One of my favorite albums and bands. Have most of their stuff and yes Mick is a genius. Too bad the US never discovered this genius/music.
very rarely does the US discover musical genius outside of the US
One of my favorite albums and bands. Have most of their stuff and yes Mick is a genius. Too bad the US never discovered this genius/music.
mick hucknall is a genius
One of my favorite albums and bands. Have most of their stuff and yes Mick is a genius. Too bad the US never discovered this genius/music.
anyway lately am hooked to this amazing voice of Emile sande though poppy still sweet!
One of my favorite albums and bands. Have most of their stuff and yes Mick is a genius. Too bad the US never discovered this genius/music.
very rarely does the US discover musical genius outside of the US
Darn I never thought rockers and power ballads going on discussion here!missed it!...hmmm used to post regularly reviews on classic rock records back then in here and lately am hooked to this amazing voice of Emile sande though poppy still sweet!
Emeli ain't bad (IMO, better than Beyonce). One of the songs I liked 'Naughty Boy Presents Wiley Feat. Emeli Sand performing Never Be Your Woman'