Why are you targetting us?

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There is a talk that if there is a problem etc a private message should be sent to the moderator which is a good idea provided the moderator first send a private message to the member in case of a problem etc. On the other hand members also should be more careful with their writing.

In my case i was fortunate enough to receive a private message from the moderator when there was some problem in my writing. :clapping:

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About your condemnation about the north Indian factor surprises me, is this because venkatcr is a moderator or because he is from Chennai? ;)

I want to know because there are many a times there has been heated debates but most of the times you have been quite while venkatcr does often come in to bring down the fumes. :clapping:

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About Non-AV threads, there are just too many so i did not understand why you did not remove other threads, like for example you could have removed the thread on road rage. :beer:

If there are number of forums etc to go for rental property then for road rage also there will be forums, am i right? :confused:


Anm, you had yourself stated in that thread that you were pushing the Non-AV related matter to the extreme end. I discussed your thread with the other moderators before closing it. There are a number of forums available for rentals and property and they are the right ones to use.

This forum is getting overloaded with non-AV related stuff. Ram and I are spending most of time watching this.
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About your condemnation about the north Indian factor surprises me, is this because venkatcr is a moderator or because he is from Chennai? ;)

I want to know because there are many a times there has been heated debates but most of the times you have been quite while venkatcr does often come in to bring down the fumes. :clapping:


I condemn that fact that Venkat is being criticized that he is biased towards south indians or again North Indians. Venaklt has strong opinions about few products and expresses them openly BUT I am sure he is neutral in his action. If you find him being biased, you can always PM me or HiFiVision or in fact Venkat himself and I am sure he will either explain or correct himself.
In such situations i think there should be more moderators so the forum suffers less. :)

madbull, i think Vinay is right... we should have more moderators. It'll ease off the pressure from you and venkat. maybe that is the whole nub of it.
@Malvai: Thanks for the wishes. On the MOD part HiFiVision has to take a call its not me alone. I have already put that across to him.
From afternoon suddenly this thread is no more visible on the home page so i assumed that it has been removed for good and later i came to know that the thread still does exist. :yahoo:

I did not understand the reasons for this hush up, is it because the moderator was condemd, i hope not? :o


Thanks for the clarification from your side. Yes, I saw other posts on this issue as well, and I am surprised by this undercurrent, which I never personally noticed nor endorse. I always like to think of India as one, and Indians as living in different parts of it, rather than labeling them as such. Of course, there are always stereotypes...some of which are based on averaged, generalised behaviour of the population.

PS: And I do agree that sending posts from a mobile phone is cumbersome as well ;) which explains your lengthy reply post to shaizada. Thanks for explaining that.

You are welcome Ajinkya. I too see India as one. especially since I am an offspring of 3 generations of mixed marriages!

And knowing Venkatcr, he will obviously come around and sort things out.

Venkatcr holds a huge responsiblity on his shoulders. His actions sends out signals. hence, he needs to show a lil moderation while being trigger happy at times. Also, loose comments on Delhiites etc haven't helped the impression either.

I for one have decided that I'll refrain from sending posts from my phone, no matter how tempting the feeling is (and a pal getting a Koetsu is a tempting moment!).

However, all of us being mature, will learn from this un. I'm guessing...
There is a talk that if there is a problem etc a private message should be sent to the moderator which is a good idea provided the moderator first send a private message to the member in case of a problem etc. On the other hand members also should be more careful with their writing.

In my case i was fortunate enough to receive a private message from the moderator when there was some problem in my writing. :clapping:


That is a very good recommendation. It would definitely negate the "singled out" feeling....
I created this thread to allow people to blow their ire, and it seems to have succeeded in that. Though I don't need to, I would like to clarify a few points.


I have already explained the rational behind my action with reference to Malvai and Anm. With regard to Sam, I had to intervene as his posts were regularly starting heated arguments with another member. It may be vain on my part, but over a period of time I did manage to cool both Sam and the other member into posting together fruitfully for all other members. Both are knowledgeable, but had highly contrasting views.


I would at this juncture like to clarify some wordings of mine which have been misunderstood.

1. Delhiwaalas are thieves. Though I am not the challenging type, I would really liked to be shown a link to the thread/post where I have used these exact words. Please understand that I am very careful with words, and I am sure that my command over English is good enough for me to understand what I am writing and meaning. I do remember distinctly where I said and what I said. In a thread where we were discussing Delhi's power troubles, one of the reasons I said was that there was a lot of theft of electricity in Delhi. For heaven's sake, please understand simple English. What I said was that there was theft of electricity, period. It could have been done by an Indian from anywhere, as well as a non-Indian. The fact that DESU loses a lot of electricity to theft cannot be denied. As I mentioned in another thread the PM has quoted 40,000 crores as the loss that EBs face every year due to transmission loses that included theft.

2. Chinese products are xxxx. I am surprised that, though I have explained this umpteen times, people yet misunderstand. First of all, I never used the word xxxx. The worst negatives I may have used is 'bad' or 'not good'. Secondly, I have never made a comment of any kind on products manufactured in China. Here are my exact words:

"Reddy, I would suggest that you just throw the mobile away and buy one from reputed company. Chinese mobiles are made by sell and run companies, and you will not get any support"

What the thread was referring to was a mobile designed and made by an unknown company in China. I went on to explain that the Chinese capabilities in designing electronic circuits was in question. In another thread, I clearly differentiated between a product manufactured in China and one designed there. I am not sure how many of you are aware, but TRAI is actually thinking of completely banning all Chinese mobile phones as they are a serious threat to our security requirements.


Anm, Malvai, and Sam - if you think I am taking any step on a personal basis, then you are completely wrong. Anm and Malvai, it is possible the steps I took in your case hurt you. If so, my apologies. I have warned and deleted threads of many people who I know personally. If a rule is flouted, then some kind of action has to be taken. Why in one case alone, and not for someone else is not easy to answer. Once a thread has a few posts that shows the interest of members and the thread taking a life of it's own, I usually leave it alone.

Ram and I have been discussing the threads in Chit Chat and we realise it is becoming more and more worrisome.

All I can say at this juncture is for all members to understand the basic Raison d'tre for HFV - AV and AV related stuff. Though many members have become friends through PM, meetings and emails, making this into a social club will kill the very foundation of the forum. THIS IS MY PERSONAL OPINION.

I request all members to help us make HFV a great place for all AV. I have been requesting for more technical articles and I would repeat the request.

As I said in the beginning, this thread has enabled a lot of us to blow off steam. Now that has happened, let us move on.

Dear Venkat, thank you for clearing the air. And yes a lot of festering things are now cleared as well.

I think we can all move on amiably once again.
Vinay, Chit Chat threads will henceforth not be visible in the Home Page. You have to go to the particular forum and look for threads there. It will also not come up in your unread posts.

From afternoon suddenly this thread is no more visible on the home page so i assumed that it has been removed for good and later i came to know that the thread still does exist. :yahoo:

I did not understand the reasons for this hush up, is it because the moderator was condemd, i hope not? :o


Vinay, Chit Chat thread will henceforth be not visible in the Home Page. You have to go to the particular forum and look for threads there. It will also not come up in your unread posts.

Just can't help smiling at these 2 contradictory statements. I hope you were careful when writing this post :)

1. Please understand that I am very careful with words, and I am sure that my command over English is good enough for me to understand what I am writing and meaning.
2. I am surprised that, though I have explained this umpteen times, people yet misunderstand.
Cant believe that this thread got so much attention and traffic! Seems like all is well that ends well.

I happen to believe that general chit chat should be there and it is just a natural extension of how close we grow to be as a community.

However we may need to see if people starting threads do so only in the Chit Chat section without contributing too much at all to the Hifi sections. If such be the case, then a gentle PM reminder would be suitable, I guess. We need every member to contribute more to Hifi than to anything else in this forum. If we can ensure that, the other things will take care of themselves easily.
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