Why are you targetting us?
This is the title of this thread
I don't wan't to bring out skeletons in the closet. Nor do I want to bring out the great divide between North Vs South. But it is no hidden secret that Venkat's past performance as a moderator; we can have a look at statistics speak.
1. All of audio_engineer's threads from HFV was deleted
2. All of Cranky's threads from HFV were deleted
3. Viren's thread on misrepresentation of facts was deleted
More people can add to the list and retrospect and see for yourself results speak...
I've been silently observing this thread, not wanting to get involved, since it was a personal Q/A between some members and VenkatCR. Personally, I think this could have been better done via PM. In any case, I've seen the thread gradually evolve into a witch-hunt on Venkat, which is why I've decided to post.
First of all Rajesh, all the threads that you mention deleted had very valid and public reasons. The first two were deleted because Audio_Engr was found to be a fake, he went on a thread-deleting spree, and left all his threads looking empty and discontinuous. Cranky explicitly asked for his threads and wealth of information to be removed from the forum. Viren's thread was deleted, as per my memory, because it was felt that it added to an already volatile and tense situation. From my recollection, Viren was a gentleman about this, and did not stretch that issue any further. So all your 'statistics' are easily refuted...in fact, why didn't you get your facts together before you posted these points?
As far as malvai, anm, and sam are concerned, if you all have some issue with a moderator, PM is best. However, I do appreciate that malvai wanted to sort it out in the open, which I think Venkat responded to as well. That should have been the end of it. Instead, we are getting more people adding fuel to fire. And to top it all off, Malvai accuses Venkat of being partial to 'North Indians'. Who are these so-called 'North Indians'? As far as I know, India has 4 directions and a middle, and people living in all these parts are equally Indian to me. Why can't we have a civil debate without resorting to physical locations, language, caste, community, and age-old dogmatic stupidities? Where does the geographical compass come into play, as far as the moderator actions are concerned? Anm and Malvai, could you please post some examples, as theKing has also requested, to support your claims?
Lastly, as far as non-hifi threads are concerned...let's all grow up. This is supposed to be a democratic forum. If you don't want to read non-AV stuff...as stevieboy suggests, don't enter that forum. There are other forums to visit.
And Malvai, frankly I do not see anything wrong with Venkat's current action of amending your post to make it more readable. I do not see the reason for such sensitivity. But since I am not in your shoes, maybe I am missing something, or am not aware of some past episodes, which may have culminated into this. In any case, things can be resolved amicably, without resorting to random accusations with no claims to back them up.
I don't have any personal affiliation with Venkat, but have found him and MBR to be fair and practical moderators for the forum so far.
Just my thoughts...without any copyright on this issue.