Yamaha RXV-685 residual current on screws and vents and usb port in india

so, how do we fix this leakage
as mentioned just grounding it manually from the ground screw.But that shudnt be the case.It shouldnt have potential beacuse though its true theres a fuse inside which wud trip should hazardous amt of current flows thru but still still its not acceptable
i dont understand.U already seem to have a 3 pin at the back as i see.It shud take care of ground.

Many a times, manufacturers do use a convenient and current style plug, as the one used here is used in Printers, PCs etc. However, inside they simply do not connect, (Like in Isolation Transformers). Hence I believe the separate ground outlet is provided. IMO, you should just peek inside and see whether both grounds are same, or touch the multimeter prod from outside to both, Earth pin and Ground outlet.
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