Shoot Out In Navi Mumbai !!!(Mumbai Meet 2013)

A big thanks to all the organiser for arranging such a wonderful session.
Thanks again and hope to have many more like this in future
Thanks for a great meet today, it was my first & I learnt quite a bit having just started out in the AV world. Wonder why I didnt all these years!

Thanks for coming, we appreciate it & nice to have made a new friend, though we din interact much, next time for sure! :)

A Nice meet again,detailed reviews & photos will be followed soon.

Yes, you may start with your views :p Thanks Doc, you are 1 of us alrite! Appreciate your enthusiasm as always though missed out on your usual cohorts (DJ & TCO) Pls do give my regards to both of them!

Thanks to all organizers and Mumbaikars. We enjoyed your hospitality. Just reached home.
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We are glad that you came! Really appreciate your enthusiasm, be it w r t participating to camerawork to overall handy man, you sir are truly a TEAM MAN!!! :clapping:

Kudos to Denom, Sipro and Santy for a nice meet.

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Thanks, appreciate it! Always nice to meet good friends :)

Truly a great meet. Thanks everybody

Thanks for coming, hope you enjoyed & hope to meet in future meets :)
Had a great day, auditioned some fantastic equipment, listened to beautiful music. Thanks once again to Denom, Santy, Hemant for organising the meet. More details later about how we spent the day.
A big thanks to all the organiser for arranging such a wonderful session.
Thanks again and hope to have many more like this in future

Thanks for coming, appreciate it! Await your PM fo that can update you with future meet details :)

Had a great day, auditioned some fantastic equipment, listened to beautiful music. Thanks once again to Denom, Santy, Hemant for organising the meet. More details later about how we spent the day.

Thanks Doc! Though we hardly interacted during the meet, with me running between the 2 halls, am glad you enjoyed!

Heartfelt thanks to all who came for our mumbai meet!

Would like to personally thank all FM's who came:

shaiju_o_thomas - Thanks for coming even though you missed the 1st half!
spirovious - You are our friend no doubt - 100% Team Man! :clapping:
docd - Hoped you enjoyed!
mpw - My dear friend! Thanks for your support!
gsurya - Thanks for coming - Our musical tastes are similar ;)
prasanth.kumar81 - Hope you enjoyed!
just4kix - You are our friend no doubt - 100% Team Man! :clapping:
mrsingh - Thanks for coming - Hope you enjoyed !
Surrealistix - We need to meet more often & also configure your EP's ASAP :D
vktarun +2 - Another 'gaowala' :lol: We shall definitely meet for music & :cheers:
rajadeep - Another Good friend of ours! Laughing like 'Kill Bill' Chick :p
madurai1974 - We need to get cracking on the GR Research Kits :D
pushkarDighe - Glad you came, be in touch :D
rohigupt - Appreciate your support! Hope we can all get happy soon wrt ... ;)
sonosphere - Whoa! Big BossMan from Pune! Appreciate your support, shame on the rest of your friends who din join us :mad:
satyakibanerjee - Thanks for coming, we need to hear your new 'creations' soon :)
kapvin - Have taken your pic while 'eating' - :lol: Jokes aside, thanks for coming!
SatMumbai - Thanks for 'jumping' off the fence :ohyeah: We shall meet soon ;)
Amp_nut - Thanks for coming & being so magnanimous! Shall take up on your offer ASAP :D
edge111hussain - Thanks for coming! When do we hear the PMC's @ your place ??? :D
samirk - Thanks for coming! Will have a 'mini meet' @ your place soon ;)
stejas - Thanks for coming, hope you enjoyed :)
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Heartfelt thanks to our 'exhibitors' :

Khusrau Jilla - Bawa, your rocked the meet! We need you to be more proactive on the forum & also be part of more meets! You have our full support ;)

Jignesh Khatiwala - So glad to meet you @ the meet, you are a very refined gentleman! Hope to hear more brands that are distributed by you in India! :clapping:

Rajdeep Singh - Thanks for being part of our meet, appreciate your support! :clapping:

Asus Team:
Rishi, Rahul

Thanks for being part of our meet! We will definitely love to hear more about the new products launched by ASUS & be privileged to 'review' them :licklips:

Pristine Note:
Thanks for being part of the meet, hope we get better co-operation from you w r t new product launches & possibility of getting gears to 'review' :)
A big "Thank you" to the organisers. For being so generous in contributing their spare time to organise the meet. I can only imagine that it must have been a really complex task coordinating among vendors and hfv members to make this event a reality.

Khushrau, wow!. Your pmc demo blew me away. As did your sense of humor. And making it all work in a room that remember as being very troublesome from the last hfv meet.

For the Asus team, and thank you for showcasing your products. However, a live demo for more products would have been great.

Thanks once again to the organisers. For a person like me, and who's really caught up in the daily grind, and this came as a breath of fresh air.

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:confused:where do we start ? :confused:

Firstly a big thank you to santy, denom and hemant for getting us together and organizing a meet like this. There were many good things in the meet and a few things to improve upon the next time ( whenever it is ).

I thought the venue was quite good for the money paid. Even for the delhi meet i had commented that it will be almost impossible to have a perfectly acoustic venue but this one was very good i thought.

I must that the organizers also for the nice meal we had and also for facilitating us to meet each other after a year. I made new friends.. neo, docd, shaiju ( good to renew ), dinyaar ( but not THAT dinyaar !! ), kapvin ( i got my first amp from him at his sale ... i will remember that day as the day i got "sucked into " "hifi ".. take this positively kapil ).

Big thanks to the guys from Pune.. Sonos and justfirkix.. appreciate the time and effort you took and i enjoyed your company. I promise next time i am in Pune i will take some time out atleast for a coffee together.

Sarangbhau.. where are thou ??:annoyed:

Samirk - i am happy to know you. I think now we have met twice and have had a good chat in your car yesterday. Thanks for the lift and the superb Weiss DAC.. for me it was one of the hioghlights.. this DAC single handedly transformed a decent setup into "nearing excellent ". :clapping::clapping: Now i know what difference the big Q makes.. subtle and enjoyable.. they say God is in the details and this one was quite detailed and musical too. But did not make music according to my wallet !! :lol::lol:

Rohitgupt - why did u not get those quads out till after lunch ? Its a mystery to me :rolleyes:

Denom - The Teac DAC was smooth would love to have it home for a mini session sometine..

Khusrau - The PMC and the bel Cantos were excellent for serious listening for serious money. I thank you and your team for all the effort you took. This is the 2nd HFV meet you came with your gear and i appreciate your effort.

mrsingh - finally we net !

edgehussain - wish you luck for your search

Fahim - thanks got getting the A2 and A5+ along.. the A2 was quite nice for the money

The ADM9RS guys - thanks this was a nice active speaker with inbuilt DAC.. its very convenient and for a medium to small room.. it would sound good i think.

Sandeep Devasthali - those small TL speakers were quite nice. Without tajking anything away from it and you.. i would request you to use better drivers and up the price some more. It was playing well and i think it has the potential to be exploited further. I am no speaker designer but i think something more can be squeezed from the basic design.

Must thank you for your support since the guys getting Accuphase and Dali etc.. were nowhere to be seen. :mad:

Satmumbai - it was nice to linkup again and maybe next time it would be nice to have the Jolida's and Oppo 105 on show. I suppose they were too new this time round.

Madurai 1947 - the DIY amp was good.. needs some more ruggedness in the connectors and finishing of it.. need to sort out the loose contacts stuff too

We need to learn a few things from every event and every day and this is in no way a rant or sour grapes but here goes..

a. More FM's could have been persuaded to get their gear.. just in case as a backup against dealers who dont show up .

b. Someone to do the MC duties please.... in a professional manner..many times members incl yours truly were floating around.. we need to be shepherded properly.

c. Experiences gurus could have a panel discussion or QA session for newer guys who frequently ask.. kya leneka.. kitme mein.. mere liya kya suitable hai ??

d. To HFV ( Supermod ) itself.. while this event could not have happened under your flag and w/o your support.. maybe you need to come and add value personally to these meets it you GENUINELY support it.

This was in Mumbai and last time you had kindly sent a message which was read out and i thought this time you could make it.

e. I had offered to get my gear but there was no encouraging response.. I was surprised to see no worth this while CDP.. this was a major one..

f. Fiddling with players and DAC's and stuff never gave a chance to compare apple-apple with a worth its bread CDP. This was a disappointment for a few up the ladder as there was not much to take home.

g. The organizers ( in future ) should ask atleast 10 to 12 members who we know have gears to come with them..

Its not that the organizers may not have tried.. maybe the response was not good at all. We must give them that benifit of having tried but lack of response.

yea.. i know what you are thinking.. next time mpw karega na sab kuchh !! :yahoo::yahoo:

I volunteer to actively helpout in the next meet.. not because of nitpicking .. or to prove a point but it will be my effort to bring enjoyment, participation and structured involvement to the table. I think the organizers need more support and i volunteer and this is on record now..

My only caveat is that whatever we do we do in a planned timebound way so that my schedule can be fixed accordingly.

To those guys who did not show up after indicating they would.... come on guys.. if you think the show was of no value you should have indicated so and dropped out long time ago.

To the Chennai folks who are organizing - good luck !! I see many equipment contributed by FM's.. i think this is the way to go.

Am eagerly waiting for the reports from the participants !!

Just an idea to float around. How about having a meet especially for the novices. Maybe a small meet with basic gear to appreciate hi-fi. How adding components change the sound. What is a soundstage? I really don't mind paying if I can actually 'experience' these things instead of reading articles explaining the various terminologies.

Am eagerly looking forward to the next HT meet as promised by denom.
Thanks to all members and distributors who participated in the event. :clapping:

While SLR pics are getting uploaded, here's a glimpse of the event captured in mobile phone (ya I know its bad but let it be a teaser). :rolleyes:









































"Micro Meet post Meet":D
Am eagerly waiting for the reports from the participants !!

Just an idea to float around. How about having a meet especially for the novices. Maybe a small meet with basic gear to appreciate hi-fi. How adding components change the sound. What is a soundstage? I really don't mind paying if I can actually 'experience' these things instead of reading articles explaining the various terminologies.

Am eagerly looking forward to the next HT meet as promised by denom.

When turn out for a big meet is 'poor', whats the point of doing 'small' ones??? Am sorry but from now on will only organise a meet if its 'worth my while', otherwise NO!
Have had enough of 'charity sessions' Sorry but the enthusiasm flame is on its 'last legs'

Thanks a lot to the organisers for taking pain to organise such a great event.

Hope to meet you all soon.


Thanks for appreciating it. We will meet for a :beer: & music session ;)
When turn out for a big meet is 'poor', whats the point of doing 'small' ones??? Am sorry but from now on will only organise a meet if its 'worth my while', otherwise NO!
Have had enough of 'charity sessions' Sorry but the enthusiasm flame is on its 'last legs'

I thought the meet was very successful, am I missing something? You guys had dealers, equipment and there were more than 30 participants which was your target, isn't it? Denom - these meets really cause a BIG impact on someone like me. Last year's meet at Avenue Sound caused me to really get interested in HTs and I gave away my piddly Philips HT and started dreaming of a good basic HT set up!

Don't give up sirji !!
When turn out for a big meet is 'poor', whats the point of doing 'small' ones??? Am sorry but from now on will only organise a meet if its 'worth my while', otherwise NO!
Have had enough of 'charity sessions' Sorry but the enthusiasm flame is on its 'last legs'

Congrats in organizing a very good meet and hope all of you had a very good time.

I do agree that rentals / food is quite expensive in Mumbai and unless there is sufficient participation it becomes impractical to organize such meets. Should look at alternate venues like small halls, society club-house etc for meets in future where major chunk of the cost can be drastically reduced. It does not make sense when organizers have to pay from their pocket to meet the expense of the meet and i fully agree with Denom that this is not at all charity. Hope that for next year we are able to find such a place where cost can be kept down.
Since you asked kneo, I must state that we are quite pained to see lukewarm response for the meet. We were expecting atleast 50 participants excluding distributors but in the end we had to pay for 5 plates event though it was not consumed due to minimum guarantee :( Its unfair on part of the guys who gave name but did not even care to inform us about their inability to attend the meet, despite me sending PM reminders. We had a good chance to listen to some good gear to set our reference level, but it seems many people are happy with virtual discussions on hifi on the forum rather than actually experiencing it. :( Anyway I guess we all enjoyed getting together.

Lot of T shirts are lying so we have to find a way to dispose them off.

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but it seems many people are happy with virtual discussions on hifi on the forum rather than actually experiencing it.

Its sad to know that virtual world is killing the real world. People enjoying to discuss more than actually experiencing . :mad:
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