Well-Known Member
yes..foobar. I tried everything under the sun and everytime came back to foobar.
Now bughead is addictive
Now bughead is addictive

We've forgotten the joy of listening to albums. The playlist seems to have played havoc with our ability to appreciate an album holistically. Perhaps it's time we got back to old-fashioned ways of listening to music?
Don't you sometimes feel that computer playback is very akin to turntable playback?So many parameters to tweak on both the hardware and the software sides. And then there is the question of the quality of the content
6.47 is out...this time it is available on Bug head6.45 is out....
IMO bug head is an advanced live DSP program, it manipulates the sound makes it more pleasant. Nothing wrong in that. Its like "photoshop" of audio world. Some people love it for its capabilities and what it can do. But like we cannot have one preset setting for all the photos in photoshop, same is the case with any DSP program. .
I'd like to quote something fellow forumer IndianEars said (though on a different issue): "Pink Floyd does not make tracks. They make albums." The point being: listen to full albums as intended by the artists, and not sample scatterings of it. A remote control, whether a hardware handheld one or a tablet, tends to make us flit listlessly from one track to another. We've forgotten the joy of listening to albums. The playlist seems to have played havoc with our ability to appreciate an album holistically. Perhaps it's time we got back to old-fashioned ways of listening to music?
It's written in PureBasic which is anything but inefficient. It's extremely powerful and very well suited for writing games or applications like this. Executables are also natively compiled.It was also interesting to note that the application has been written in Basic. An extremely inefficient language for this type of software. Unless he is using a compiler, he is transferring the runtime DLL with every download. That could be the reason for the application being a resource hog.
It's written in PureBasic which is anything but inefficient. It's extremely powerful and very well suited for writing games or applications like this. Executables are also natively compiled.
What are you referring to here? How do you know he is using API's? API's for doing what?I would look for a way to be able to handle the data directly instead of using APIs. When we talk to jitter, we are talking about milliseconds, and APIs do insert a time lag, however small.
My observations are similar.and dont worry about the settings too. I play it in default mode and still it beats my previous player in terms of timing , resolution, sound stage and above all it gives some unexplained magical presentation.
Looks like Bug Head development has stopped.