Shoot Out In Navi Mumbai !!!(Mumbai Meet 2013)

Good that you enjoyed the meet. :)
1) Very few can afford the PMC+Bell Canto but it can help us to tune our ears towards better sound which is not possible by reading reviews or ratings. In other words, you just cannot read good sound, you have to hear it.
Thanks Santy. Though I will be writing in detail later, I differ slightly here on PMC + Bell Canto.
PMC Dealer is one of the most energetic and knowledgeable person I have seen / met. It is very nice to see such knowledgeable people in the meet.

However I have a big reservation against the choice of the equipment by them especially for the meet.
PMC as they suggest is a Professional Monitoring System and it lives to the image and very revealing and least forgiving. Out of the entire range of PMC gear (given the nice sounding twenty series), I failed to understand why there is a huge mid range monitor in a HiFi meet rather than more enjoyable & affordable system.
I am hopeful that most of us in this hobby and on the forum are to enjoy the music and not worry / focus about the accuracy. There are some who confuse between the two and assume that accuracy is enjoyment (May be they do).
In my quest, I would never go for the most accurate system but the most fun system which one can afford. I am aware that the enjoyment / fun is a very subjective.
Even some one enjoyed the brutal accuracy of the PMC set up, I doubt they would even consider buying the PMCs on demo given the physical dimensions and possible breathing space for such a huge speaker in the room.
I am sure PMC dealer is very much aware that a possible sale of that monitor speaker is extremely minimal and was set up for a different take and insight into the hobby.
Though I agree that the dealer would be more happy to see a bit higher turn around but I am sure there is no reason for him to be disappointed given the above assumptions and the quality of interactions he had with the fellow enthusiasts.
More later..
Actually I am not going to start a debate on accuracy vs musicality, which I myself am quite confused about. But the PMC combo was not brought by them to impress the audience and sell a pair or two rather to enhance our knowledge and capacity to figure out how sound can be reproduced the way it was recorded or how it might feel to be in the middle of a performance ( for those who havent experienced much).

Having said that, its obvious that those speakers are not meant for home audio. And yes, its not forgiving.

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Hi Santy

Sound in a studio is very different from what we hear at a showroom or in our homes. A studio is completely treated unlike our homes. For a moment forget the room and hardware. To hear what something sounds like in a studio, you need to have access to the master tape. It begins there.
Hi Denom, Hemantwaghe, Santy

I think you guys have done a wonderful job. There is nothing to feel disappointed about. Like i had mentioned to Denom, it is music which binds people together, not music systems. There is only that much you will travel to hear a music system. So numbers for such get togethers is always going to be limited. Take an extreme example. Would you fly down to Bangalore to hear a music system? Chances are you will not. But however if its your favorite band playing at Bangalore, you might consider it.
Actually I am not going to start a debate on accuracy vs musicality, which I myself am quite confused about.
Understandable. I was a bit surprised at PMC's opening statement which is in tune of "We tried to put together a system which is the most accurate possible here and want to give you a feel of how it sounds in the recording studio. This might not be the most enjoyable but definitely revealing and accurate"
All / most of the above could be true though I personally differ at various places. For starters, I would have expected them to come with absorption panels given their experience of setting the set up in various place (Especially if the target of the set up is the accuracy). But of course they deserve highest appreciation for creative thinking in taming some of the boominess in bass by using the empty carton and styrofoam!
My point is being them so knowledgeable and capable they could have taken a different approach and come out with the most enjoyable system from their stable and it might have given a better branding to PMC and possibly future potential customers, IMO.
Dear Denom, Santy, Hemantwaghe, supporting FM's and dealers,
Thanks a lot !!! for making this a memorable evening.

I understand various FM's putting suggestions for improvements in future... this is routine with such Hobby-gatherings, expected, and also "must-be-done"! "No suggestions" scenario feels like visitor's are indifferent /not involved or pardon me... too dumb to make suggestions :p Thankfully that hasn't been the case.

What I don't understand is the feeling that some FM's had, as if the meet was not a success. See the HIGHLIGHTS >>
1. We had PMC demonstrating a combo most of us can only dream of,
2. Mr. Jilla's incomparable commentary, on topics far and wide,
3. AVI active speakers with DAC,
4. SDM's Giant Killer bookshelves,
4. Asus's Xonar one DAC ...
5. DIY dynamites > Spiro's pre-amp and Ravi's Hypex power-amp
6. the Weiss and Prism DAC (sadly couldln't hear it) ...
7. Two parallel listening halls (better acoustically than most of our homes!)

the list goes on.... last but not the least, we all (around 30 in all) met in 3D! ("met in person" sounds so outdated now ;)). We chatted "live" and shared experiences in "real-time" (wow!). Now if that's not a success, I don't know what is!

I do hope the spirit lives on, and other FM's also feel inclined to keep the flame burning.

Once again thanks to all people involved, to make this a memorable evening.


@ keith
Yes, await a T shirt sale thread shortly. :p I hope you are not size 40, because they are used up :(

Hit the gym? For a T? :rolleyes:

Dieting will also be just fine, since we do have size 38!

Sent from my GT-I9001 using Tapatalk 2

Santy being santy could not just wait,:p for my confirmation of the no. of T-Shirts Left & their respective sizes as they are now lying with me.

Size Qty.

38 / 09 Pcs

40 / 02 Pcs

42 / 02 Pcs

44 / 02 Pcs

46 / 02 Pcs

Have created thread for it, hope it is allowed by Mods :)
Understandable. I was a bit surprised at PMC's opening statement which is in tune of "We tried to put together a system which is the most accurate possible here and want to give you a feel of how it sounds in the recording studio. This might not be the most enjoyable but definitely revealing and accurate"
All / most of the above could be true though I personally differ at various places. For starters, I would have expected them to come with absorption panels given their experience of setting the set up in various place (Especially if the target of the set up is the accuracy). But of course they deserve highest appreciation for creative thinking in taming some of the boominess in bass by using the empty carton and styrofoam!
My point is being them so knowledgeable and capable they could have taken a different approach and come out with the most enjoyable system from their stable and it might have given a better branding to PMC and possibly future potential customers, IMO.

Let us understand the purpose of Khusrau/Jignesh making the effort of coming & putting in the efforts of setting up a system that otherwise we might never get an opportunity to hear! They are not fools to just bring what they did, they have a method to their madness. If one thinks that they were part of the meet to just sell the brands represented by them is totally untrue. The idea is to showcase a set-up designed to do something specifically & that what it sounds like & to give us 'audiophiles' an idea of the same. Keeping the room in mind they did the best that they could with placement & usage of the packing items to get some desired results. Asking them to bring acoustic panels/bass traps & other such room treatment gears is way tooo much to expect!!! And for what, a couple of hours???? What about the transportation cost/logistics/paying of various taxes & such (remember we have octroi naka's in mumbai!!!) Above this, the fact that setting up the room treatment stuff would take an appreciable amount of time in itself would also defeat the purpose of getting to hear the system in the short stipulated time that we can manage in a couple of hours possible in such a meet!

So let us appreciate their efforts & giving us the opportunity to get some education out of this whole exercise. Pls also note that they are distributors who cater to 'high end' installations of big shot clients & so the idea of them trying to sell to us average joe's(I atleast speak for myself here) through these meets is also not on their agenda.

That they are just as passionate about our hobby is a + point for us to appreciate & be thankful, as knowledge gained from them is always of high value & that too for free!!!


The fact that people missed out on this rare opportunity by not coming for the meet or of those who came but did not value it is more upsetting :(
It looks like you and the other organizers did a great job. Having been through such get-togethers in the past, I can tell you that there will always be disappointment since a lot of energy and passion would have gone into organizing this. After all, there is nothing to gain financially and as someone has posted, if anything, may end up in a loss to the organizers (shelling out money from their pockets to stick to commitments). The positive outcome - some folks would have gotten to experience something new, learn something and have the enthu to do this next time. These get togethers can grow from year to year.

So let us appreciate their efforts & giving us the opportunity to get some education out of this whole exercise. Pls also note that they are distributors who cater to 'high end' installations of big shot clients & so the idea of them trying to sell to us average joe's(I atleast speak for myself here) through these meets is also not on their agenda.

Trust me Denom, as I have written, their knowledge, effort and enthusiasm is fully appreciated! I would say Khusrau is easily the best out there and I thoroughly enjoyed the little chat I had with him as well as Jignesh. Amazing expertise and I am so glad that they are there.

Let us not mix up my comments about choice of gear to the enthusiasm or expertise of the people which I have repeatedly said is truly amazing!!

Peace my friend!
Guys, I thought that this Forum was for Audiophiles and Videophiles. I think I belong to the Audiphile category and hence my presence at the fofum and the Navi Mumbai meet.

Here is how wiki defines an Audiophile:

"An audiophile is a person enthusiastic about high-fidelity sound reproduction.[1]

A key goal of audiophiles is to capture the experience of a live musical performance in a room with good acoustics, and reproduce it at home. It is widely agreed that this is very difficult and that even the best-regarded recording and playback systems rarely, if ever, achieve it.[2]"

another def for an audiophile is simply :
"A person who has a great interest in high-fidelity sound reproduction"

Assuming ( True ? ) the navi Mumbai meet was an Audiophile meet - the PMC-Bel Canto demo was a TREAT and a privilege... IMHO ofcourse !

Guys think if we were "car enthusiasts"... and there was a chance to Go To Pune to get into and experience a Ferrari. Would you make that trip and enjoy the experience or would you vist the nearest local Maruti Showroom and chat about ..... ?

Maybe we need to define who / what we are ( audiophiles or Music enthusiasts or just a group of friendly guys :indifferent14: ) and what we are seeking ?
Guys, I thought that this Forum was for Audiophiles and Videophiles. I think I belong to the Audiphile category and hence my presence at the fofum and the Navi Mumbai meet.
My definition of an Audiophile -
1. You can never satisfy and audiophile. No system (Amplifier / Speakers / Source) is ever build to satisfy and audiophile as he cant be.
2. Every time you try to satisfy an audiophile, he would have raised / changed the parameter for excellence. Hence the desired parameter can never be achieved.
3. An audiophile takes lots of pleasure in owning weird brands that no one has heard and may try to prove that its the best every thing in the universe with lots of technical jargons and may even succeed in doing so.
4. My experience - Never try to sell to an audiophile as he will never buy, but only audition products as he can never be satisfied. Even if the system matches his definition of excellence at the end he will just say " This Amp Stinks man".
By this def, anyone who has not bought recent audio reproduction hardware is an Audiophile ? ;-)

No, i have mentioned - Never try to sell to an Audiophile - An Audiophile will always buy weird products which no one has heard.
I repeat my question:

Who / what are we ( budding audiophiles or Music enthusiasts or just a group of friendly guys ) and what we are seeking at the Forum ( eg going down the audiophile path ? Improving our knowledge & experience in Hi Fi reproduction ?)

Do share your diverse (?) opinions...
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