An update. I added Topping P50 Linear Power Supply to my Wiim Pro. A subtle difference in the sound quality for sure. Everything seems clearer, tighter and more dynamic. I will do some more listening to find the exact differences. I was using a Power bank earlier and P50 is a definite improvement from it.
I was considering the P50 but didn't need the 15V or extra 5V outputs.
It's definitely welcome step, but I hope Amazon doesn't ask for more premium than the market.
As of now , it's listed on Amazon India with whopping price of 34k, seems like Wiim learned how to in-cash it, it's more than double of actuals.
Is anyone using a linear power supply with their WiiM Pro? If so, which one? Thanks.

The only one I can find is the Topping P50, which I think is overkill (since it can handle more than just one 5V device).
Is anyone using a linear power supply with their WiiM Pro? If so, which one? Thanks.

The only one I can find is the Topping P50, which I think is overkill (since it can handle more than just one 5V device).
I am using Allo Shanti, which again has two rails of supply,5V 3A and another 5V 1A
Is anyone using a linear power supply with their WiiM Pro? If so, which one? Thanks.

The only one I can find is the Topping P50, which I think is overkill (since it can handle more than just one 5V device).

Topping P50 won't work with Wiim Pro, requires 1.5v or more.
Topping is 1V.

I used allo Shanti in the past, had a clear improvement.
Topping P50 won't work with Wiim Pro, requires 1.5v or more.
Topping is 1V.

I used allo Shanti in the past, had a clear improvement.
You mean 1A?
Even I had doubt about it , but ppl on wiim forum says its draws max 1.5 A and min 0.5 and p50 is just in middle of it. SO I think it might work
See here

@MaSh already using this.

Can you hear any difference with allo shanti?
Yes I did. I did mobile charger vs Allo Shanti and I felt soundstage a bit wider, darker background , crystal clear and a bit more meaty vocals and may be a bit tight bass(But it may be due to isolation applied under speakers too) with Shanti.
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I am not sure if it is my ears that are going bad, or is it that I do not know what to listen for, or is it that I am either too critical or maybe not critical enough. Maybe my system is just not capable of representing these differences. Or maybe all of the above.

I got an allo shanti through a friend on a loan and used it with my Wiim Pro for 1 week. Listened to music extensively, did a lot of back and forth, involved a couple of my non-audiophile, music lover friends I couldn't tell any difference what so ever. I use an apple dual USB charger to power the Wiim Pro currently and my point of reference was that.

I am at a loss - even my friend says (the owner of the LPS) he can hear a "huge difference" - I couldn't even hear any subtle ones.

If anyone can guide me what I am missing here, what I am supposed to listen for - I am happy to get the loaner LPS again and give it another try.

***FYI I tried to pay close attention to the background noise primarily and there was no difference what soever. Is it that I have got a dedicated UPS for this entire setup that is always drawing power from the battery that most of these power related mods do not cause an effect?
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@chander sir,
I was watching this you tube video and I was impressed with Shanti. But back then I had other use case of using it with pi4. Now it is for Wiim pro.
Please check with headphones if this is making a difference to you. May be your apple charger is good enough.

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@chander sir,
I was watching this you tube video and I was impressed with Shanti. But back then I had other use case of using it with pi4. Now it is for Wiim pro.
Please check with headphones if this is making a difference to you. May be your apple charger is good enough.

Unfortunately, shanti is out of stock for a long time now. Fabtolab refunded my preorder money.

Yes I did. I did mobile charger vs Allo Shanti and I felt soundstage a bit wider, darker background , crystal clear and a bit more meaty vocals and may be a bit tight bass(But it may be due to isolation applied under speakers too) with Shanti.
Thats reassuring. Will purchase a shanti when it is available. BTW, do you hear any hum from shanti?
BTW, do you hear any hum from shanti?
Yes, If you really paying attention and keeps your ears very close next to Shanti but if you are couple of inches away , you don't get a hear anything at all.

Fabtolab refunded my preorder money.
Why don't you try Topping p50? Reviews suggest , It's good too. Loan it and try it.
Yes, If you really paying attention and keeps your ears very close next to Shanti but if you are couple of inches away , you don't get a hear anything at all.

Why don't you try Topping p50? Reviews suggest , It's good too. Loan it and try it.
I'm from deep down south. No one to lend :(
@chander sir,
I was watching this you tube video and I was impressed with Shanti. But back then I had other use case of using it with pi4. Now it is for Wiim pro.
Please check with headphones if this is making a difference to you. May be your apple charger is good enough.

I listened to the video. There is clear difference. While making the video, are you sure you did not change a single control or equalization or RCA cable. How did you record it? Mic or phone? Was the position of the phone/mic exactly the same and not even a mm distance change between the first and the second recording? Was the room content the same (no furniture position change, etc). Were both the Shanti and SMPS continuously on at the same time.

The first 2 minutes lack a bit of HF, is more lower frequency content. The vocal is thicker, the bass is better
Post 2:00 minutes, the HF is very very clear, the instruments sound very clear. The vocal is bit thinner than the first.

(obviously your ear and mine are different :D. I like the 2nd clip much better)

I too have the shanti and the allo nirvana SMPS. I can't make out any difference just like @chander. But your youtube clip above, there is clear difference. I'm just presuming that there has been some difference in the two recordings which is external to the power supply. Or maybe for your setup, the presence of SMPS did something. But it is interesting. If we were in the same city we could have analyzed this further.

Also there is a flaw in the test (though in the above clip the difference is clearly heard). There is a full 2 minutes difference between the first clip and the second clip. The human brain is not capable of retaining the exact difference in the sound if this much time elapses. Our brain too has a bias control circuit. Any thing more than few milliseconds, the bias circuit in the brain will chose the one which looks better or costs higher or has more peer acceptance. The way I did the test was following

1. Took two DC barrel connectors. Connected them to a two way switch. The output was connected to around 10,000 uF capacitor. The capacitor was put so that there was little or no power loss when the switch position was being changed.
2. Connected shanti to one barrel connected and connected the allo SMPS to another
3. At a time my DAC would get supply from just one (either Shanti or the nirvana SMPS)
4. The moment you changed the switch, the output would change from one power supply to another. If there was even the slightest blip it would have been observed as a sudden change in the tonality, volume, etc. But I found absolute no difference. Tested this with multiple dacs. Found no difference using the shanti LPS or the allo Nirvana SMPS and another cheap chinese SMPS sold by allo.
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I listened to the video. There is clear difference. While making the video, are you sure you did not change a single control or equalization or RCA cable. How did you record it? Mic or phone? Was the position of the phone/mic exactly the same and not even a mm distance change between the first and the second recording? Was the room content the same (no furniture position change, etc). Were both the Shanti and SMPS continuously on at the same time.
I am not sure if video itself has been doctored , by changing any of the parameters except power supply. I am assuming not 🤞
I too have the shanti and the allo nirvana SMPS
I have not used Nirvana, so can't comment , but I am pretty much sure, you would had tried mobile charger, did you not find any difference?

Also there is a flaw in the test (though in the above clip the difference is clearly heard). There is a full 2 minutes difference between the first clip and the second clip. The human brain is not capable of retaining the exact difference in the sound if this much time elapses. Our brain too has a bias control circuit. Any thing more than few milliseconds, the bias circuit in the brain will chose the one which looks better or costs higher or has more peer acceptance. The way I did the test was following
yes, your process is more methodical and practical :)
I did it theoretical :cool:
  1. Opened same youtube video in 2 different browsers and also in same browser.
  2. Screen splitted in two halves.
  3. One screen was set to start from 0 and another was from 2 mins .
  4. Played over and over both video alternative for 5-10 sec, keeping 1-1.5 sec gap to sulk the music in.
  5. All this over headphones.
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