why do i see pink-purple color on my LG plasma ?


New Member
Jun 17, 2014
hi , i just bought an lg plasma few days ago, model is 42pn4500. the picture is good but i have following problem while testing with break - in sildes.

while playing white , silver . grey slides i can see a very thin pinkish purple haze all around the screen. the real color of the slide is only there in the center.:mad:

is this a normal problem or a serious issue ?

should i be asking for a replacement ?

i dont see any problem while watching normal tv but im afraid that this may become severe with time.

is this happening because of IR from previous channels ?

is this because im playing the slides from pen drive on tv's own media player, which is messing up with the images ?

is this because of the size of slides which is very low like 24kb ?

i cant see the white slide as pure white. it appears white in the small snapshot window but as soon as i click it and it becomes full screen, the color is not pure white but somewhat greyish with hint of pink and purple haze. :sad:

im new to plasma so i hope experienced members can help me out here , thank you .
You see the pink because the color uniformity on your display is bad. The image won't be that big because its just one color. It's not uncommon to get a tv with bad uniformity. If you are in doubt, create a white bmp in computer and try it on the tv.

I got a LG plasma tv delivered today. yet to go through the slides, but I am planning to look for this myself too.
Yes I would appreciate if you can test the slides on your LG Plasma and tell me the results. On mine the white slide is not white but rather looks like cream color.
Today I clicked pictures but they look normal.
While playing videos I don't notice any problem. It's only when a still image of white / grey is displayed, then only this pink/Purple haze appears and its very faint.

I want to know if this is an indication of some problem with panel or power supply, because I can seek a replacement now.
If this is a common issue and don't get worse with time then I have no problem with this set.
I did not see any comments against LG Plasma, in fact lot of people praised it and it's a no frill Tv, that's why I bought it.
Where did you buy it from and how much was the price? And where are you located? Even i was planning to buy this. But now bit skeptical. Please post some photos and tell us some reviews.
. On mine the white slide is not white but rather looks like cream color.
It's only when a still image of white / grey is displayed, then only this pink/Purple haze appears and its very faint.

I want to know if this is an indication of some problem with panel or power supply, because I can seek a replacement now.

white can appear yellowish("cream") if the picture setting is too warm( warm1, warm 2, neutral , cool etc are the settings in mine, warm2 means whites are yellow and cool means whites are blue) try changing this also could try adjusting the whitebalance settings

Also in plasma i have read that ABL(automatic brightness limiter??) kicks in when a full white screen is displayed, this may explain why you dont see the problem in a window and only when it is expanded to full screen.

so this may be considered normal for budget plasma.It seems to get excellent bright white in a plasma one need to buy the samsung flagship f8000

The pink/purple thing however doesnot seem like a normal behavior,i dont remember seeing it in my samsung when i did the break in slides although it was 4 years ago,have a lg engineer look into it.
You see pink because you purchased the LG plasma ignoring all the comments against buying it.

Fact is LG plasma beats Samsung Hands-down. Had it not been for 1 HDMI vs 2 HDMI, no wifi support vs WIFI Ready deliema with Samsung H4900, I would have got LG 4500.


1. Saw VODAFONE red ad on Star Sports HD - Samsung showed red as PINK in Dynamic mode while LG was red in Vivid mode. USERS please verify this.

Damn I was shocked as everyone say Samsung color accuracy is one of the best ones

2. Colors are sharper on LG. U wont miss LCD in a way..Not sure good or bad

LG contrast was at 100 in VIVID mode. For samsung cell light was at 20, missed to see the contrast settings

3. LG has better black levels

4. Sound is better on LG offcourse both are terrible in this area

5. Lg unfortunately is terrible with 1 HDMI

Offcourse still wonder like others - Why people rated LG as terrible. A reviewer on a web-site sad its contrats are 900:1. While he rated samsung blacks as 6000:1.

He was joking for sure. None one here can agree to this.

Seems a case of PAID REVIEW......I am not a fan of LG, in fact never thought would ever buy LG PLASMA..But the Store Demo changed the perception

Also offer I am getting, there is just 3.5 K difference between two after adding extending warranty for 3 Years. So no financial incentive driving above
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