This is a very helpful guide on people who are looking to upgrade.I got mine a couple of days back.
These are things that impressed me
On the flip side
- vocals and instruments sound natural with more weight
- Very musical (like @heliumflight mentioned, I find it difficult to turn off the music)
- Soundstage is deeper
- Better detail retrieval
- No sibilance
- I'm able to listen for longer hours without any fatigue
I come from using topping e30 dac with nirvana smps and my impressions on smsl d300 are with e30 as reference.
- Bass is on softer side with almost no punch
- Dynamic range is little less.
- Background is not as dark as e30 with nirvana
- LCD display is not very useful when viewed from distance. Font is too small. Good thing is it can be turned off.
- Build quality is average
Will update the post if I find any changes in sound quality.
This is quite interesting. i believe it's safe to assume you've let go of your Luxman then. It would be really helpful to other users (including me. Years ago I had a LUXMAN power amplifier M-06a and this sound still haunts me and tried all things to get that same sound. Recently I bought a Denafpris Pontus II, Chord Qutest and sold it in just a week as I was really tired and fed up with the physical pain and financial loss incurred. I again gained courage and got SMSL D300 Dac. It turned out to be a very good decision. Much more dynamic with a better high-end response. The sound stage is fuller with more definition and detail.

Was there are particular reason why you were seeking to compensate for/emulate the sound of the Luxman power amp with different DAC combinations instead of another power amp?
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