Why are you targetting us?

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so now as HiFiVision has most of the Dealers / Distributors / Brands details and registered members from Companies, the members should be directed to them, for Pricing, Service, Availability, Installation, etc

Err, yes, indeed... in your suggestions there may be many conflicts!
Hey Venky

I don't know, i should interrupt or not...
But, i would like to make a few suggestions (Sorry i didnt read all the posts in this thread, maybe some others also must have suggested the same, but here are my points)...

1). I have been observing a lot of Nonsense threads, by a few so called (over confident and bullshitters) members, and that too on the totally off the topic threads... I will suggest blocking any of this kind of practise... HiFiVision is growing and is the only Indian HiFi AV Forum, so as the famous dialogue says, "With Great Powers comes Great Responsibilities", change the Powers to Popularity / Members... So, with increasing members there will be many Junkies also logging in, and you will have to take some more initiative to pull there freedom...

2). As suggested to Anil, there needs to be people to watch over every section of threads... so that the actual help seekers get what they want, and the other off topic posts can be shifted to a different section, completely...This will reduce your headache and will do justice to members...

3). There are a few members, who try to be oversmart in there knowledge and support, but, there are a few cases, i have come across (over tele. discussions), where these so called oversmart guyz, suggest big, and then pull out...i am straight away talking about commercial activites...so now as HiFiVision has most of the Dealers / Distributors / Brands details and registered members from Companies, the members should be directed to them, for Pricing, Service, Availability, Installation, etc... so that the justification is done to all the help seekers...

I know, in above of my suggestions, there will be a lot of conflicts.. but i think that will help most of the members...

If there is an award in this forum for the biggest BS, I strongly recommend the above for kind consideration. Does this guy own this forum???


Err, yes, indeed... in your suggestions there may be many conflicts!

Yes Sir, thats what i said, some people (though your name was not included), wants to take the normal members for ride, show them ultra special features, and then leave them half the way, is that wt you mean...
you may have seen the commercial tag in front of my name, but that doesnt mean, that i am only talkin on favour of commercial facts, if you ask the pld members, or see my joining date i have been a member since last more than 2yrs... so i better believe in helping people than gaining.. and moreover if people are getting direct prices and service from the company directly there is no harm...

so now you have to decide which side you wanna be... as i am expecting conflict from only people who are BS....

While I will leave it to VenkatCR to respond to your posts, I think bringing in the "North/South Divide" into this is not necessary. I have seen a lot of posts where VenkatCR has responded helpfully to members regardless of where they are from.

However, I agree with you & anm that the rules should be applied equally to all members and hence if threads like ideas for mousetraps could be allowed, then anm's thread for a suitable apartment could have been allowed as well.

I may be wrong, but I do not see this as a moderator picking on specific set of members, I rather see it as the need for more moderators to effectively moderate HFV.


If its for me...???

Can you please elaborate on my points....

Your post below should explain why
3). There are a few members, who try to be oversmart in there knowledge and support, but, there are a few cases, i have come across (over tele. discussions), where these so called oversmart guyz, suggest big, and then pull out...i am straight away talking about commercial activites...so now as HiFiVision has most of the Dealers / Distributors / Brands details and registered members from Companies, the members should be directed to them, for Pricing, Service, Availability, Installation, etc... so that the justification is done to all the help seekers...

I know, in above of my suggestions, there will be a lot of conflicts.. but i think that will help most of the members...

You are suggesting that members' questions be directed to distributors in HFV and those members should not get suggestions from other HFV members! If that is not a blatant conflict of interest, I don't know what is!!
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first off brother, i did not bring the north/south divide in... I merely referred to an earlier post.... Pls read the sequence... And it was just mirroring what many people feel.

Secondly, my entire grouse is about the unequal moderation. Period.

If having more moderators will solve it, lets get more moderators.


While I will leave it to VenkatCR to respond to your posts, I think bringing in the "North/South Divide" into this is not necessary. I have seen a lot of posts where VenkatCR has responded helpfully to members regardless of where they are from.

However, I agree with you & anm that the rules should be applied equally to all members and hence if threads like ideas for mousetraps could be allowed, then anm's thread for a suitable apartment could have been allowed as well.

I may be wrong, but I do not see this as a moderator picking on specific set of members, I rather see it as the need for more moderators to effectively moderate HFV.

Yes Sir, thats what i said, some people (though your name was not included), wants to take the normal members for ride, show them ultra special features, and then leave them half the way, is that wt you mean...
you may have seen the commercial tag in front of my name, but that doesnt mean, that i am only talkin on favour of commercial facts, if you ask the pld members, or see my joining date i have been a member since last more than 2yrs... so i better believe in helping people than gaining.. and moreover if people are getting direct prices and service from the company directly there is no harm...

so now you have to decide which side you wanna be... as i am expecting conflict from only people who are BS....

You seem to have specific names in mind. If you have a problem, state it up front and in your own thread. This thread has been started precisely for a similar reason by malvai. I suggest you do the same, name those members in a new thread and let them respond to your posts.

And you are asking members to pick sides? For what exactly?
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first off brother, i did not bring the north/south divide in... I merely referred to an earlier post.... Pls read the sequence... And it was just mirroring what many people feel.

Secondly, my entire grouse is about the unequal moderation. Period.

If having more moderators will solve it, lets get more moderators.

I have read through this thread again and the earlier post you've referred to is from anm and you had concurred with him that VenkatCR is partial to North Indians. Hence my first post in this thread that it is not correct to bring in the North/South divide issue. Right now, its yourself, anm & sam9s who are saying that VenkatCR is partial to North Indians. That's a major allegation and not to say it is also treading on murky, dangerous waters.

Please don't get me wrong malvai, anm & sam9s, but at least for the sake of clarity, it is absolutely necessary that you back such allegations with links to past threads where you have felt the partiality towards North Indians.

Regarding moderation, I have seen only VenkatCR actively moderating this forum ever since I joined here and now madbullram is active again after a while. Apart from this two moderators, at least I do not know of any other moderator actively moderating this forum. So yes personally I think this forum requires a few more moderators in order to continue being the leading AV forum in India.
mridulgoel , you can be sure that people will ask you questions --- when they want to. There will be no conflict of interests, because this site is not called, or intended to be, "Meet the dealers".

Frankly, this thread seems to be a lot of fuss about nothing, or about things that could have been cleared up by PM. On the one hand, the site will develop and change, this will include times when, maybe, there is uncertainty about what should have been included or not. Nobody's ever been a moderator, deleted something, and got a message saying that was unreasonable, tight-arsed and downright unnecessary --- and thought, the guy is right!? It happens.

If you want completely consistent moderating, you have to employ judges, at the very least: otherwise, the human bit comes in.

I'd say this site needs four or five mods. I am not volunteering: Been there, done that, and it becomes (if you have no day job to keep your mind off it) like a job you can't let go of --- well, that's true for those of us with a touch of internet addiction, anyway. Hey... I can handle it ;)
Why are you targetting us?

This is the title of this thread

I don't wan't to bring out skeletons in the closet. Nor do I want to bring out the great divide between North Vs South. But it is no hidden secret that Venkat's past performance as a moderator; we can have a look at statistics speak.

1. All of audio_engineer's threads from HFV was deleted
2. All of Cranky's threads from HFV were deleted
3. Viren's thread on misrepresentation of facts was deleted

More people can add to the list and retrospect and see for yourself results speak...
1. All of audio_engineer's threads from HFV was deleted
2. All of Cranky's threads from HFV were deleted

@Rajesh_p for your information audio_engineer personally deleted all his posts on the forum once his duplicity was exposed.

Cranky asked/insisted for his posts to be deleted by the moderators

Viren's thread was locked and deleted because the mods.felt that it was getting out of hand.

This whole issue is being blown out of proportion.

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Why are you targetting us?

This is the title of this thread

I don't wan't to bring out skeletons in the closet. Nor do I want to bring out the great divide between North Vs South. But it is no hidden secret that Venkat's past performance as a moderator; we can have a look at statistics speak.

1. All of audio_engineer's threads from HFV was deleted
2. All of Cranky's threads from HFV were deleted
3. Viren's thread on misrepresentation of facts was deleted

More people can add to the list and retrospect and see for yourself results speak...

I've been silently observing this thread, not wanting to get involved, since it was a personal Q/A between some members and VenkatCR. Personally, I think this could have been better done via PM. In any case, I've seen the thread gradually evolve into a witch-hunt on Venkat, which is why I've decided to post.

First of all Rajesh, all the threads that you mention deleted had very valid and public reasons. The first two were deleted because Audio_Engr was found to be a fake, he went on a thread-deleting spree, and left all his threads looking empty and discontinuous. Cranky explicitly asked for his threads and wealth of information to be removed from the forum. Viren's thread was deleted, as per my memory, because it was felt that it added to an already volatile and tense situation. From my recollection, Viren was a gentleman about this, and did not stretch that issue any further. So all your 'statistics' are easily refuted...in fact, why didn't you get your facts together before you posted these points?

As far as malvai, anm, and sam are concerned, if you all have some issue with a moderator, PM is best. However, I do appreciate that malvai wanted to sort it out in the open, which I think Venkat responded to as well. That should have been the end of it. Instead, we are getting more people adding fuel to fire. And to top it all off, Malvai accuses Venkat of being partial to 'North Indians'. Who are these so-called 'North Indians'? As far as I know, India has 4 directions and a middle, and people living in all these parts are equally Indian to me. Why can't we have a civil debate without resorting to physical locations, language, caste, community, and age-old dogmatic stupidities? Where does the geographical compass come into play, as far as the moderator actions are concerned? Anm and Malvai, could you please post some examples, as theKing has also requested, to support your claims?

Lastly, as far as non-hifi threads are concerned...let's all grow up. This is supposed to be a democratic forum. If you don't want to read non-AV stuff...as stevieboy suggests, don't enter that forum. There are other forums to visit.

And Malvai, frankly I do not see anything wrong with Venkat's current action of amending your post to make it more readable. I do not see the reason for such sensitivity. But since I am not in your shoes, maybe I am missing something, or am not aware of some past episodes, which may have culminated into this. In any case, things can be resolved amicably, without resorting to random accusations with no claims to back them up.

I don't have any personal affiliation with Venkat, but have found him and MBR to be fair and practical moderators for the forum so far.
Just my thoughts...without any copyright on this issue.

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WOW!!!!!!Thanks to all who contributed to this thread... One of the greatest hits(views) within short span.. As for my count 1938...

Let us also show some interest in reading new member queries and make them to reach Goa(e)l.....:)

I have read through this thread again and the earlier post you've referred to is from anm and you had concurred with him that VenkatCR is partial to North Indians. Hence my first post in this thread that it is not correct to bring in the North/South divide issue.
+1 to that.

@anm/malvai: What is this thing about Delhi Wallahs/North Indians buddy? Why do you have to bring in that angle to a discussion? Sorry buddy, IMO this was in bad taste and did not expect from a senior member like you.

Regarding moderation, I have seen only VenkatCR actively moderating this forum ever since I joined here and now madbullram is active again after a while. Apart from this two moderators, at least I do not know of any other moderator actively moderating this forum. So yes personally I think this forum requires a few more moderators
We need more moderators for sure given that one or both moderators may be busy with personal problems and may not be able to focus on moderation. Maybe we need some North-Indian moderators too:p. But how to find out who is North-Indian and who is not? Especially with handles like buswal, teky, gobble, anm, cooltoad, heliumflight, soulforged, madbullram etc:rolleyes:.
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Dear Ajinkya I dont mind moderators amending my post. Provided, I have flouted rules. I have not seen any moderator amending anyone's post under similar pretexts.

Also, I was surprised by the lack of empathy in that act. Because, many of us are responding on the fly and mostly the phone browsers make it complicated to edit the 'quote'. Hence the long quote with the photo....

I was also surprised to see that anm's thread has been the only one closed on pretexts of it being a non-hifi thread... That is very strange to me.... especially since all other non-hifi threads are flourishing.

Personally I don't subscribe to the fact that there is a north/south divide (I myself am a product of a very happy north/south union!).

But, yes, many many forum members seem to think there is one. I suggest the mods address that soon.

Further, I would like to add that I have nothing against Venkatcr. But, he needs to be a bit more balanced. After all, being a mod is a HUGE responsibilty and every action adds up to people in the community feeling in a certain way.

@Santhol: Buddy, we've interacted enough and I think in your heart you know I don't have any such feelings.

To everyone else: I feel enough has been said. Kindly do not turn this into a witch hunt.
Dear Ajikya, please do not spread misinformation about me. Give me the specific quote where I have made the following allegation. It was Venkat who called Delhiwalas thieves (stealing power from the grid)! It was completely uncalled for. But even then I never said he was partial to north Indians.
On a side note - Statements like those from Venkat doesn't speak well of him on that front.

And to top it all off, anm (supported by malvai) accuses Venkat of being partial to 'North Indians'.
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