Willsenton R8 - Much needed Glow in Life

Will it work? someone suggested me 2a3 also, but I am skeptical of trying other tubes.
any Indian source for it ?
2A3 !!!! No way.

Yes 6CA7 will work, same octal pin as EL34 but bigger bottle and better construction but must be 6CA7 only. Try National brand. eBay US. Buy NOS only. And try Russian 6SN7 / 6SL7 too.

The amp aught to make excellent deep bass too but that depends on the OPTs too. EL34 is no slouch compared to KT88.
6CA7 Single Ended Amplifier driving 88dB BS at just 1 watt power: (intention is to show EL34 / 6CA7 are quite bass delivery capable)

Hi there.

I thought my Quad 606 power amp was good enough for me until a friend brought over his Willsenton R8 and tested on my PMC 25.23 (a transmission line floorstander speaker). Wow, the bass was as deep as it can get with full bodied sound running as a power amp. Fed through by a China made pre (using Jadis circuitry). Next a friend loaned me a pair of Dynaudio floorstander and the R8 drove it effortlessly without sounding drained. The high current output from R8 can drive even the most difficult speakers with ease. Thank god for China made amps. I get to enjoy high quality music without breaking the bank.
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