I did not want to write about the flaws of the Be718 out here but I see that some people are already starting to provide amplification recommendations for this speaker which I completely disagree with, hence I will write
I have always been in favour of providing high quality amplification to a "high" quality speaker. In fact I have always owned speakers which demand amplifiers costing more than the speaker price and I have fulfilled the demands of such speakers. But providing high quality amplification to a "low" quality speaker is a total blunder almost to the point of foolishness in my books. Mark Levinsons and Symphonic Lines are BMWs of high end audio. Be718 is at best a Maruti Zen. A zen should work fine with an engine of its own level, if it doesnt, you know there is something wrong in the design....do not try to fix it by providing BMW's mechanicals. It will still remain a Zen, but you would have spent enough money to buy a Civic. Okay thats too much of Automobile, back to Be718.
What is it that I do not like about them:
1. Midrange : The midrange is the most screwed up aspect of this speaker. It is hollow, bloated, colored and lifeless. There is no correlation between what it generates in the midrange to the real instruments. I do not expect this level of nuisance from a speaker costing 100k.
2. Bass : Some people say you can make the bass work by providing powerful amplification. My Symphonic Line could not make it work. At least not even close to what I am used to. Typically I hear a very one-note thick thump which they call "Bass". To me it is something else.
3. Treble : Here it is interesting. It has a HF presentation which I have never heard in any speaker. It is extended, clean, sweet and open. Never in your face. This is one good thing about this speaker. This is what deceives buyers to fall for it. You get to hear some good female vocals, again courtesy goes to the tweeter. Some nice open strings, same, its the tweeter doing some magic. However I find its presentation to be very "fairy tale" like. Everything sounds like an Angel. Beautiful and Romantic. To me, it is again a coloration which I do not understand. Every singer, every instrument, every recording just cannot be romantic and sweet. It is NOT. I have heard some of the best tweeters and they sound like real instruments, sometimes raw and at other times sweet, depending on the input material. However I would still give it to the Beryllium tweeter for making music, whatever they do, they are musical, hence a thumbs up.
So, there you go. Dont kill me for all this. I did not want to write, you guys provoked me
So for me, trying to make this speaker work by spending more money is total blunder. Do it at your own risk. I am not suggesting any amps for the speaker though.
If you want speaker suggestions, do provide some details, Budget, room size, music preference etc...