker pricing is extremely high.

The Elac Room was a highlight for me. The speakers were setup very well by our own FM Bhagwan and it showed. Initially on Friday evening the sound was setup in such a way that the front floor standers just disappeared from the sound stage with the sound appearing to emanate from the two larger floor standers at the back near the equipment rack. This I learnt was by design - well played. Later the speakers were set up more conventionally with less toe in and the sound stage was wall to wall with the sub providing a nice base for the music. The Elac sub with it's app control is very nice piece of gear. Hegel Pre and Power combo powered the setup and the Hegel remote was a nice solid metal brick.

The Macintosh Sonus Faber room was a very good room again. D&D was very courteous and informative making polite conversation with many of the visitors. It was my first interaction with them and I was very pleased with their efforts. They had taken the trouble of bringing over a high end setup which is what we audio enthusiasts look for in an audio show. I was given ample time for a demo and I took the music in. The Sonus Faber Amati sound is a very musical sound but some may find it a touch too romantic. I wonder what the Macintosh gear would sound like paired with another speaker. There was a beautiful Wadia DAC and amplifier on passive display (connected to what looked liked a Venere floorstander) which I did not get to hear.

The Sonus Faber home theater room had their Dolby Atmos setup with a floor stander doing front channel duty with the appropriate upward firing drivers. I waited out the home theater demo of "The Sniper" which was had all the appropriate bells and whistles for the HT crowd. I asked for a 2 channel listen to their new Chameleon floor stander (Rs 2 lakh) and I came away impressed with the sound. It's a little bit of a "lifestyle" design with the interchangeable side panels (colors to suit room decor) but you do get superb sound along with the package. Bass was a little fuzzy but that would improve when driven by a proper stereo amp.

Sonus Faber makes some of the most beautiful looking speakers. The finishes on the speakers were just something to look at. Excellent rooms with some of the best looking gear at the show.
Hi Sareen

Sorry I missed you this time around, though we managed to meet up with Sidvee. Definitely next time!
Aaah yes.. was Hoping to see you @ ARN or Whathifi Exhibition .. well I'd definitely like to meet up the next time am there. Would definitely like gain some more knowledge to last for few more steps of this journey :).

@ Nikhil.. looks like I missed meeting you and also looks like you got to spend a lot of time there.. Lucky you.... ;) Too crowded for me :/

Hope you guys liked the pics :)
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@ Nikhil.. looks like I missed meeting you and also looks like you got to spend a lot of time there.. Lucky you.... ;) Too crowded for me :/

Hope you guys liked the pics :)

I was wondering the same thing. I was there on Friday afternoon and Sat evening.
I think I got lucky with the timing as I did manage to get very good time for auditioning.
People were there but not too much.

Thanks for sharing some great pictures of the show!
A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.