Various ways of reviewing a song: (no offence meant
Check this out
Why is it talked about everywhere.
Are you a marketing man?
Thats a crap song
I like it
I have not heard it but I am sure I don't like it
What is there to like it
Not worth for grammy awards
I think FB should be banned
Thanks. Thanks.
Need something new in songs like water flowing out of speakers
I would rather like my doggie piss on me
Kabir Das dohe has better lyrics.
Somebody should be stoned for this
I want your doggie to piss on me too
The song is quite unique
Which language is it
Not as interesting as reading the Lost Symbol
Has nothing other than music, vocals and lyrics
Whover likes this, bend down please.
I think I should join the majority, so I don't like it
Nothing like the oscar winner
Im gonna stop reading Newspapers
Need guts to say I like this song
Why bother to reply