What poison are you having today ?

liked this whiskey, It wasn't over done. It had a lot of flavor but wasn't too pushy. Just a very nice clean taste...

Neat or with few drops of water, a very fine Single Malt.
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Yeah man :) where do you get the fuel for that zippo ?

Here in mumbai, I got it from a store called Alfa

I got it for my cousin who stayed briefly with us as he had come for a project to mumbai. He forgot yo take it back and I threw away the almost full can few months back :sad:
Elneeru = coconut water :lol:
The high potassium content in coconut water increases the work of the Na/K pump in the inner ear, the potential difference between intracellular and extracellular fluid is greatly enhanced and this contributes to the ears' keenness of hearing; new lows and highs manifest magically after a drink ! :lol:

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Eta starmarks theke newa.. limited edition chilo.. mone porche na.. 3.6k bodhoy.. was sloshed when I bought this
A/B comparo of the booze variety took place last night :D

Anyone tried either ? :p


@rijuc : I'm talking about the "tel" of Zippos. Starmarks e paoya jae ? Tumi to use korcho.

@denom : Had Old Smuggler couple of years back, pretty nice. Never had King Henry VIII. Will try to find that today.

@GeorgeO : I can't believe you're having that all by yourself :sad: What have we done ? Then again, I would never get that taste as my taste buds are pretty much effed up from spicy foods and stuffs.
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