Active Member
Thanks Santy. Though I will be writing in detail later, I differ slightly here on PMC + Bell Canto.@Sat
Good that you enjoyed the meet.![]()
1) Very few can afford the PMC+Bell Canto but it can help us to tune our ears towards better sound which is not possible by reading reviews or ratings. In other words, you just cannot read good sound, you have to hear it.
PMC Dealer is one of the most energetic and knowledgeable person I have seen / met. It is very nice to see such knowledgeable people in the meet.
However I have a big reservation against the choice of the equipment by them especially for the meet.
PMC as they suggest is a Professional Monitoring System and it lives to the image and very revealing and least forgiving. Out of the entire range of PMC gear (given the nice sounding twenty series), I failed to understand why there is a huge mid range monitor in a HiFi meet rather than more enjoyable & affordable system.
I am hopeful that most of us in this hobby and on the forum are to enjoy the music and not worry / focus about the accuracy. There are some who confuse between the two and assume that accuracy is enjoyment (May be they do).
In my quest, I would never go for the most accurate system but the most fun system which one can afford. I am aware that the enjoyment / fun is a very subjective.
Even some one enjoyed the brutal accuracy of the PMC set up, I doubt they would even consider buying the PMCs on demo given the physical dimensions and possible breathing space for such a huge speaker in the room.
I am sure PMC dealer is very much aware that a possible sale of that monitor speaker is extremely minimal and was set up for a different take and insight into the hobby.
Though I agree that the dealer would be more happy to see a bit higher turn around but I am sure there is no reason for him to be disappointed given the above assumptions and the quality of interactions he had with the fellow enthusiasts.
More later..