What is there in a Vinyl?.........Just a thought.....

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I think discussing about the quality of a NAK recording deserves a seperate thread. It's a fact that Nak's are special machines for quality reproduction of analogue sound.
It seems like you joined this forum just to answer this thread. Old trick ha? ;)

And ofcourse few NAK model was very good but thinking that recording on NAK will be better than the source material is absolutely comical.
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Grapes are sour or sweet, If you just only ask, every seller would say that the grapes they sell are sweet :D. It is their nature as most of them would be reseller. And still I wonder the fanda of " bought but never played ":D .
Going through the discussion I do have sincere doubts on the credibility of the knowledge that koushik & pakecc has on this Topic. It seems from the posts that they are making here that they only listen to digital stuff (if at all they do) and they can go to any extent in ridiculing analogue and related stuff to glorify their taste. Its sickening to say the least. Someone who doubts the capability and output of a Nakamichi 3 head Deck is either insane or knows nothing about hifi audio. He should be spending more time in the Deck section or other foras to upgrade himself rather posting crap and spreading nuisance here.
It seems like you joined this forum just to answer this thread. Old trick ha? ;)

And ofcourse few NAK model was very good but thinking that recording on NAK will be better than the source material is absolutely comical.
I think now you are getting personal in commenting like this. Or you are trying to settle some old score.
I have grown up in the era of the late 80s and early 90s to the mid 90s (my teens & 20s) & I have done enough recordings on Audio Cassettes and have seen the same being done by other fellow music enthusiasts as well BUT NEVER EVER CAME ACROSS THIS FUNDA OF CD recording to cassette :).
In Bangalore there were lots of music stores that recorded from CD to cassette at a premium price like FM pakecc stated. In the 80s, vinyl to CD ranged from Rs.15-20 and CD was Rs.30-35. I still have over 50-60 cassettes recorded from CD. Also some of these stores had CD libraries, so friends used to pool in for the deposit and rental charge and we used to record on cassettes. Saved lots of cash this way:).
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Going through the discussion I do have sincere doubts on the credibility of the knowledge that koushik & pakecc has on this Topic
And I have no doubt that you know nothing about digital.
Keep glorifying analogue, I have no issue. I personally I don't like vinyl, but that's okay, that's me. I have no problem with people listening to it, selling them at premium and glorifying it, but refrain from comparing vinyls with digital music. Its okay to believe in flat earth. Don't ridicules digital, don't get ridiculed.

And there are few fake IDs in FB who come together to strengthen their discussion together. I am sure it is not happening here. Bapa1967, Audiohifi and Jayants are well known and different members.
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Though I like the sound and look of vinyl(IMO they are objects of beauty), I have to agree with Koushik on the clicks and pops. Especially on soft passages a random loud POP drives me crazyo_O. I guess both formats have their pros and cons. Digital used to sound great till the loudness wars started, but today it's very fatiguing...also in terms of convenience nothing beats digital. However I consider album artwork to be a big part of the experience and from that perspective, nothing beats vinyl.
A lot of these are perceptions and personal opinions. And a lot of these online reports and comments can be sales and marketing oriented. These days, a moment a review or opinion comes out, sales of a particular product takes off or crashes. For example, we're talking about first pressings here - especially in India, there is no perfect way of determining which is a first press - everything is hear say and we all know about Chinese Whispers :)
Reubensm if there are any Bollywood titles whose first pressings you wish to know, I can be of help.

I may not know about some obscure title though :)
Yes reading ur posts r quite amusing as one can conclude how dumbo a person can be in his inferences.
It seems u r utterly jealous that u missed out the trick of hoarding them. No problem. Share ur account details and I can do some charity for u for the sale I do here :-)

Haha, thats funny. Few years back it was better to record from vinyl to cassettes and then listen, and now suddenly, listening directly vinyl is better.
Later, it will depend on the things that I have hoarded in my house, may tips cassette of 90s or Venus may be ...

Some old electronic shops will come up with idea that CRT is better than Plasma/LCD/LED to clear out their go-downs, and we will buy them at premium.

In every aspects of life, science is progressing and only in Audio older technologies were better :D
Really? You said that? You think people who listen to CDs are incapable of paying to buy Vinyl?

No they are very much capable. But their (some of them) MIND is not capable enough because they want everything for CHEAP.
Grapes are sour or sweet, If you just only ask, every seller would say that the grapes they sell are sweet :D. It is their nature as most of them would be reseller. And still I wonder the fanda of " bought but never played ":D .

But how does it effect u? Whether they are a seller or reseller I don't think it has any relevance to this thread. And by the way is selling one's own stuff an offence? Or do u expect charity?

U won't understand certain fundas because as I said what u see in others one will always envy.................that's human nature.
And there are few fake IDs in FB who come together to strengthen their discussion together. I am sure it is not happening here. Bapa1967, Audiohifi and Jayants are well known and different members.

Just like u were sitting tight all these days after u got a fitting reply from fellow FMs what Vinyl is all about BUT the moment u saw some1 yesterday speaking ur lines again u started. It only proves who need support for strengthening things and fake ids.

By the way have u ever spinned a Vinyl ever in ur life or have seen a Nak Deck how it works? I doubt!!

And also would appreciate to come up with ur REAL FULL NAME here rather firing under a veil. Its evident from ur posts u r an old devil whom many of us must b knowing :-)
A lot of these are perceptions and personal opinions. And a lot of these online reports and comments can be sales and marketing oriented. These days, a moment a review or opinion comes out, sales of a particular product takes off or crashes. For example, we're talking about first pressings here - especially in India, there is no perfect way of determining which is a first press - everything is hear say and we all know about Chinese Whispers :)

Reuben I have huge respect for u but I am not taking this comment of urs "And a lot of these online reports and comments can be sales and marketing oriented. " very kindly :-)

There is indeed a perfect way of determining which is a 1st press or a 2nd press or even a 3rd press. I was thinking of sharing those here when some JOKER started polluting this thread :-)
Though I like the sound and look of vinyl(IMO they are objects of beauty), I have to agree with Koushik on the clicks and pops. Especially on soft passages a random loud POP drives me crazyo_O. I guess both formats have their pros and cons. Digital used to sound great till the loudness wars started, but today it's very fatiguing...also in terms of convenience nothing beats digital. However I consider album artwork to be a big part of the experience and from that perspective, nothing beats vinyl.

Nicely put plasmoid. Yes pops and clicks are an inherent part of a vinyl setup but its something which I have noticed that Vinyl lovers like about. Am not referring to the loud ones which definitely occurs due to a split in the groove or a scratch or a bit dirt particle. But the soft pop and clicks are like a part and parcel of vinyl listening.Many do the mistake of trying to clean those files and hence losing out on few of the frequencies.

As u rightly said when it comes to convenience nothing can beat digital but here we are not speaking of convenience,we r speaking of the listening experience and thats heavenly when a good vinyl is played on a decent setup.
Bapa 1967 do u know this chappie or u smell a rat here :)?
Personally I don't know him, but the language of his reply to my coment suggests his intentions to prove something else.
Anyway a person who dislike analogue sound does not qualify to get into any debate with in this thread.
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