Last Minute Request......
Still there is some misconception -that meet is for HFV members -please note that ANYONE is welcome , who is ready to pay Rs 900 and abide by the rules ,,,,which is essentially we expect a decent ,civil behavior


So please tell your friends accordingly! WE WILL BE GRATEFUL IF SOMEONE WILL JUST CALL IN ADVANCE! Nevertheless please come!
Also please note that it is now impossible to accommodate new gear! In fact to give proper time to dealers we may cut down gears members we are bringing! In fact that is why arrangers ( including myself) are bringing negligible gear!
Again secondhand products display is noble idea but unfortunately we do not have time!! In fact myself being a used AV gear dealer ,could have taken advantage ; also other 2 arrangers have gear to sell but we refrain from doing that. NOW GET THE GEAR IN THE VEHICLE _ WE CANNOT STOP IT! BUT DEMO IS ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE - or we may consider if time permits - which seems not possible!!
( BTW I MAY BRING SOME GEAR we can demo at my place!- PLEASE CONTACT!!)


SO CONSIDER THIS open invitation!!
My contact no Hemant Waghe 9819747718 and we welcome new friends!!!