Why are you targetting us?

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Esteemed Mridul,

I congratulate you on your perspicacity. You have given the precise answer I was hoping you'd come to realize eventually but which you have arrived at extremely pronto, which is - Chit Chat and Distributors have nothing to do with each other. Hence you concentrate on your business and let us chit chat.


Yours faithfully
On behalf of Messrs Steven,
Sr Vp, Grand Panjandrum & Head,
Leg Pulling Department

So you mean to say... that as i have a Distributor tag in front of my ID, i am just here to sell the products...
I dont know if you realised it or not, the Distributor tag came in a few months ago... and i have been an active member working non-commercially from Jan 2008, and that too being a part of this industry for 7yrs...
As per you i should just have concentrated on making money using this forum from beginning...and doesnt care at all about anything else...???

Come on Buddy...

I dont know what Grand Panjandrum means.. but yes i agree you being the Head of Leg Pulling Dept... :p
If what you are saying is indeed true, then it warrants action. Do you have evidence of those four cases? Can affected members vouch for what you are saying?

As in proof i have the members(customers) who are being effected, and the product details, what have been sold...
I even know, 2 members (as a part of discussions on thread), out of which one has done two installations, but 3rd person i dont know, as i have never interacted with him...

I dont know, if they will spell out the name of the members or not, but yes, let me tell them atleast to post, the blunder they have been thru...
To start off its good that the air has been cleared and the injured parties have been given explanations by the moderators. So we all move on and there seems no need to add anything more on this thread.

Mridul I have nothing against u or any other dealer/distributor. If u say that there are some members who are leading people the wrong way or leaving people 'mid way', all I can say is that there are a few rotten apples everywhere.
I just want to also point out to you the amount of times the dealer misleads the AV enthusiast. This happens all too often and tons of guys are sold what they dont need, at higher than reasonable rates and often left in the lurch when things go wrong. Please lets not bullshit anyone or insult anyones grey matter by saying ' we are here to help people rather than gain financially'. There are no free lunches as we all know and none of us even expect that.

I have no desire to report your posts or request the mods to block or whatever u are implying but for a commercail member to make general statements (without any proof) about members bull shitting is taking things a bit far. Maybe better choice of words with some proof would be easier to swallow.



As i remember we are one among the old members in the forum, and have interacted in number of threads...
Regarding the proof you are talking about, yes i do have, but i cannot post until i am allowed by the member...
As said in my last post i will request those members to post what happened...

Secondly as you said there are rotten apples everywhere is very true, but not only as a commercial member but as an helping hand as well, i felt like putting the same across, as to why i am against or favouring any point...

Thirdly, for how long you have seen me as an commercial member...???

Regarding the dealers who misleads and over quote... yes there are few...
Same ways there are few members as mentioned earlier who misleaded others...
So to save all of them only, i gave the idea, of making the interested people talk to actual brand managers... They will provide details such as MRP--Model No.--Availability--Authorised Resellers--And maybe one or two points that are required about the product...
Then atleast the member is aware of what they want and at what max price it will come to them...
then they can bargain with the authorised resellers and negotiate as per the comfort level...

Please comment if i am still talking commercial...
Why are there so many acrimonious threads on HFV? Full of vitriol, barely hidden anger spiced with innuendo and accusations?

Moderators - I really think you ought to lock up this thread as well as the one on Xtreamer.

If there was a purpose to both these threads, I would think they are solved. Right now, all these two threads are doing is breeding bad feelings within forum members. Please treat this as a simple request.
Why are there so many acrimonious threads on HFV? Full of vitriol, barely hidden anger spiced with innuendo and accusations?

Moderators - I really think you ought to lock up this thread as well as the one on Xtreamer.

If there was a purpose to both these threads, I would think they are solved. Right now, all these two threads are doing is breeding bad feelings within forum members. Please treat this as a simple request.

I second vortex. At least, the purpose of this thread seems to served. Can the mods lock this thread?
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