The Giveaway Thread

Giving away a car stereo cassette player pioneer keh p7950.
I don't have the wiring diagram or harness or anything with it.
Condition is 5/10

It is lying around collect dust and my mom comes and scolds me for occupying useless space..
So anybody wants to take it it's theirs.
the cd player and turntable have been reserved for FMs record player and jeevan007.

Met with FM stillsearching over the weekend. Received the NAD CDP and the TEAC Turntable for FM Jeevan007. We had a quick chat and we share very common music interests. A fantastic gentleman and looking forward to some planned bakeoffs :). Stillsearching was on the lookout for some spools as mentioned in our quick chat and I happen to have a few of these which I will set him up with.

The TEAC Turntable was collected by FM Jeevan007 the very next day.

The NAD CDP got dropped off for a service this morning and should be ready in a couple of days.

Odd items and some components from yesteryear projects, for giveaway.

TOYOTA OEM head unit of Innova (used only for a week two years ago). Removed and installed a third party component system.

Audio Source SS Three Dolby Surround Sound Pro logic Processor with Owners manual. 117 Volts, has built in two channel amp for surround. Remote not available and condition not checked.

3.5 HDD USB Desktop SATA External Hard Disk Drive Aluminum Casing.

Some more to come.

3.5" HDD case reserved for jaivelu.

Audio Source SS Three Processor reserved for prosenjit.

And some things for our DIY community:

Gale 3090 subwoofer amp (only plate and filter circuit). Anybody interested can attach a power amp to the filter and use it as a plate amp. Two nos filter circuit assembly only.

Mallory USA 100000 MFD 30 VWDC filter/stiffening capacitors. Perfect condition.


Assorted sizes bobbins (20 nos) turned from solid teak wood, for winding DIY air core inductor coils. Former:1inch Coil length: 1inch, 1.5 inches and 2 inches


Air core inductor coils of crossovers, from earlier speaker projects. 16 and 18 gauge copper wire. Can be trimmed and used in small two way bookshelf Xovers. .08mH-----2Pcs .23mH-----2Pcs .38mH-----2Pcs .46mH-----2Pcs

Pair of small MDF bookshelf enclosures black laminated, teak baffle with Gale 4 woofers, Al adapter rings for tweeters, crossover boards with some capacitors on and speaker binding posts,


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Hi Krishna,

Thanks a lot. One more clarification please. If I get the Toyota OEM unit, can I connect the speakers directly to it, or do I need any other amp in between the OEM unit and speakers?
Hello Krishna,

First of all, thanks a lot for your generous giveaways. Fantastic gesture, I must say.

I would like to ask if the Toyota HU has been taken? I have been looking for a good integrated source to play cassette & CDs and this one seems perfect for the use. In case, it is not yet claimed, could you please give it to me. Though immaterial, esp. in comparison to the giveaway, I will bear the packing & shipping charges & any other charges that you may incur in the process. If the HU is already taken, then please ignore the post.


Pair of small MDF bookshelf enclosures black laminated, teak baffle with Gale 4 woofers, Al adapter rings for tweeters, crossover boards with some capacitors on and speaker binding posts,

can i have the MDF BS enclosure. would like to use it for my DIY... for BS as a secondary setup...
Hi Krishna,

Thanks a lot. One more clarification please. If I get the Toyota OEM unit, can I connect the speakers directly to it, or do I need any other amp in between the OEM unit and speakers?

Assuming you want this for your home...You will require a way to provide 12 volts DC power to the unit. If you can do that then you can connect this to any speakers. Power from home mains is 240 volts AC power.

A separate amp is not required unless you feel the output is not loud enough.
Hi Krishna,

Thanks a lot. One more clarification please. If I get the Toyota OEM unit, can I connect the speakers directly to it, or do I need any other amp in between the OEM unit and speakers?


As sachin explained the HU is an integrated unit with built in amps for 4 ohms load. All you need is a robust 12 VDC power supply.
As you have already opted for the HDD casing, may I reserve this for saket.

TOYOTA HU reserved for you.

You may pl collect the enclosures. Hope you have my address.

You may pl collect the enclosures. Hope you have my address.


yes.. i remember your place.. will contact you for further details...
and thank you for such an emmense help as i always wanted to do some DIY stuff but lack of enclosures or say competent wood work guys in my area was always a dream. i will soon kick start it once i collect them
Thanks a lot Krishna. Its just a query and not in need of the Toyota HU Unit. I already having a similar Pioneer unit, hence the question.
my friend collected the dolby processor from Krishna sir,hyderabad.
Thanks a lot sir.thanks a lot.
my gratitude towards you for your gesture.

Purchase the Audiolab 6000A Integrated Amplifier at a special offer price.